This project provides C++ classes which allow an easy access in import and export to the Energistics standards.
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resqml2::IjkGridExplicitRepresentation Class Referenceabstract

An IJK Grid explicit representation defines each cell corner position by means of XYZ coordinates. Adjacent cell corner are supposed to be located the same so they are not repeated unless you define split lines or split nodes. More...

#include <IjkGridExplicitRepresentation.h>

Inheritance diagram for resqml2::IjkGridExplicitRepresentation:
resqml2::AbstractIjkGridRepresentation resqml2::AbstractColumnLayerGridRepresentation resqml2::AbstractGridRepresentation resqml2::AbstractRepresentation common::AbstractObject resqml2_0_1::IjkGridExplicitRepresentation resqml2_2::IjkGridExplicitRepresentation

Public Member Functions

virtual ~IjkGridExplicitRepresentation ()=default
void getXyzPointsOfKInterfaceSequence (unsigned int kInterfaceStart, unsigned int kInterfaceEnd, double *xyzPoints) override
 Gets all the XYZ points of a particular sequence of K interfaces. XYZ points are given in the local CRS. More...
void getXyzPointsOfBlock (double *xyzPoints) override
 Gets all the XYZ points of the current block. XYZ points are given in the local CRS. Block information must be loaded. More...
virtual void setGeometryAsCoordinateLineNodes (gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml20__PillarShape mostComplexPillarGeometry, gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml20__KDirection kDirectionKind, bool isRightHanded, double *points, eml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy=nullptr, unsigned long splitCoordinateLineCount=0, unsigned int *pillarOfCoordinateLine=nullptr, unsigned int *splitCoordinateLineColumnCumulativeCount=nullptr, unsigned int *splitCoordinateLineColumns=nullptr, char *definedPillars=nullptr, resqml2::AbstractLocal3dCrs *localCrs=nullptr)=0
 Sets the geometry of this IJK grid as explicit coordinate line nodes. See RESQML Usage, Technical guide and Enterprise Architect diagrams for details. More...
virtual void setGeometryAsCoordinateLineNodesUsingExistingDatasets (gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml20__PillarShape mostComplexPillarGeometry, gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml20__KDirection kDirectionKind, bool isRightHanded, const std::string &points, eml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy=nullptr, unsigned long splitCoordinateLineCount=0, const std::string &pillarOfCoordinateLine="", const std::string &splitCoordinateLineColumnCumulativeCount="", const std::string &splitCoordinateLineColumns="", const std::string &definedPillars="", resqml2::AbstractLocal3dCrs *localCrs=nullptr)=0
 Sets the geometry of this IJK grid as explicit coordinate line nodes. See RESQML Usage, Technical guide and Enterprise Architect diagrams for details. Same as setGeometryAsCoordinateLineNodes where the hdf datasets are already written in the the file. More...
bool isNodeGeometryCompressed () const final
geometryKind getGeometryKind () const final
- Public Member Functions inherited from resqml2::AbstractIjkGridRepresentation
 AbstractIjkGridRepresentation (common::DataObjectRepository *repo, const std::string &guid, const std::string &title, unsigned int iCount, unsigned int jCount, unsigned int kCount, bool *kGaps=nullptr, eml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy=nullptr)
 AbstractIjkGridRepresentation (resqml2::AbstractFeatureInterpretation *interp, const std::string &guid, const std::string &title, unsigned int iCount, unsigned int jCount, unsigned int kCount, bool *kGaps=nullptr, eml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy=nullptr)
 AbstractIjkGridRepresentation (gsoap_resqml2_0_1::eml20__DataObjectReference *partialObject, bool withTruncatedPillars=false)
virtual ~AbstractIjkGridRepresentation ()
unsigned int getICellCount () const
void setICellCount (unsigned int iCount)
unsigned int getJCellCount () const
void setJCellCount (unsigned int jCount)
 Sets the count of cells in the J direction. More...
uint64_t getCellCount () const final
