This project provides C++ classes which allow an easy access in import and export to the Energistics standards.
Public Member Functions | List of all members
eml2::AbstractHdfProxy Class Referenceabstract

An abstract proxy for reading and writing values into an HDF5 file. It is possible to derive this class in a custom class in order for the FESAPI user to get change the FESAPI reads from and writes to HDF5 file. However, please note that the RESQML standard mandates so far a HDF5 1.8 backward compatibility. In ordre to achieve this backward compatibility please use hid_t access_props = H5Pcreate (H5P_FILE_ACCESS); H5Pset_libver_bounds (access_props, H5F_LIBVER_V18, H5F_LIBVER_V18); when you create an HDF5 file before to write into it. See https://confluence.hdfgroup.org/display/HDF5/H5P_SET_LIBVER_BOUNDS for more details. More...

#include <AbstractHdfProxy.h>

Inheritance diagram for eml2::AbstractHdfProxy:
eml2::EpcExternalPartReference common::AbstractObject ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy eml2::HdfProxy eml2_0::HdfProxy eml2_3::HdfProxy eml2_0::HdfProxyROS3

Public Member Functions

virtual ~AbstractHdfProxy ()=default
void setRootPath (const std::string &rootPath)
void setRelativePath (const std::string &relPath)
void setOpeningMode (common::DataObjectRepository::openingMode openingMode_)
const std::string & getRelativePath () const
virtual void open ()=0
virtual bool isOpened () const =0
virtual void close ()=0
virtual common::AbstractObject::hdfDatatypeEnum getHdfDatatypeInDataset (const std::string &datasetName)=0
virtual int getHdfDatatypeClassInDataset (const std::string &datasetName)=0
virtual void writeItemizedListOfList (const std::string &groupName, const std::string &name, hdf5_hid_t cumulativeLengthDatatype, const void *cumulativeLength, unsigned long long cumulativeLengthSize, hdf5_hid_t elementsDatatype, const void *elements, unsigned long long elementsSize)=0
virtual unsigned int getDimensionCount (const std::string &datasetName)=0
virtual std::vector< unsigned long long > getElementCountPerDimension (const std::string &datasetName)=0
virtual signed long long getElementCount (const std::string &datasetName)=0
virtual void setCompressionLevel (unsigned int newCompressionLevel)=0
virtual void writeArrayNdOfFloatValues (const std::string &groupName, const std::string &name, const float *floatValues, const unsigned long long *numValuesInEachDimension, unsigned int numDimensions)=0
virtual void writeArrayNdOfDoubleValues (const std::string &groupName, const std::string &name, const double *dblValues, const unsigned long long *numValuesInEachDimension, unsigned int numDimensions)=0
virtual void writeArrayNdOfCharValues (const std::string &groupName, const std::string &name, const char *intValues, const unsigned long long *numValuesInEachDimension, unsigned int numDimensions)=0
virtual void writeArrayNdOfIntValues (const std::string &groupName, const std::string &name, const int *intValues, const unsigned long long *numValuesInEachDimension, unsigned int numDimensions)=0
virtual void writeArrayNdOfInt64Values (const std::string &groupName, const std::string &name, const int64_t *values, const unsigned long long *numValuesInEachDimension, unsigned int numDimensions)=0
virtual void writeArrayNdOfUInt64Values (const std::string &groupName, const std::string &name, const uint64_t *values, const unsigned long long *numValuesInEachDimension, unsigned int numDimensions)=0
virtual void writeArrayNd (const std::string &groupName, const std::string &name, hdf5_hid_t datatype, const void *values, const unsigned long long *numValuesInEachDimension, unsigned int numDimensions)=0
virtual void createArrayNd (const std::string &groupName, const std::string &name, hdf5_hid_t datatype, const unsigned long long *numValuesInEachDimension, unsigned int numDimensions)=0
virtual void writeArrayNdSlab (const std::string &groupName, const std::string &name, hdf5_hid_t datatype, const void *values, const unsigned long long *numValuesInEachDimension, const unsigned long long *offsetValuesInEachDimension, unsigned int numDimensions)=0
