►Cresqml2 ::AbstractColumnLayerGridRepresentation | |
►Cresqml2::AbstractIjkGridRepresentation | Proxy class for an abstract IJK grid representation. This class is semantically abstract. Technically speaking, it is not an abstract because it can be used in case of partial transfer where we don't know the geometry of the IJK grid |
Cresqml2::IjkGridExplicitRepresentation | An IJK Grid explicit representation defines each cell corner position by means of XYZ coordinates. Adjacent cell corner are supposed to be located the same so they are not repeated unless you define split lines or split nodes |
Cresqml2::IjkGridLatticeRepresentation | The main use case for this class is the representation of a seismic cubes. I is the fastest axis and K is the slowest axis. Notice that seismic domain will more likely use a vertical axis as the fastest one where a reservori domain will more likely use a vertical axis as the fastest one |
Cresqml2::IjkGridNoGeometryRepresentation | This class is dedicated to IJK grids with undefined IjkGridGeometry . There are two main use cases. A first one is block-centered grid, where no geometry is attached to nodes but a property should spatialize cells centers. A second one is LGRs (local refinement grids), where the refined geometry is given thanks to refinement parameters |
Cresqml2::IjkGridParametricRepresentation | An IJK Grid parametric representation define the cell corner positions by means of parameters along the pillars of the grid. Adjacent cell corner are supposed to be located the same so they are not repeated unless you define split lines or split nodes |
►Cresqml2 ::AbstractFeatureInterpretation | |
Cresqml2::GenericFeatureInterpretation | An interpretation of a feature that is not specialized. For example, use it when the specialized type of the associated feature is not known |
Cresqml2::GeobodyInterpretation | A type of rock feature, this class identifies if a rock feature is a geobody with any qualifications on the interpretation of the geobody |
Cresqml2::RockFluidUnitInterpretation | A type of rock fluid feature-interpretation , this class identifies a rock fluid feature by its phase |
►Cresqml2 ::AbstractGridRepresentation | |
Cresqml2::AbstractColumnLayerGridRepresentation | Proxy class for an abstract column layer grid representation |
►Cresqml2 ::AbstractLocal3dCrs | |
Cresqml2::LocalDepth3dCrs | Defines a local depth coordinate system. The geometrical origin and location are defined by the elements of the base class AbstractLocal3dCrs. This CRS uses the units of measure of its projected and vertical CRS |
►Ccommon ::AbstractObject | |
►CWITSML2_NS::Well | Contains all information that is the same for all wellbores (sidetracks) |
Cwitsml2_1::Well | Contains all information that is the same for all wellbores (sidetracks) |
►CWITSML2_NS::Wellbore | A wellbore represents the path from surface to a unique bottomhole location |
Cwitsml2_1::Wellbore | A wellbore represents the path from surface to a unique bottomhole location |
►CWITSML2_NS::WellboreObject | |
Cwitsml2_1::ChannelMetaDataObject< gsoap_eml2_3::witsml21__Channel > | |
Cwitsml2_1::ChannelMetaDataObject< gsoap_eml2_3::witsml21__ChannelSet > | |
►Cwitsml2_1::ChannelMetaDataObject< gsoap_eml2_3::witsml21__Log > | |
Cwitsml2_1::Log | |
►CWITSML2_NS::Trajectory | It contains many trajectory stations to capture the information about individual survey points |
Cwitsml2_1::Trajectory | It contains many trajectory stations to capture the information about individual survey points |
►Cwitsml2_1::ChannelMetaDataObject< T > | |
►Cwitsml2_1::ChannelIndexDataObject< gsoap_eml2_3::witsml21__Channel > | |