unsigned int getColumnCount () const
unsigned int getPillarCount () const
unsigned int getKGapsCount () const
void getKGaps (bool *kGaps) const
unsigned int getFaceCount () const
unsigned int getIPillarFromGlobalIndex (unsigned int globalIndex) const
unsigned int getJPillarFromGlobalIndex (unsigned int globalIndex) const
unsigned int getGlobalIndexPillarFromIjIndex (unsigned int iPillar, unsigned int jPillar) const
unsigned int getIColumnFromGlobalIndex (unsigned int globalIndex) const
unsigned int getJColumnFromGlobalIndex (unsigned int globalIndex) const
unsigned int getGlobalIndexColumnFromIjIndex (unsigned int iColumn, unsigned int jColumn) const
unsigned int getGlobalIndexCellFromIjkIndex (unsigned int iCell, unsigned int jCell, unsigned int kCell) const
bool isRightHanded () const
void getPillarsOfSplitCoordinateLines (unsigned int *pillarIndices, bool reverseIAxis=false, bool reverseJAxis=false) const
void getColumnsOfSplitCoordinateLines (unsigned int *columnIndices, bool reverseIAxis=false, bool reverseJAxis=false) const
void getColumnCountOfSplitCoordinateLines (unsigned int *columnIndexCountPerSplitCoordinateLine) const
unsigned long getSplitCoordinateLineCount () const
unsigned long getBlockSplitCoordinateLineCount () const
uint64_t getSplitNodeCount () const
void getPillarGeometryIsDefined (bool *pillarGeometryIsDefined, bool reverseIAxis=false, bool reverseJAxis=false) const
bool hasEnabledCellInformation () const
void getEnabledCells (bool *enabledCells, bool reverseIAxis=false, bool reverseJAxis=false, bool reverseKAxis=false) const
void setEnabledCells (unsigned char *enabledCells, eml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy=nullptr)
void loadSplitInformation ()
void loadBlockInformation (unsigned int iInterfaceStart, unsigned int iInterfaceEnd, unsigned int jInterfaceStart, unsigned int jInterfaceEnd, unsigned int kInterfaceStart, unsigned int kInterfaceEnd)
void unloadSplitInformation ()
bool isColumnEdgeSplitted (unsigned int iColumn, unsigned int jColumn, unsigned int edge) const
 Checks either a given column edge is splitted or not. This method requires that you have already loaded the split information. More...
uint64_t getXyzPointIndexFromCellCorner (unsigned int iCell, unsigned int jCell, unsigned int kCell, unsigned int corner) const
 Gets the XYZ point index in the HDF dataset from the corner of a cell. This method requires that you have already loaded the split information. More...
void getXyzPointOfBlockFromCellCorner (unsigned int iCell, unsigned int jCell, unsigned int kCell, unsigned int corner, const double *xyzPoints, double &x, double &y, double &z) const
 Gets the x, y and z values of the corner of a cell of a given block. This method requires that you have already both loaded the block information and get the geometry of the block thanks to getXyzPointsOfBlock(). More...
uint64_t getXyzPointCountOfKInterface () const
uint64_t getXyzPointCountOfBlock () const
void getXyzPointsOfKInterface (unsigned int kInterface, double *xyzPoints)
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml20__KDirection getKDirection () const override
virtual common::DataObjectReference getHdfProxyDor () const override
 Gets the data object reference of the HDF proxy which is used for storing the numerical values of this representation (i.e. its geometry). More...
virtual uint64_t getXyzPointCountOfPatch (unsigned int patchIndex) const override
virtual void getXyzPointsOfPatch (unsigned int patchIndex, double *xyzPoints) const override
 Gets all the xyz points of a particular patch of this representation. xyz points are given in the local CRS. More...
std::string getXmlTag () const final
unsigned int getPatchCount () const override
virtual std::string getXmlNamespace () const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from resqml2::AbstractColumnLayerGridRepresentation
virtual ~AbstractColumnLayerGridRepresentation ()=default
unsigned int getKCellCount () const
void setKCellCount (unsigned int kCount)
void setIntervalAssociationWithStratigraphicOrganizationInterpretation (uint64_t *stratiUnitIndices, uint64_t nullValue, resqml2::AbstractStratigraphicOrganizationInterpretation *stratiOrgInterp, eml2::AbstractHdfProxy *hdfProxy=nullptr)