virtual void writeGroupAttributes (const std::string &groupName, const std::vector< std::string > &attributeNames, const std::vector< std::string > &values)=0
virtual void writeGroupAttribute (const std::string &groupName, const std::string &attributeName, const std::vector< std::string > &values)=0
virtual void writeGroupAttributes (const std::string &groupName, const std::vector< std::string > &attributeNames, const std::vector< double > &values)=0
virtual void writeGroupAttributes (const std::string &groupName, const std::vector< std::string > &attributeNames, const std::vector< int > &values)=0
virtual void writeDatasetAttributes (const std::string &datasetName, const std::vector< std::string > &attributeNames, const std::vector< std::string > &values)=0
virtual void writeDatasetAttribute (const std::string &datasetName, const std::string &attributeName, const std::vector< std::string > &values)=0
virtual void writeDatasetAttributes (const std::string &datasetName, const std::vector< std::string > &attributeNames, const std::vector< double > &values)=0
virtual void writeDatasetAttributes (const std::string &datasetName, const std::vector< std::string > &attributeNames, const std::vector< int > &values)=0
virtual std::string readStringAttribute (const std::string &obj_name, const std::string &attr_name) const =0
virtual std::vector< std::string > readStringArrayAttribute (const std::string &obj_name, const std::string &attr_name) const =0
virtual double readDoubleAttribute (const std::string &obj_name, const std::string &attr_name) const =0
virtual int64_t readLongAttribute (const std::string &obj_name, const std::string &attr_name) const =0
virtual void readArrayNdOfDoubleValues (const std::string &datasetName, double *values)=0
virtual void readArrayNdOfDoubleValues (const std::string &datasetName, double *values, unsigned long long const *numValuesInEachDimension, unsigned long long const *offsetInEachDimension, unsigned int numDimensions)=0
virtual void readArrayNdOfDoubleValues (const std::string &datasetName, double *values, unsigned long long const *blockCountPerDimension, unsigned long long const *offsetInEachDimension, unsigned long long const *strideInEachDimension, unsigned long long const *blockSizeInEachDimension, unsigned int numDimensions)=0
virtual void selectArrayNdOfValues (const std::string &datasetName, unsigned long long const *blockCountPerDimension, unsigned long long const *offsetInEachDimension, unsigned long long const *strideInEachDimension, unsigned long long const *blockSizeInEachDimension, unsigned int numDimensions, bool newSelection, hdf5_hid_t &dataset, hdf5_hid_t &filespace)=0
virtual void readArrayNdOfDoubleValues (hdf5_hid_t dataset, hdf5_hid_t filespace, void *values, unsigned long long slabSize)=0
virtual void readArrayNdOfFloatValues (const std::string &datasetName, float *values)=0
virtual void readArrayNdOfFloatValues (const std::string &datasetName, float *values, unsigned long long const *numValuesInEachDimension, unsigned long long const *offsetInEachDimension, unsigned int numDimensions)=0
virtual void readArrayNdOfInt64Values (const std::string &datasetName, int64_t *values)=0
virtual void readArrayNdOfInt64Values (const std::string &datasetName, int64_t *values, unsigned long long const *numValuesInEachDimension, unsigned long long const *offsetInEachDimension, unsigned int numDimensions)=0
virtual void readArrayNdOfUInt64Values (const std::string &datasetName, uint64_t *values)=0
virtual void readArrayNdOfIntValues (const std::string &datasetName, int *values)=0
virtual void readArrayNdOfIntValues (const std::string &datasetName, int *values, unsigned long long const *numValuesInEachDimension, unsigned long long const *offsetInEachDimension, unsigned int numDimensions)=0
virtual void readArrayNdOfUIntValues (const std::string &datasetName, unsigned int *values)=0
virtual void readArrayNdOfShortValues (const std::string &datasetName, short *values)=0
virtual void readArrayNdOfUShortValues (const std::string &datasetName, unsigned short *values)=0
virtual void readArrayNdOfCharValues (const std::string &datasetName, char *values)=0