Cwitsml2_1::Channel | |
►Cwitsml2_1::ChannelIndexDataObject< gsoap_eml2_3::witsml21__ChannelSet > | |
Cwitsml2_1::ChannelSet | |
Cwitsml2_1::ChannelIndexDataObject< T > | |
Cwitsml2_1::WellboreCompletion | |
Cwitsml2_1::WellboreGeometry | |
Cwitsml2_1::WellboreMarker | |
Cwitsml2_1::WellboreMarkerSet | |
Ceml2::Activity | Instance of a given activity |
Ceml2::ActivityTemplate | Description of one type of activity |
►Ceml2::EpcExternalPartReference | Proxy class for handling external parts of an EPC package. It must be used at least for external HDF5 parts |
►Ceml2::AbstractHdfProxy | An abstract proxy for reading and writing values into an HDF5 file. It is possible to derive this class in a custom class in order for the FESAPI user to get change the FESAPI reads from and writes to HDF5 file. However, please note that the RESQML standard mandates so far a HDF5 1.8 backward compatibility. In ordre to achieve this backward compatibility please use hid_t access_props = H5Pcreate (H5P_FILE_ACCESS); H5Pset_libver_bounds (access_props, H5F_LIBVER_V18, H5F_LIBVER_V18); when you create an HDF5 file before to write into it. See https://confluence.hdfgroup.org/display/HDF5/H5P_SET_LIBVER_BOUNDS for more details |
Ceml2::HdfProxy | A proxy for reading and writing values into an HDF5 file |
Ceml2::GraphicalInformationSet | Proxy class for handling the graphical information of data objects |
Ceml2::PropertyKind | Property kinds carry the semantics of property values. They are used to identify if the values are, for example, representing porosity, length, stress tensor, etc. Energistics provides a list of standard property kind that represent the basis for the commonly used properties in the E&P subsurface workflow |
Ceml2::TimeSeries | Proxy class for time series. Stores an ordered list of times, for example, for time- dependent properties, geometries, or representations. It is used in conjunction with the time index to specify times for RESQML |
Cprodml2_2::FluidCharacterization | |
Cprodml2_2::FluidSystem | |
Cprodml2_2::TimeSeriesData | |
►Cresqml2::AbstractColorMap | Map of abstract colors |
Cresqml2::ContinuousColorMap | Map of continuous colors. This class cannot be inherited |
Cresqml2::DiscreteColorMap | Map of discrete colors. This class cannot be inherited |
►Cresqml2::AbstractFeature | Proxy class for an abstract feature |
►Cresqml2::AbstractTechnicalFeature | An abstract technical feature. These are objects that exist by the action of humans |
►Cresqml2::AbstractSeismicLineFeature | Proxy class for an abstract seismic line feature. Defined by one lateral dimension: trace (lateral). Seismic trace of the 3D seismic survey. To specify its location, the seismic feature can be associated with the seismic coordinates of the points of a representation |
Cresqml2::CmpLineFeature | |
Cresqml2::ShotPointLineFeature | |
Cresqml2::SeismicLatticeFeature | Defined by two lateral ordered dimensions: inline (lateral), crossline (lateral and orthogonal to the inline dimension), which are fixed |
Cresqml2::SeismicLineSetFeature | Frox class for a seismic line set feature. It is an unordered set of several seismic lines. Generally, it has no direct interpretation or representation |
Cresqml2::StreamlinesFeature | Specification of the vector field upon which the streamlines are based |
Cresqml2::WellboreFeature | May refer to one of these: wellbore, borehole or sidetrack |
Cresqml2::BoundaryFeature | A boundary feature. This is an interface between two geological objects, such as horizons and faults. It is a surface object |