common::DataObjectReference getStratigraphicOrganizationInterpretationDor () const final
bool hasIntervalStratigraphicUnitIndices () const
uint64_t getIntervalStratigraphicUnitIndices (uint64_t *stratiUnitIndices)
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml20__PillarShape getMostComplexPillarGeometry () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from resqml2::AbstractGridRepresentation
virtual ~AbstractGridRepresentation ()=default
std::vector< class GridConnectionSetRepresentation * > getGridConnectionSetRepresentationSet () const
unsigned int getGridConnectionSetRepresentationCount () const
class GridConnectionSetRepresentationgetGridConnectionSetRepresentation (unsigned int index) const
AbstractGridRepresentationgetParentGrid () const
common::DataObjectReference getParentGridDor () const
std::vector< resqml2::AbstractGridRepresentation * > getChildGridSet () const
unsigned int getChildGridCount () const
AbstractGridRepresentationgetChildGrid (unsigned int index) const
void setParentWindow (uint64_t *cellIndices, uint64_t cellIndexCount, class UnstructuredGridRepresentation *parentGrid, eml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy=nullptr)
void setParentWindow (unsigned int *columnIndices, unsigned int columnIndexCount, unsigned int kLayerIndexRegridStart, unsigned int *childCellCountPerInterval, unsigned int *parentCellCountPerInterval, unsigned int intervalCount, class AbstractColumnLayerGridRepresentation *parentGrid, eml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy=nullptr, double *childCellWeights=nullptr)
void setParentWindow (unsigned int iCellIndexRegridStart, unsigned int *childCellCountPerIInterval, unsigned int *parentCellCountPerIInterval, unsigned int iIntervalCount, unsigned int jCellIndexRegridStart, unsigned int *childCellCountPerJInterval, unsigned int *parentCellCountPerJInterval, unsigned int jIntervalCount, unsigned int kCellIndexRegridStart, unsigned int *childCellCountPerKInterval, unsigned int *parentCellCountPerKInterval, unsigned int kIntervalCount, class AbstractIjkGridRepresentation *parentGrid, eml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy=nullptr, double *iChildCellWeights=nullptr, double *jChildCellWeights=nullptr, double *kChildCellWeights=nullptr)
void setParentWindow (unsigned int iCellIndexRegridStart, unsigned int constantChildCellCountPerIInterval, unsigned int constantParentCellCountPerIInterval, unsigned int iIntervalCount, unsigned int jCellIndexRegridStart, unsigned int constantChildCellCountPerJInterval, unsigned int constantParentCellCountPerJInterval, unsigned int jIntervalCount, unsigned int kCellIndexRegridStart, unsigned int constantChildCellCountPerKInterval, unsigned int constantParentCellCountPerKInterval, unsigned int kIntervalCount, class AbstractIjkGridRepresentation *parentGrid, eml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy=nullptr, double *iChildCellWeights=nullptr, double *jChildCellWeights=nullptr, double *kChildCellWeights=nullptr)
 Indicates that this grid takes place into another IJK parent grid. This method assumes that the count of cells per regrid interval is constant in both child and parent grids. More...
void setParentWindow (unsigned int iCellIndexRegridStart, unsigned int iChildCellCount, unsigned int iParentCellCount, unsigned int jCellIndexRegridStart, unsigned int jChildCellCount, unsigned int jParentCellCount, unsigned int kCellIndexRegridStart, unsigned int kChildCellCount, unsigned int kParentCellCount, class AbstractIjkGridRepresentation *parentGrid, eml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy=nullptr, double *iChildCellWeights=nullptr, double *jChildCellWeights=nullptr, double *kChildCellWeights=nullptr)
void setForcedNonRegridedParentCell (uint64_t *cellIndices, uint64_t cellIndexCount)
void setCellOverlap (uint64_t parentChildCellPairCount, uint64_t *parentChildCellPair, const std::string &volumeUom, double *overlapVolumes=nullptr)
int64_t getParentCellIndexCount () const
void getParentCellIndices (uint64_t *parentCellIndices) const
int64_t getParentColumnIndexCount () const