virtual void readArrayNdOfUCharValues (const std::string &datasetName, unsigned char *values)=0
virtual std::vector< unsigned long long > readArrayDimensions (const std::string &datasetName)=0
virtual bool exist (const std::string &absolutePathInHdfFile) const =0
virtual bool isCompressed (const std::string &datasetName)=0
void initGsoapProxy (common::DataObjectRepository *repo, const std::string &guid, const std::string &title, unsigned int emlVersion)
- Public Member Functions inherited from eml2::EpcExternalPartReference
virtual ~EpcExternalPartReference ()=default
virtual std::string getXmlTag () const final
- Public Member Functions inherited from common::AbstractObject
bool isPartial () const
virtual bool isTopLevelElement () const
std::string getUuid () const
std::string getTitle () const
std::string getEditor () const
time_t getCreation () const
tm getCreationAsTimeStructure () const
std::string getOriginator () const
std::string getDescription () const
time_t getLastUpdate () const
tm getLastUpdateAsTimeStructure () const
std::string getFormat () const
std::string getDescriptiveKeywords () const
std::string getVersion () const
void setTitle (const std::string &title)
void setEditor (const std::string &editor)
void setCreation (time_t creation)
void setCreation (const tm &creation)
void setOriginator (const std::string &originator)
void setDescription (const std::string &description)
void setLastUpdate (time_t lastUpdate)
void setLastUpdate (const tm &lastUpdate)
void setDescriptiveKeywords (const std::string &descriptiveKeywords)
void setVersion (const std::string &version)
void setMetadata (const std::string &title, const std::string &editor, time_t creation, const std::string &originator, const std::string &description, time_t lastUpdate, const std::string &descriptiveKeywords)
void serializeIntoStream (std::ostream *stream)
void setGsoapProxy (gsoap_resqml2_0_1::eml20__AbstractCitedDataObject *gsoapProxy)
void setGsoapProxy (gsoap_eml2_1::eml21__AbstractObject *gsoapProxy)
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::eml20__AbstractCitedDataObject * getEml20GsoapProxy () const
gsoap_eml2_1::eml21__AbstractObject * getEml21GsoapProxy () const
gsoap_eml2_2::eml22__AbstractObject * getEml22GsoapProxy () const
void setGsoapProxy (gsoap_eml2_2::eml22__AbstractObject *gsoapProxy)
gsoap_eml2_3::eml23__AbstractObject * getEml23GsoapProxy () const
void setGsoapProxy (gsoap_eml2_3::eml23__AbstractObject *gsoapProxy)
soap * getGsoapContext () const
int getGsoapType () const
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::eml20__DataObjectReference * newResqmlReference () const
gsoap_eml2_1::eml21__DataObjectReference * newEmlReference () const
gsoap_eml2_2::eml22__DataObjectReference * newEml22Reference () const
gsoap_eml2_3::eml23__DataObjectReference * newEml23Reference () const
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml20__ContactElementReference * newContactElementReference2_0_1 () const
gsoap_eml2_3::resqml22__ContactElement * newContactElementReference2_2 () const
common::DataObjectRepositorygetRepository () const
virtual std::string getXmlNamespace () const =0
virtual std::string getXmlNamespaceVersion () const
virtual std::string getContentType () const
virtual std::string getQualifiedType () const
virtual std::string getPartNameInEpcDocument () const
std::string serializeIntoString ()
void addAlias (const std::string &authority, const std::string &title)
unsigned int getAliasCount () const
std::string getAliasAuthorityAtIndex (unsigned int index) const
std::string getAliasTitleAtIndex (unsigned int index) const
std::vector< eml2::Activity * > getActivitySet () const
unsigned int getActivityCount () const
eml2::ActivitygetActivity (unsigned int index) const
void pushBackExtraMetadata (const std::string &key, const std::string &value)
std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > getExtraMetadataSet () const
std::vector< std::string > getExtraMetadata (const std::string &key) const
unsigned int getExtraMetadataCount () const
std::string getExtraMetadataKeyAtIndex (unsigned int index) const
std::string getExtraMetadataStringValueAtIndex (unsigned int index) const