Cresqml2::Model | The explicit description of the relationships between geologic features, such as rock features (e.g. stratigraphic units, geobodies, phase unit) and boundary features (e.g., genetic, tectonic, and fluid boundaries). In general, this concept is usually called an "earth model", but it is not called that in RESQML |
Cresqml2::RockVolumeFeature | A continuous portion of rock material bounded by definite rock boundaries. It is a volume object |
►Cresqml2::AbstractFeatureInterpretation | Proxy class for an abstract feature interpretation |
►Cresqml2::AbstractOrganizationInterpretation | This class defines the behaviour of all RESQML2 organizations |
►Cresqml2::AbstractStratigraphicOrganizationInterpretation | An abstract stratigraphic organization interpretation is the main class that defines the relationships between the stratigraphic units and provides the stratigraphic hierarchy of the earth |
Cresqml2::StratigraphicColumnRankInterpretation | A stratigraphic column rank interpretation is a global hierarchy containing an ordered list of stratigraphic unit interpretations |
Cresqml2::StratigraphicOccurrenceInterpretation | This class is a container for stratigraphic organizations described along a wellbore |
Cresqml2::RockFluidOrganizationInterpretation | This class describes the organization of geological reservoir, i.e., of an interconnected network of porous and permeable rock units, containing an accumulation of economic fluids, such as oil and gas. A reservoir is normally enveloped by rock and fluid barriers and contains a single natural pressure system |
Cresqml2::StructuralOrganizationInterpretation | One of the main types of RESQML organizations, this class gathers boundary interpretations (e.g., horizons and faults) plus frontier features and their relationships (contacts interpretations), which when taken together define the structure of a part of the earth |
►Cresqml2::BoundaryFeatureInterpretation | A boundary feature interpretation. This is the main class for data describing an opinion of a surface feature between two volumes |
Cresqml2::FaultInterpretation | A fault interpretation. This type of boundary feature contains the data describing an opinion about the characterization of the fault |
Cresqml2::FluidBoundaryInterpretation | |
Cresqml2::GeobodyBoundaryInterpretation | A type of boundary feature, this class identifies if the boundary is a geobody and the type of the boundary |
Cresqml2::HorizonInterpretation | An interpretation of a horizon, which optionally provides stratigraphic information |
Cresqml2::EarthModelInterpretation | This class is a container for stratigraphic, structural and rock fluid organization interpretations that are consistent to each others |
Cresqml2::StratigraphicUnitInterpretation | The interpretation of a stratigraphic unit |
Cresqml2::WellboreInterpretation | Contains the data describing an opinion of a borehole.This interpretation is relative to one particular well trajectory |
►Cresqml2::AbstractLocal3dCrs | Proxy class for an abstract local 3D coordinate reference system (CRS) |
Cresqml2::LocalTime3dCrs | Defines a local time coordinate system. The geometrical origin and location are defined by the elements of the base class AbstractLocal3dCrs. This CRS defines the time unit that the time-based geometries that refer to it will use |
►Cresqml2::AbstractProperty | Proxy class for an abstract property |
►Cresqml2::AbstractValuesProperty | Proxy class for an abstract values property |
Cresqml2::CategoricalProperty | Proxy class for a categorical property. It contains discrete integers. This type of property is associated either: as an internally stored index to a string through a lookup mapping, or as an internally stored double to another double value through an explicitly provided table |