void getParentColumnIndices (uint64_t *parentColumnIndices) const
uint64_t getRegridStartIndexOnParentGrid (char dimension) const
uint64_t getRegridIntervalCount (char dimension) const
bool isRegridCellCountPerIntervalConstant (char dimension, bool childVsParentCellCount) const
uint64_t getRegridConstantCellCountPerInterval (char dimension, bool childVsParentCellCount) const
void getRegridCellCountPerInterval (char dimension, uint64_t *childCellCountPerInterval, bool childVsParentCellCount) const
bool hasRegridChildCellWeights (char dimension) const
void getRegridChildCellWeights (char dimension, double *childCellWeights) const
bool hasForcedNonRegridedParentCell () const
void setCellAssociationWithStratigraphicOrganizationInterpretation (uint64_t *stratiUnitIndices, uint64_t nullValue, class AbstractStratigraphicOrganizationInterpretation *stratiOrgInterp)
class AbstractStratigraphicOrganizationInterpretationgetStratigraphicOrganizationInterpretation () const
bool hasCellStratigraphicUnitIndices () const
uint64_t getCellStratigraphicUnitIndices (uint64_t *stratiUnitIndices)
void setCellAssociationWithRockFluidOrganizationInterpretation (uint64_t *rockFluidUnitIndices, uint64_t nullValue, class RockFluidOrganizationInterpretation *rockFluidOrgInterp)
class RockFluidOrganizationInterpretationgetRockFluidOrganizationInterpretation () const
virtual common::DataObjectReference getRockFluidOrganizationInterpretationDor () const
bool hasCellFluidPhaseUnitIndices () const
uint64_t getCellFluidPhaseUnitIndices (uint64_t *rockfluidUnitIndices)
bool isTruncated () const
uint64_t getTruncatedFaceCount () const
void getNodeIndicesOfTruncatedFaces (uint64_t *nodeIndices) const
void getCumulativeNodeCountPerTruncatedFace (uint64_t *nodeCountPerFace) const
void getNodeCountPerTruncatedFace (uint64_t *nodeCountPerFace) const
uint64_t getTruncatedCellCount () const
void getTruncatedCellIndices (uint64_t *cellIndices) const
void getTruncatedFaceIndicesOfTruncatedCells (uint64_t *faceIndices) const
void getCumulativeTruncatedFaceCountPerTruncatedCell (uint64_t *cumulativeFaceCountPerCell) const
void getTruncatedFaceCountPerTruncatedCell (uint64_t *faceCountPerCell) const
void getNonTruncatedFaceIndicesOfTruncatedCells (uint64_t *faceIndices) const
void getCumulativeNonTruncatedFaceCountPerTruncatedCell (uint64_t *cumulativeFaceCountPerCell) const
void getNonTruncatedFaceCountPerTruncatedCell (uint64_t *faceCountPerCell) const
void getTruncatedFaceIsRightHanded (unsigned char *cellFaceIsRightHanded) const
void loadTargetRelationships ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from resqml2::AbstractRepresentation
virtual ~AbstractRepresentation ()=default
class AbstractLocal3dCrsgetLocalCrs (unsigned int patchIndex) const
virtual common::DataObjectReference getLocalCrsDor (unsigned int patchIndex) const
std::vector< class AbstractProperty * > getPropertySet () const
void setInterpretation (class AbstractFeatureInterpretation *interp)
class AbstractFeatureInterpretationgetInterpretation () const
common::DataObjectReference getInterpretationDor () const
uint64_t getXyzPointCountOfAllPatches () const
void getXyzPointsOfPatchInGlobalCrs (unsigned int patchIndex, double *xyzPoints) const
 Gets all the xyz points of a particular patch of this representation. xyz points are given in the global CRS. More...
void getXyzPointsOfAllPatches (double *xyzPoints) const
 Gets all the xyz points of all patches of this representation. xyz points are given in the local CRS. More...
bool isInSingleLocalCrs () const
bool isInSingleGlobalCrs () const
void getXyzPointsOfAllPatchesInGlobalCrs (double *xyzPoints) const
AbstractRepresentationgetSeismicSupportOfPatch (const unsigned int &patchIndex) const
std::set< AbstractRepresentation * > getAllSeismicSupport () const
void pushBackIntoRepresentationSet (class RepresentationSetRepresentation *repSet)
void addSeismic3dCoordinatesToPatch (unsigned int patchIndex, double *inlines, double *crosslines, unsigned int pointCount, resqml2::AbstractRepresentation *seismicSupport, eml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy)