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from common::AbstractObject
enum  hdfDatatypeEnum {
  UNKNOWN = 0 , DOUBLE = 1 , FLOAT = 2 , LONG_64 = 3 ,
  ULONG_64 = 4 , INT = 5 , UINT = 6 , SHORT = 7 ,
  USHORT = 8 , CHAR = 9 , UCHAR = 10
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from common::AbstractObject
static void setFormat (const std::string &vendor, const std::string &applicationName, const std::string &applicationVersionNumber)
- Static Public Attributes inherited from eml2::EpcExternalPartReference
static const char * XML_TAG

Detailed Description

An abstract proxy for reading and writing values into an HDF5 file. It is possible to derive this class in a custom class in order for the FESAPI user to get change the FESAPI reads from and writes to HDF5 file. However, please note that the RESQML standard mandates so far a HDF5 1.8 backward compatibility. In ordre to achieve this backward compatibility please use hid_t access_props = H5Pcreate (H5P_FILE_ACCESS); H5Pset_libver_bounds (access_props, H5F_LIBVER_V18, H5F_LIBVER_V18); when you create an HDF5 file before to write into it. See https://confluence.hdfgroup.org/display/HDF5/H5P_SET_LIBVER_BOUNDS for more details.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~AbstractHdfProxy()

virtual eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::~AbstractHdfProxy ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ close()

virtual void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::close ( )
pure virtual

Closes the HDF5 file

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ createArrayNd()

virtual void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::createArrayNd ( const std::string &  groupName,
const std::string &  name,
hdf5_hid_t  datatype,
const unsigned long long *  numValuesInEachDimension,
unsigned int  numDimensions 
pure virtual

Creates an nd array of a specific datatype into the HDF5 file by means of a single dataset. Values are not yet written to this array

groupNameThe name of the group where to create the nd array of specific datatype values. This name must not contain '/' character and must be directly contained in RESQML group.
nameThe name of the nd array HDF5 dataset. It must not exist.
datatypeThe specific datatype of the nd array values.
numValuesInEachDimensionNumber of values in each dimension of the nd array. They are ordered from fastest index to slowest index.
numDimensionsThe number of the dimensions (n) of the nd array to create.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ exist()

virtual bool eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::exist ( const std::string &  absolutePathInHdfFile) const
pure virtual

Checks whether an absolute path exists in the HDF5 file

absolutePathInHdfFileAn absolute path in the HDF5 file.
True if the absolute path exists, else false.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ getDimensionCount()

virtual unsigned int eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::getDimensionCount ( const std::string &  datasetName)
pure virtual

Gets the number of dimensions in an HDF5 dataset of the proxy.

datasetNameThe absolute name (not relative to a group) of the dataset we want to get the number of dimensions.
The number of dimensions of the dataset if successful, otherwise returns a negative value.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ getElementCount()

virtual signed long long eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::getElementCount ( const std::string &  datasetName)
pure virtual

Gets the number of elements in an HDF5 dataset of the proxy. The number of elements is got from all dimensions.

datasetNameThe absolute name (not relative to a group) of the dataset we want to get the number of elements.
The number of elements of the dataset if successful, otherwise returns a negative value.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ getElementCountPerDimension()

virtual std::vector<unsigned long long> eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::getElementCountPerDimension ( const std::string &  datasetName)
pure virtual

Get the number of elements in each dimension in an HDF dataset of the proxy.

datasetNameThe absolute name of the dataset we want to get the number of elements.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ getHdfDatatypeClassInDataset()

virtual int eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::getHdfDatatypeClassInDataset ( const std::string &  datasetName)
pure virtual

Gets the datatype class (H5T_INTEGER, H5T_FLOAT, H5T_STRING, etc.) of a dataset

datasetNameName of the dataset.
The HDF5 datatype class identifier if successful, otherwise H5T_NO_CLASS (-1).