Cresqml2::CommentProperty | Proxy class for a comment property. It is used to capture comments or annotations associated with a given element type in a data-object, for example, associating comments on the specific location of a well path |
Cresqml2::ContinuousProperty | Proxy class for a continuous property. Most common type of property used for storing rock or fluid attributes; all are represented as floating point values. So that the value range can be known before accessing all values, the min and max values of the range are also optionally stored |
Cresqml2::PointsProperty | Proxy class for an points property |
►Cresqml2::AbstractRepresentation | Proxy class for an abstract representation |
►Cresqml2::AbstractGridRepresentation | Proxy class for an abstract grid representation |
Cresqml2::UnstructuredGridRepresentation | Unstructured grid representation characterized by a cell count, and potentially nothing else. Both the oldest and newest simulation formats are based on this format |
►Cresqml2::AbstractSurfaceRepresentation | An abstract surface representation. It is the parent class of structural surface representations, which can be bounded by an outer ring and has inner rings. These surfaces may consist of one or more patches |
Cresqml2::Grid2dRepresentation | A 2d grid representation |
Cresqml2::PlaneSetRepresentation | Defines a plane representation, which can be made up of multiple patches. Commonly represented features are fluid contacts or frontiers. Common geometries of this representation are titled or horizontal planes |
Cresqml2::TriangulatedSetRepresentation | A triangulated representation is a representation (most of time a surface) which is constituted by triangles. Usually all triangles are connected to each others by means of their nodes and edges |
Cresqml2::DeviationSurveyRepresentation | A deviation survey representation. It Specifies the station data from a deviation survey |
Cresqml2::GridConnectionSetRepresentation | Proxy class for a grid connection set representation. This representation consists of a list of connections between grid cells, potentially on different grids |
Cresqml2::PointSetRepresentation | A representation that consists of one or more node patches. Each node patch is an array of xyz coordinates for the 3D points. There is no implied linkage between the multiple patches |
Cresqml2::PolylineRepresentation | A representation made up of a single polyline or "polygonal chain", which may be closed or not. See definition here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piecewise_linear_curve |
Cresqml2::PolylineSetRepresentation | A representation made up of a set of polylines or a set of polygonal chains (for more information, see PolylineRepresentation) |
Cresqml2::StreamlinesRepresentation | Representation of streamlines associated with a streamline feature and interpretation. Use the StreamlinesFeature to specify the vector field that supports the streamlines, i.e., describes what flux is being traced. Use the Generic Feature Interpretation to distinguish between shared and differing interpretations |
►Cresqml2::WellboreFrameRepresentation | Proxy class for a wellbore frame representation. A wellbore frame representation is a representation of a wellbore that is organized along a wellbore trajectory by its MD values |
Cresqml2::BlockedWellboreRepresentation | A blocked wellbore representation. This is the information that allows you to locate, on one or several grids (existing or planned), the intersection of volume (cells) and surface (faces) elements with a wellbore trajectory (existing or planned) |