void addSeismic3dCoordinatesToPatch (unsigned int patchIndex, double startInline, double incrInline, unsigned int countInline, double startCrossline, double incrCrossline, unsigned int countCrossline, resqml2::AbstractRepresentation *seismicSupport)
void addSeismic2dCoordinatesToPatch (unsigned int patchIndex, double *lineAbscissa, resqml2::AbstractRepresentation *seismicSupport, eml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy)
void getSeismicLineAbscissaOfPointsOfPatch (unsigned int patchIndex, double *values) const
void getInlinesOfPointsOfPatch (unsigned int patchIndex, double *values) const
void getCrosslinesOfPointsOfPatch (unsigned int patchIndex, double *values) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from common::AbstractObject
bool isPartial () const
virtual bool isTopLevelElement () const
std::string getUuid () const
std::string getTitle () const
std::string getEditor () const
time_t getCreation () const
tm getCreationAsTimeStructure () const
std::string getOriginator () const
std::string getDescription () const
time_t getLastUpdate () const
tm getLastUpdateAsTimeStructure () const
std::string getFormat () const
std::string getDescriptiveKeywords () const
std::string getVersion () const
void setTitle (const std::string &title)
void setEditor (const std::string &editor)
void setCreation (time_t creation)
void setCreation (const tm &creation)
void setOriginator (const std::string &originator)
void setDescription (const std::string &description)
void setLastUpdate (time_t lastUpdate)
void setLastUpdate (const tm &lastUpdate)
void setDescriptiveKeywords (const std::string &descriptiveKeywords)
void setVersion (const std::string &version)
void setMetadata (const std::string &title, const std::string &editor, time_t creation, const std::string &originator, const std::string &description, time_t lastUpdate, const std::string &descriptiveKeywords)
void serializeIntoStream (std::ostream *stream)
void setGsoapProxy (gsoap_resqml2_0_1::eml20__AbstractCitedDataObject *gsoapProxy)
void setGsoapProxy (gsoap_eml2_1::eml21__AbstractObject *gsoapProxy)
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::eml20__AbstractCitedDataObject * getEml20GsoapProxy () const
gsoap_eml2_1::eml21__AbstractObject * getEml21GsoapProxy () const
gsoap_eml2_2::eml22__AbstractObject * getEml22GsoapProxy () const
void setGsoapProxy (gsoap_eml2_2::eml22__AbstractObject *gsoapProxy)
gsoap_eml2_3::eml23__AbstractObject * getEml23GsoapProxy () const
void setGsoapProxy (gsoap_eml2_3::eml23__AbstractObject *gsoapProxy)
soap * getGsoapContext () const
int getGsoapType () const
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::eml20__DataObjectReference * newResqmlReference () const
gsoap_eml2_1::eml21__DataObjectReference * newEmlReference () const
gsoap_eml2_2::eml22__DataObjectReference * newEml22Reference () const
gsoap_eml2_3::eml23__DataObjectReference * newEml23Reference () const
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml20__ContactElementReference * newContactElementReference2_0_1 () const
gsoap_eml2_3::resqml22__ContactElement * newContactElementReference2_2 () const
common::DataObjectRepositorygetRepository () const
virtual std::string getXmlNamespaceVersion () const
virtual std::string getContentType () const
virtual std::string getQualifiedType () const
virtual std::string getPartNameInEpcDocument () const
std::string serializeIntoString ()
void addAlias (const std::string &authority, const std::string &title)
unsigned int getAliasCount () const
std::string getAliasAuthorityAtIndex (unsigned int index) const
std::string getAliasTitleAtIndex (unsigned int index) const
std::vector< eml2::Activity * > getActivitySet () const
unsigned int getActivityCount () const
eml2::ActivitygetActivity (unsigned int index) const
void pushBackExtraMetadata (const std::string &key, const std::string &value)
std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > getExtraMetadataSet () const
std::vector< std::string > getExtraMetadata (const std::string &key) const
unsigned int getExtraMetadataCount () const
std::string getExtraMetadataKeyAtIndex (unsigned int index) const
std::string getExtraMetadataStringValueAtIndex (unsigned int index) const