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ getHdfDatatypeInDataset()

virtual common::AbstractObject::hdfDatatypeEnum eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::getHdfDatatypeInDataset ( const std::string &  datasetName)
pure virtual

Gets the native datatype of a dataset

datasetNameName of the dataset.
The native HDF5 datatype identifier of the dataset if successful, otherwise returns a negative value.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ getRelativePath()

const std::string& eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::getRelativePath ( ) const

Gets the relative path of the HDF5 file regarding the path of the directory containing the EPC file associated to this HDF5 file

The relative path of the HDF5 file.

◆ initGsoapProxy()

void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::initGsoapProxy ( common::DataObjectRepository repo,
const std::string &  guid,
const std::string &  title,
unsigned int  emlVersion 

Instantiate and initialize the gsoap proxy. This method is defined in order to be used in derived class without having to link to generated gsoap files. It is public in order for the user to be able to call it in other languages (C#, Java, etc.) thanks to Swig.

[in,out]repoThe repository where the underlying gsoap proxy is going to be initialized.
guidThe guid of the underlying gsoap proxy to be initialized.
titleThe title of the underlying gsoap proxy to be initialized.
emlVersionDesired eml Version such as 20 (for v2.0) or 23 (for v2.3) etc...

◆ isCompressed()

virtual bool eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::isCompressed ( const std::string &  datasetName)
pure virtual

Checks whether a dataset is compressed or not

invalid_argumentThrown when an invalid argument error condition occurs.
datasetNameName of the dataset.
True if compressed, false if not.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ isOpened()

virtual bool eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::isOpened ( ) const
pure virtual

Checks if the HDF5 file is open or not

True if opened, false if not.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ open()

virtual void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::open ( )
pure virtual

Opens the HDF5 file for reading and writing. The read and write rights are determined by the EPC document configuration

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy, and eml2_0::HdfProxyROS3.

◆ readArrayDimensions()

virtual std::vector<unsigned long long> eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::readArrayDimensions ( const std::string &  datasetName)
pure virtual

Reads the dimensions size of an nd array stored in a specific dataset

datasetNameThe absolute name of the nd array dataset.
A vector of dimensions size.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ readArrayNdOfCharValues()

virtual void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::readArrayNdOfCharValues ( const std::string &  datasetName,
char *  values 
pure virtual

Reads an nd array of char values stored in a specific dataset

std::invalid_argumentIf the nd array dataset cannot be opened or read.
datasetNameThe absolute name of the nd array dataset.
[out]values1d array of char values ordered firstly by fastest direction. The values must be pre-allocated and won't be freed by this method.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ readArrayNdOfDoubleValues() [1/4]

virtual void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::readArrayNdOfDoubleValues ( const std::string &  datasetName,
double *  values 
pure virtual

Reads an nd array of double values stored in a specific dataset

std::invalid_argumentIf the nd array dataset cannot be opened or read.
datasetNameThe absolute name of the nd array dataset.
[out]values1d array of double values ordered firstly by fastest direction. The values must be pre-allocated and won't be freed by this method.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ readArrayNdOfDoubleValues() [2/4]

virtual void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::readArrayNdOfDoubleValues ( const std::string &  datasetName,
double *  values,
unsigned long long const *  blockCountPerDimension,
unsigned long long const *  offsetInEachDimension,
unsigned long long const *  strideInEachDimension,
unsigned long long const *  blockSizeInEachDimension,
unsigned int  numDimensions 
pure virtual

Finds the nd array of double values associated with datasetName and reads from it

invalid_argumentThrown when an invalid argument error condition occurs.
datasetNameThe name of the nd array dataset.
[out]values1d array of double values ordered firstly by fastest direction. The values must be pre-allocated and won't be freed by this method.
blockCountPerDimensionNumber of blocks to select from the dataspace, in each dimension. They are ordered from fastest index to slowest index.
offsetInEachDimensionOffset values in each dimension of the nd array to read. They are ordered from fastest index to slowest index.
strideInEachDimensionNumber of elements to move from one block to another in each dimension. They are ordered from fastest index to slowest index.
blockSizeInEachDimensionSize of selected blocks in each dimension. They are ordered from fastest index to slowest index.
numDimensionsThe number of the dimensions (n) of the nd array to read.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ readArrayNdOfDoubleValues() [3/4]

virtual void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::readArrayNdOfDoubleValues ( const std::string &  datasetName,
double *  values,
unsigned long long const *  numValuesInEachDimension,
unsigned long long const *  offsetInEachDimension,
unsigned int  numDimensions 
pure virtual