Cresqml2::SeismicWellboreFrameRepresentation | A seismic wellbore frame representation. This class cannot be inherited |
Cresqml2::WellboreMarkerFrameRepresentation | A well log frame where each entry represents a well marker |
Cresqml2::WellboreTrajectoryRepresentation | Representation of a wellbore trajectory |
Cresqml2::DoubleTableLookup | Defines a function for table lookups. For example, used for linear interpolation, such as PVT |
Cresqml2::MdDatum | Proxy class for a MD datum. An MD datum specifies the location of the measured depth = 0 reference point. The location of this reference point is defined with respect to a CRS, which need not be the same as the CRS of a wellbore trajectory representation, which may reference this location |
Cresqml2::StratigraphicColumn | A global interpretation of the stratigraphy, which can be made up of several ranks of stratigraphic unit interpretations |
Cresqml2::StringTableLookup | Defines an integer (key) to string (value) lookup table, for example, stores facies properties, where a facies index is associated with a facies name |
Cresqml2::WellboreMarker | Representation of a wellbore marker that is located along a wellbore trajectory, one for each MD value in the wellbore frame |
Cresqml2_0_1::PropertySet | Proxy class for a property set. A property set is a set of properties collected together for a specific purpose |
Cwitsml2_1::ErrorTerm | |
Cwitsml2_1::ErrorTermDictionary | |
Cwitsml2_1::ToolErrorModel | |
Cwitsml2_1::ToolErrorModelDictionary | |
Cwitsml2_1::WeightingFunction | |
Cwitsml2_1::WeightingFunctionDictionary | |
Cwitsml2_1::WellCompletion | |
Ccommon::AbstractObject | An abstract data object |
►Cresqml2 ::AbstractRepresentation | |
►Cresqml2::RepresentationSetRepresentation | Proxy class for a representation set representation. This is the parent class of the framework representations. It is used to group together individual representations to represent a "bag" of representations |
►Cresqml2::AbstractSurfaceFrameworkRepresentation | Parent class for a sealed or non-sealed surface framework representation. Each one instantiates a representation set representation. The difference between the sealed and non- sealed frameworks is that, in the non-sealed case, we do not have all of the contacts, or we have all of the contacts but they are not all sealed |
Cresqml2::NonSealedSurfaceFrameworkRepresentation | A non sealed surface framework representation is collection of contact representations parts, which are a list of contact patches with no identity. This collection of contact representations is completed by a set of representations gathered at the representation set representation level |
Cresqml2::SealedSurfaceFrameworkRepresentation | A collection of contact, which are a list of contact patches and their identities. This collection of contact is completed by a set of representations gathered at the representation set representation level |
Cresqml2::SealedVolumeFrameworkRepresentation | A strict boundary representation (BREP), which represents the volume region by assembling together shells |
Cresqml2::SubRepresentation | Proxy class for a sub-representation. A sub representation is an ordered list of indexable elements and/or indexable element pairs of an existing representation |
►Cresqml2 ::AbstractSeismicLineFeature | |
Cresqml2_0_1::SeismicLineFeature | |
►Cresqml2 ::AbstractTechnicalFeature | |
Cresqml2::CulturalFeature | A cultural feature. It identifies a frontier or boundary in the earth model that is not a geological feature but an arbitrary geographic/geometric surface used to delineate the boundary of the model |