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from resqml2::AbstractIjkGridRepresentation
enum  geometryKind {
- Public Types inherited from resqml2::AbstractRepresentation
enum  indexableElement {
  NODE = 0 , EDGE = 1 , FACE = 2 , VOLUME = 3 ,
  PILLAR = 4
- Public Types inherited from common::AbstractObject
enum  hdfDatatypeEnum {
  UNKNOWN = 0 , DOUBLE = 1 , FLOAT = 2 , LONG_64 = 3 ,
  ULONG_64 = 4 , INT = 5 , UINT = 6 , SHORT = 7 ,
  USHORT = 8 , CHAR = 9 , UCHAR = 10
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from common::AbstractObject
static void setFormat (const std::string &vendor, const std::string &applicationName, const std::string &applicationVersionNumber)
- Static Public Attributes inherited from resqml2::AbstractIjkGridRepresentation
static const char * XML_TAG
static const char * XML_TAG_TRUNCATED
- Static Public Attributes inherited from resqml2::AbstractGridRepresentation
static const char * XML_TAG
- Static Public Attributes inherited from resqml2::AbstractRepresentation
static const char * XML_TAG

Detailed Description

An IJK Grid explicit representation defines each cell corner position by means of XYZ coordinates. Adjacent cell corner are supposed to be located the same so they are not repeated unless you define split lines or split nodes.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~IjkGridExplicitRepresentation()

virtual resqml2::IjkGridExplicitRepresentation::~IjkGridExplicitRepresentation ( )

Destructor does nothing since the memory is managed by the gSOAP context.

Reimplemented in resqml2_2::IjkGridExplicitRepresentation, and resqml2_0_1::IjkGridExplicitRepresentation.

Member Function Documentation

◆ getGeometryKind()

geometryKind resqml2::IjkGridExplicitRepresentation::getGeometryKind ( ) const

Gets the geometry kind of this IJK grid.

The geometry kind of this IJK grid.

Reimplemented from resqml2::AbstractIjkGridRepresentation.

◆ getXyzPointsOfBlock()

void resqml2::IjkGridExplicitRepresentation::getXyzPointsOfBlock ( double *  xyzPoints)

Gets all the XYZ points of the current block. XYZ points are given in the local CRS. Block information must be loaded.

std::invalid_argumentIf this grid is truncated.
std::invalid_argumentIf the block information is not loaded.
std::invalid_argumentIf xyzPoints is nullptr.
[out]xyzPointsA linearized 2d array where the first (quickest) dimension is coordinate dimension (XYZ) and second dimension is vertex dimension. It must be pre allocated with a size of 3 * getXyzPointCountOfBlock().

Reimplemented from resqml2::AbstractIjkGridRepresentation.

◆ getXyzPointsOfKInterfaceSequence()

void resqml2::IjkGridExplicitRepresentation::getXyzPointsOfKInterfaceSequence ( unsigned int  kInterfaceStart,
unsigned int  kInterfaceEnd,
double *  xyzPoints 

Gets all the XYZ points of a particular sequence of K interfaces. XYZ points are given in the local CRS.

std::invalid_argumentIf this grid is truncated.
std::out_of_rangeIf kInterfaceStart > getKCellCount() or kInterfaceEnd > getKCellCount() + getKGapsCount().
std::range_errorIf kInterfaceStart > kInterfaceEnd.
std::invalid_argumentIf xyzPoints is nullptr.
kInterfaceStartThe K index of the starting interface taken from zero to getKCellCount().
kInterfaceEndThe K index of the ending interface taken from zero to getKCellCount() + getKGapsCount().
[out]xyzPointsA linearized 2d array where the first (quickest) dimension is coordinate dimension (XYZ) and second dimension is vertex dimension. It must be preallocated with a size of 3 * getXyzPointCountOfKInterface() * (kInterfaceEnd - kInterfaceStart + 1).