Finds the nd array of double values associated with datasetName and reads from it

std::invalid_argumentThrown when an invalid argument error condition occurs.
datasetNameThe name of the nd array dataset.
[out]values1d array of double values ordered firstly by fastest direction. The values must be pre-allocated and won't be freed by this method.
numValuesInEachDimensionNumber of values in each dimension of the nd array to read. They are ordered from fastest index to slowest index.
offsetInEachDimensionOffset values in each dimension of the nd array to read. They are ordered from fastest index to slowest index.
numDimensionsThe number of the dimensions (n) of the nd array to read.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ readArrayNdOfDoubleValues() [4/4]

virtual void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::readArrayNdOfDoubleValues ( hdf5_hid_t  dataset,
hdf5_hid_t  filespace,
void *  values,
unsigned long long  slabSize 
pure virtual

Considering a given nd array dataset, reads the double values corresponding to an existing selected region.

invalid_argumentThrown when an invalid argument error condition occurs.
datasetID of the dataset to read from.
filespaceID of the selected region.
[out]values1d array of double values ordered firstly by fastest direction. The values must be pre-allocated and won't be freed by this method.
slabSizeNumber of values to read.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ readArrayNdOfFloatValues() [1/2]

virtual void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::readArrayNdOfFloatValues ( const std::string &  datasetName,
float *  values 
pure virtual

Reads an nd array of float values stored in a specific dataset

std::invalid_argumentIf the nd array dataset cannot be opened or read.
datasetNameThe absolute name of the nd array dataset.
[out]values1d array of float values ordered firstly by fastest direction. The values must be pre-allocated and won't be freed by this method.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ readArrayNdOfFloatValues() [2/2]

virtual void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::readArrayNdOfFloatValues ( const std::string &  datasetName,
float *  values,
unsigned long long const *  numValuesInEachDimension,
unsigned long long const *  offsetInEachDimension,
unsigned int  numDimensions 
pure virtual

Finds the nd array of float values associated with datasetName and reads from it

invalid_argumentThrown when an invalid argument error condition occurs.
datasetNameThe name of the nd array dataset.
[out]values1d array of float values ordered firstly by fastest direction. The values must be pre-allocated and won't be freed by this method.
numValuesInEachDimensionNumber of values in each dimension of the nd array to read. They are ordered from fastest index to slowest index.
offsetInEachDimensionOffset values in each dimension of the nd array to read. They are ordered from fastest index to slowest index.
numDimensionsThe number of the dimensions (n) of the nd array to read.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ readArrayNdOfInt64Values() [1/2]

virtual void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::readArrayNdOfInt64Values ( const std::string &  datasetName,
int64_t *  values 
pure virtual

Reads an nd array of long values stored in a specific dataset

std::invalid_argumentIf the nd array dataset cannot be opened or read.
datasetNameThe absolute name of the nd array dataset.
[out]values1d array of long values ordered firstly by fastest direction. The values must be pre-allocated and won't be freed by this method.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ readArrayNdOfInt64Values() [2/2]

virtual void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::readArrayNdOfInt64Values ( const std::string &  datasetName,
int64_t *  values,
unsigned long long const *  numValuesInEachDimension,
unsigned long long const *  offsetInEachDimension,
unsigned int  numDimensions 
pure virtual

Finds the nd array of long values associated with datasetName and reads from it

invalid_argumentThrown when an invalid argument error condition occurs.
datasetNameThe name of the nd array dataset.
[out]values1d array of long values ordered firstly by fastest direction. The values must be pre-allocated and won't be freed by this method.
numValuesInEachDimensionNumber of values in each dimension of the nd array to read. They are ordered from fastest index to slowest index.
offsetInEachDimensionOffset values in each dimension of the nd array to read. They are ordered from fastest index to slowest index.
numDimensionsThe number of the dimensions (n) of the nd array to read.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ readArrayNdOfIntValues() [1/2]

virtual void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::readArrayNdOfIntValues ( const std::string &  datasetName,
int *  values 
pure virtual