►Cresqml2 ::AbstractValuesProperty | |
Cresqml2::DiscreteProperty | Proxy class for a discrete property. Such property contains discrete integer values; typically used to store any type of index. So that the value range can be known before accessing all values, it also optionally stores the minimum and maximum value in the range |
►Ceml2 ::Activity | |
Ceml2_3::Activity | |
Cresqml2_0_1::Activity | |
►Ceml2 ::ActivityTemplate | |
Ceml2_3::ActivityTemplate | |
Cresqml2_0_1::ActivityTemplate | |
►Cresqml2 ::BlockedWellboreRepresentation | |
Cresqml2_0_1::BlockedWellboreRepresentation | |
Cresqml2_2::BlockedWellboreRepresentation | |
►Cresqml2 ::BoundaryFeature | |
►Cresqml2_0_1::BoundaryFeature | |
Cresqml2_0_1::FluidBoundaryFeature | |
►Cresqml2_0_1::GeneticBoundaryFeature | |
Cresqml2_0_1::Horizon | |
Cresqml2_0_1::TectonicBoundaryFeature | |
Cresqml2_2::BoundaryFeature | |
►Cresqml2 ::BoundaryFeatureInterpretation | |
Cresqml2_0_1::BoundaryFeatureInterpretation | |
Cresqml2_2::BoundaryFeatureInterpretation | |
►Cresqml2 ::CategoricalProperty | |
Cresqml2_0_1::CategoricalProperty | |
►Cresqml2 ::CmpLineFeature | |
Cresqml2_2::CmpLineFeature | |
►Cresqml2 ::CommentProperty | |
Cresqml2_0_1::CommentProperty | |
Cresqml2_2::CommentProperty | |
Cepc::ContentType | |
►Cresqml2 ::ContinuousColorMap | |
Cresqml2_2::ContinuousColorMap | Map of continuous colors. This class cannot be inherited |
►Cresqml2 ::ContinuousProperty | |
Cresqml2_0_1::ContinuousProperty | |
Cresqml2_2::ContinuousProperty | |
Cepc::CoreProperty | |
►Cresqml2 ::CulturalFeature | |
Cresqml2_0_1::FrontierFeature | |
Cresqml2_2::CulturalFeature | |
CCOMMON_NS::DataFeeder | |
►CDataFeeder | |
Ccommon::EpcDocument | This class allows an access to a memory package representing an EPC document |
Ccommon::DataObjectReference | This class wraps an Energistics Data Object Reference whatever its version is |
Ccommon::DataObjectRepository | This abstract class acts as a buffer between the RESQML (business) classes and the persisted data |
►Cresqml2 ::DeviationSurveyRepresentation | |
Cresqml2_0_1::DeviationSurveyRepresentation | |
►Cresqml2 ::DiscreteColorMap | |
Cresqml2_2::DiscreteColorMap | Map of discrete colors. This class cannot be inherited |
►Cresqml2 ::DiscreteProperty | |
Cresqml2_0_1::DiscreteProperty | |
Cresqml2_2::DiscreteProperty | |
►Cresqml2 ::DoubleTableLookup | |
Cresqml2_0_1::DoubleTableLookup | |
►Cresqml2 ::EarthModelInterpretation | |
Cresqml2_0_1::EarthModelInterpretation | |
Cresqml2_2::EarthModelInterpretation | |
Ccommon::EnumStringMapper | A class for mapping enum values with strings |
►Cresqml2 ::FaultInterpretation | |
Cresqml2_0_1::FaultInterpretation | |
Cresqml2_2::FaultInterpretation | |
Cepc::FileContentType | |
Cepc::FileCoreProperties | |
Cepc::FilePart | |
Cepc::FileRelationship | |
►Cresqml2 ::FluidBoundaryInterpretation | |
Cresqml2_2::FluidBoundaryInterpretation | |
►Cresqml2 ::GenericFeatureInterpretation | |
Cresqml2_0_1::GenericFeatureInterpretation | |
Cresqml2_2::GenericFeatureInterpretation | |
►Cresqml2 ::GeobodyBoundaryInterpretation | |
Cresqml2_0_1::GeobodyBoundaryInterpretation | |
Cresqml2_2::GeobodyBoundaryInterpretation | |
►Cresqml2 ::GeobodyInterpretation | |
Cresqml2_0_1::GeobodyInterpretation | |
Cresqml2_2::GeobodyInterpretation | |
►Ceml2 ::GraphicalInformationSet | |
Ceml2_3::GraphicalInformationSet | Proxy class for handling the graphical information of data objects |
►Cresqml2 ::Grid2dRepresentation | |
Cresqml2_0_1::Grid2dRepresentation | |
Cresqml2_2::Grid2dRepresentation | |
►Cresqml2 ::GridConnectionSetRepresentation | |
Cresqml2_0_1::GridConnectionSetRepresentation | |