Reimplemented from resqml2::AbstractIjkGridRepresentation.

◆ isNodeGeometryCompressed()

bool resqml2::IjkGridExplicitRepresentation::isNodeGeometryCompressed ( ) const

Checks whether the node geometry dataset is compressed or not.

std::invalid_argumentIf this grid has no geometry.
True if the node geometry dataset is compressed, false if not.

Reimplemented from resqml2::AbstractIjkGridRepresentation.

◆ setGeometryAsCoordinateLineNodes()

virtual void resqml2::IjkGridExplicitRepresentation::setGeometryAsCoordinateLineNodes ( gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml20__PillarShape  mostComplexPillarGeometry,
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml20__KDirection  kDirectionKind,
bool  isRightHanded,
double *  points,
eml2::AbstractHdfProxy proxy = nullptr,
unsigned long  splitCoordinateLineCount = 0,
unsigned int *  pillarOfCoordinateLine = nullptr,
unsigned int *  splitCoordinateLineColumnCumulativeCount = nullptr,
unsigned int *  splitCoordinateLineColumns = nullptr,
char *  definedPillars = nullptr,
resqml2::AbstractLocal3dCrs localCrs = nullptr 
pure virtual

Sets the geometry of this IJK grid as explicit coordinate line nodes. See RESQML Usage, Technical guide and Enterprise Architect diagrams for details.

std::invalid_argumentIf points is nullptr.
std::invalid_argumentIf (splitCoordinateLineCount != 0 && (pillarOfCoordinateLine == nullptr || splitCoordinateLineColumnCumulativeCount == nullptr || splitCoordinateLineColumns == nullptr)).
std::invalid_argumentIf proxy is nullptr and no default HDF proxy is defined in the repository.
std::invalid_argumentIf localCrs is nullptr and no default local 3d CRS is defined.
mostComplexPillarGeometryThe most complex pillar geometry which occurs on this reservoir grid.
kDirectionKindThe direction of the K axis on the earth. It is not directly related to Z of the vertical CRS but to the physical earth (as the vertical CRS is).
isRightHandedIndicates that the IJK grid is right handed, as determined by the triple product of tangent vectors in the I, J, and K directions.
[in]pointsXYZ double triplets ordered by i then j then split then k. Count must be ((iCellCount+1) * (jCellCount+1) + splitCoordinateLineCount) * kCellCount.
[in,out]proxy(Optional) The HDF proxy where all numerical values will be stored. If nullptr, then the default HDF proxy of the repository will be used.
splitCoordinateLineCount(Optional) The count of split coordinate line. A grid pillar is splitted in up to 4 coordinate lines.
[in]pillarOfCoordinateLine(Optional) For each split coordinate line, indicates which pillar it belongs to. Pillars are identified by their absolute 1d index (iPillar + jPillar * iPillarCount) where iPillarCount == iCellCount+1. Count is splitCoordinateLineCount.
[in]splitCoordinateLineColumnCumulativeCount(Optional) For each split coordinate line, indicates how many columns of the ijk grid are incident to it (minimum is one and maximum is 3) + the count of all incident columns of previous spit coordinate lines in the array. For example {1, 4, 6} would mean that the first split coordinate line is incident to only one column, the second split coordinate line is incident to 4 - 1 = 3 columns and the third column is incident to 6 - 4 = 2 columns. Count is splitCoordinateLineCount.
[in]splitCoordinateLineColumns(Optional) For each split coordinate line, indicates which columns are incident to it. Count is the last value in the splitCoordinateLineColumnCumulativeCount array. Columns are identified by their absolute 1d index (iColumn + jColumn * iColumnCount) where Column == Cell.
[in]definedPillars(Optional) For each pillar : 0 if pillar is not defined (i.e points equal to NaN) else the pillar is defined. This information overrides any pillar geometry information. If null, then all pillars are assumed to be defined.
[in]localCrs(Optional) The local CRS where the points are given. If nullptr (default) then the default CRS of the repository will be used.