Cresqml2_2::GridConnectionSetRepresentation | |
►Ceml2 ::HdfProxy | |
Ceml2_0::HdfProxy | |
Ceml2_0::HdfProxyMPI | |
Ceml2_3::HdfProxy | |
►Ceml2_0 ::HdfProxy | |
Ceml2_0::HdfProxyROS3 | |
►Ccommon::HdfProxyFactory | An HDF5 file proxy factory |
Ccommon::HdfProxyMPIFactory | A proxy factory for an HDF5 file accessed through HDF5 parallel library (OpenMPI) |
Ccommon::HdfProxyROS3Factory | A proxy factory for an HDF5 file located on an Amazon S3 cloud. Here, HDF5 file access is read only |
►Cresqml2 ::HorizonInterpretation | |
Cresqml2_0_1::HorizonInterpretation | |
Cresqml2_2::HorizonInterpretation | |
►Cresqml2 ::IjkGridExplicitRepresentation | |
Cresqml2_0_1::IjkGridExplicitRepresentation | |
Cresqml2_2::IjkGridExplicitRepresentation | |
►Cresqml2 ::IjkGridLatticeRepresentation | |
Cresqml2_0_1::IjkGridLatticeRepresentation | An ijk grid lattice representation. This class cannot be inherited |
Cresqml2_2::IjkGridLatticeRepresentation | An ijk grid lattice representation. This class cannot be inherited |
►Cresqml2 ::IjkGridNoGeometryRepresentation | |
Cresqml2_0_1::IjkGridNoGeometryRepresentation | An ijk grid no geometry representation. This class cannot be inherited |
Cresqml2_2::IjkGridNoGeometryRepresentation | An ijk grid no geometry representation. This class cannot be inherited |
►Cresqml2 ::IjkGridParametricRepresentation | |
Cresqml2_0_1::IjkGridParametricRepresentation | |
Cresqml2_2::IjkGridParametricRepresentation | |
►Cresqml2 ::LocalDepth3dCrs | |
Cresqml2_0_1::LocalDepth3dCrs | |
►Cresqml2 ::LocalTime3dCrs | |
Cresqml2_0_1::LocalTime3dCrs | |
►Cresqml2 ::MdDatum | |
Cresqml2_0_1::MdDatum | |
►Cresqml2 ::Model | |
Cresqml2_0_1::OrganizationFeature | |
Cresqml2_2::Model | |
►Cresqml2 ::NonSealedSurfaceFrameworkRepresentation | |
Cresqml2_0_1::NonSealedSurfaceFrameworkRepresentation | |
Cresqml2_2::NonSealedSurfaceFrameworkRepresentation | |
Cepc::Package | |
►Cresqml2 ::PlaneSetRepresentation | |
Cresqml2_0_1::PlaneSetRepresentation | |
Cresqml2_2::PlaneSetRepresentation | |
►Cresqml2 ::PointSetRepresentation | |
Cresqml2_0_1::PointSetRepresentation | |
Cresqml2_2::PointSetRepresentation | |
►Cresqml2 ::PointsProperty | |
Cresqml2_0_1::PointsProperty | Proxy class for an points property |
Cresqml2_2::PointsProperty | Proxy class for an points property |
►Cresqml2 ::PolylineRepresentation | |
Cresqml2_0_1::PolylineRepresentation | |
Cresqml2_2::PolylineRepresentation | |
►Cresqml2 ::PolylineSetRepresentation | |
Cresqml2_0_1::PolylineSetRepresentation | |
Cresqml2_2::PolylineSetRepresentation | |
►Ceml2 ::PropertyKind | |
Ceml2_3::PropertyKind | |
Cresqml2_0_1::PropertyKind | |
Cresqml2_0_1::PropertyKindMapper | |
►Cprodml2_2::PvtSpecification | |
►Cprodml2_2::CompositionalSpecification | |
►Cprodml2_2::CompositionalViscositySpecification | |
Cprodml2_2::FrictionTheorySpecification | |
►Cprodml2_2::CorrelationViscositySpecification | |
Cprodml2_2::CorrelationViscosityBubblePointSpecification | |
Cepc::Relationship | |
►Cresqml2 ::RepresentationSetRepresentation | |
Cresqml2_0_1::RepresentationSetRepresentation | |
Cresqml2_2::RepresentationSetRepresentation | |
►Cresqml2 ::RockFluidOrganizationInterpretation | |
Cresqml2_0_1::RockFluidOrganizationInterpretation | |
Cresqml2_2::RockFluidOrganizationInterpretation | |
►Cresqml2 ::RockFluidUnitInterpretation | |
Cresqml2_0_1::RockFluidUnitInterpretation | A rock fluid unit interpretation. This class cannot be inherited |
Cresqml2_2::RockFluidUnitInterpretation | A rock fluid unit interpretation. This class cannot be inherited |
►Cresqml2 ::RockVolumeFeature | |
►Cresqml2_0_1::GeologicUnitFeature | |
Cresqml2_0_1::GeobodyFeature | |
Cresqml2_0_1::RockFluidUnitFeature | |
Cresqml2_0_1::StratigraphicUnitFeature | |
Cresqml2_2::RockVolumeFeature | |
►Cresqml2 ::SealedSurfaceFrameworkRepresentation | |
Cresqml2_0_1::SealedSurfaceFrameworkRepresentation | |
Cresqml2_2::SealedSurfaceFrameworkRepresentation | |
►Cresqml2 ::SealedVolumeFrameworkRepresentation | |
Cresqml2_0_1::SealedVolumeFrameworkRepresentation | |
Cresqml2_2::SealedVolumeFrameworkRepresentation | |
►Cresqml2 ::SeismicLatticeFeature | |
Cresqml2_0_1::SeismicLatticeFeature | |
Cresqml2_2::SeismicLatticeFeature | |
►Cresqml2 ::SeismicLineSetFeature | |
Cresqml2_0_1::SeismicLineSetFeature | |
Cresqml2_2::SeismicLineSetFeature | |
►Cresqml2 ::SeismicWellboreFrameRepresentation | |
Cresqml2_2::SeismicWellboreFrameRepresentation | A seismic wellbore frame representation. This class cannot be inherited |
►Cresqml2 ::ShotPointLineFeature | |
Cresqml2_2::ShotPointLineFeature | |
►Cresqml2 ::StratigraphicColumn | |
Cresqml2_0_1::StratigraphicColumn | |
Cresqml2_2::StratigraphicColumn | |
►Cresqml2 ::StratigraphicColumnRankInterpretation | |
Cresqml2_0_1::StratigraphicColumnRankInterpretation | |
Cresqml2_2::StratigraphicColumnRankInterpretation | |
►Cresqml2 ::StratigraphicOccurrenceInterpretation | |
Cresqml2_0_1::StratigraphicOccurrenceInterpretation | |
►Cresqml2 ::StratigraphicUnitInterpretation | |
Cresqml2_0_1::StratigraphicUnitInterpretation | |
Cresqml2_2::StratigraphicUnitInterpretation | |
►Cresqml2 ::StreamlinesFeature | |
Cresqml2_0_1::StreamlinesFeature | Specification of the vector field upon which the streamlines are based |
Cresqml2_2::StreamlinesFeature | Specification of the vector field upon which the streamlines are based |
►Cresqml2 ::StreamlinesRepresentation | |
Cresqml2_0_1::StreamlinesRepresentation | Specification of the vector field upon which the streamlines are based |
Cresqml2_2::StreamlinesRepresentation | Specification of the vector field upon which the streamlines are based |
►Cresqml2 ::StringTableLookup | |
Cresqml2_0_1::StringTableLookup | |
►Cresqml2 ::StructuralOrganizationInterpretation | |
Cresqml2_0_1::StructuralOrganizationInterpretation | A structural organization interpretation. This class cannot be inherited |
Cresqml2_2::StructuralOrganizationInterpretation | A structural organization interpretation. This class cannot be inherited |
►Cresqml2 ::SubRepresentation | |
Cresqml2_0_1::SubRepresentation | |
Cresqml2_2::SubRepresentation | |
►Ceml2 ::TimeSeries | |
Ceml2_3::TimeSeries | |
Cresqml2_0_1::TimeSeries | |
►Cresqml2 ::TriangulatedSetRepresentation | |
Cresqml2_0_1::TriangulatedSetRepresentation | |
Cresqml2_2::TriangulatedSetRepresentation | |
►Cresqml2 ::UnstructuredGridRepresentation | |
Cresqml2_0_1::UnstructuredGridRepresentation | An unstructured grid representation. This class cannot be inherited |
Cresqml2_2::UnstructuredGridRepresentation | An unstructured grid representation. This class cannot be inherited |
►Cresqml2 ::WellboreFeature | |
Cresqml2_0_1::WellboreFeature | |
Cresqml2_2::WellboreFeature | |
►Cresqml2 ::WellboreFrameRepresentation | |
Cresqml2_0_1::WellboreFrameRepresentation | |
Cresqml2_2::WellboreFrameRepresentation | A wellbore frame representation |
►Cresqml2 ::WellboreInterpretation | |
Cresqml2_0_1::WellboreInterpretation | |
Cresqml2_2::WellboreInterpretation | |
►Cresqml2 ::WellboreMarker | |
Cresqml2_0_1::WellboreMarker | |
►Cresqml2 ::WellboreMarkerFrameRepresentation | |
Cresqml2_0_1::WellboreMarkerFrameRepresentation | |
►Cresqml2 ::WellboreTrajectoryRepresentation | |
Cresqml2_0_1::WellboreTrajectoryRepresentation | |
Cresqml2_2::WellboreTrajectoryRepresentation | |