Implemented in resqml2_2::IjkGridExplicitRepresentation, and resqml2_0_1::IjkGridExplicitRepresentation.

◆ setGeometryAsCoordinateLineNodesUsingExistingDatasets()

virtual void resqml2::IjkGridExplicitRepresentation::setGeometryAsCoordinateLineNodesUsingExistingDatasets ( gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml20__PillarShape  mostComplexPillarGeometry,
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml20__KDirection  kDirectionKind,
bool  isRightHanded,
const std::string &  points,
eml2::AbstractHdfProxy proxy = nullptr,
unsigned long  splitCoordinateLineCount = 0,
const std::string &  pillarOfCoordinateLine = "",
const std::string &  splitCoordinateLineColumnCumulativeCount = "",
const std::string &  splitCoordinateLineColumns = "",
const std::string &  definedPillars = "",
resqml2::AbstractLocal3dCrs localCrs = nullptr 
pure virtual

Sets the geometry of this IJK grid as explicit coordinate line nodes. See RESQML Usage, Technical guide and Enterprise Architect diagrams for details. Same as setGeometryAsCoordinateLineNodes where the hdf datasets are already written in the the file.

std::invalid_argumentIf points is nullptr.
std::invalid_argumentIf (splitCoordinateLineCount != 0 && (pillarOfCoordinateLine == nullptr || splitCoordinateLineColumnCumulativeCount == nullptr || splitCoordinateLineColumns == nullptr)).
std::invalid_argumentIf proxy is nullptr and no default HDF proxy is defined in the repository.
std::invalid_argumentIf localCrs is nullptr and no default local 3d CRS is defined.
mostComplexPillarGeometryThe most complex pillar geometry which occurs on this reservoir grid.
kDirectionKindThe direction of the K axis on the earth. It is not directly related to Z of the vertical CRS but to the physical earth (as the vertical CRS is).
isRightHandedIndicates that the IJK grid is right handed, as determined by the triple product of tangent vectors in the I, J, and K directions.
[in]pointsXYZ double triplets ordered by i then j then split then k. Count must be ((iCellCount+1) * (jCellCount+1) + splitCoordinateLineCount) * kCellCount.
[in,out]proxy(Optional) The HDF proxy where all numerical values will be stored. If nullptr, then the default HDF proxy of the repository will be used.
splitCoordinateLineCount(Optional) The count of split coordinate line. A grid pillar is splitted in up to 4 coordinate lines.
[in]pillarOfCoordinateLine(Optional) For each split coordinate line, indicates which pillar it belongs to. Pillars are identified by their absolute 1d index (iPillar + jPillar * iPillarCount) where iPillarCount == iCellCount+1. Count is splitCoordinateLineCount.
[in]splitCoordinateLineColumnCumulativeCount(Optional) For each split coordinate line, indicates how many columns of the ijk grid are incident to it (minimum is one and maximum is 3) + the count of all incident columns of previous spit coordinate lines in the array. For example {1, 4, 6} would mean that the first split coordinate line is incident to only one column, the second split coordinate line is incident to 4 - 1 = 3 columns and the third column is incident to 6 - 4 = 2 columns. Count is splitCoordinateLineCount.
[in]splitCoordinateLineColumns(Optional) For each split coordinate line, indicates which columns are incident to it. Count is the last value in the splitCoordinateLineColumnCumulativeCount array. Columns are identified by their absolute 1d index (iColumn + jColumn * iColumnCount) where Column == Cell.
[in]definedPillars(Optional) For each pillar : 0 if pillar is not defined (i.e points equal to NaN) else the pillar is defined. This information overrides any pillar geometry information. If null, then all pillars are assumed to be defined.
[in]localCrs(Optional) The local CRS where the points are given. If nullptr (default) then the default CRS of the repository will be used.

Implemented in resqml2_2::IjkGridExplicitRepresentation, and resqml2_0_1::IjkGridExplicitRepresentation.

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