Reads an nd array of int values stored in a specific dataset

std::invalid_argumentIf the nd array dataset cannot be opened or read.
datasetNameThe absolute name of the nd array dataset.
[out]values1d array of int values ordered firstly by fastest direction. The values must be pre-allocated and won't be freed by this method.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ readArrayNdOfIntValues() [2/2]

virtual void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::readArrayNdOfIntValues ( const std::string &  datasetName,
int *  values,
unsigned long long const *  numValuesInEachDimension,
unsigned long long const *  offsetInEachDimension,
unsigned int  numDimensions 
pure virtual

Finds the nd array of int values associated with datasetName and reads from it

std::invalid_argumentThrown when an invalid argument error condition occurs.
datasetNameThe name of the nd array dataset.
[out]values1d array of int values ordered firstly by fastest direction. The values must be pre-allocated and won't be freed by this method.
numValuesInEachDimensionNumber of values in each dimension of the nd array to read. They are ordered from fastest index to slowest index.
offsetInEachDimensionOffset values in each dimension of the nd array to read. They are ordered from fastest index to slowest index.
numDimensionsThe number of the dimensions (n) of the nd array to read.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ readArrayNdOfShortValues()

virtual void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::readArrayNdOfShortValues ( const std::string &  datasetName,
short *  values 
pure virtual

Reads an nd array of short values stored in a specific dataset

std::invalid_argumentIf the nd array dataset cannot be opened or read.
datasetNameThe absolute name of the nd array dataset.
[out]values1d array of short values ordered firstly by fastest direction. The values must be pre-allocated and won't be freed by this method.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ readArrayNdOfUCharValues()

virtual void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::readArrayNdOfUCharValues ( const std::string &  datasetName,
unsigned char *  values 
pure virtual

Reads an nd array of unsigned char values stored in a specific dataset

std::invalid_argumentIf the nd array dataset cannot be opened or read.
datasetNameThe absolute name of the nd array dataset.
[out]values1d array of unsigned char values ordered firstly by fastest direction. The values must be pre-allocated and won't be freed by this method.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ readArrayNdOfUInt64Values()

virtual void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::readArrayNdOfUInt64Values ( const std::string &  datasetName,
uint64_t *  values 
pure virtual

Reads an nd array of unsigned long values stored in a specific dataset

std::invalid_argumentIf the nd array dataset cannot be opened or read.
datasetNameThe absolute name of the nd array dataset.
[out]values1d array of unsigned long values ordered firstly by fastest direction. The values must be pre-allocated and won't be freed by this method.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ readArrayNdOfUIntValues()

virtual void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::readArrayNdOfUIntValues ( const std::string &  datasetName,
unsigned int *  values 
pure virtual

Reads an nd array of unsigned int values stored in a specific dataset

std::invalid_argumentIf the nd array dataset cannot be opened or read.
datasetNameThe absolute name of the nd array dataset.
[out]values1d array of unsigned int values ordered firstly by fastest direction. The values must be pre-allocated and won't be freed by this method.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ readArrayNdOfUShortValues()

virtual void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::readArrayNdOfUShortValues ( const std::string &  datasetName,
unsigned short *  values 
pure virtual

Reads an nd array of unsigned short values stored in a specific dataset

std::invalid_argumentIf the nd array dataset cannot be opened or read.
datasetNameThe absolute name of the nd array dataset.
[out]values1d array of unsigned short values ordered firstly by fastest direction. The values must be pre-allocated and won't be freed by this method.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ readDoubleAttribute()

virtual double eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::readDoubleAttribute ( const std::string &  obj_name,
const std::string &  attr_name 
) const
pure virtual

Reads a double which is stored as an HDF5 attribute in a file, group or dataset

std::invalid_argumentIf the HDF5 file is not opened or if the attribute cannot be read.
obj_nameuse "." if the attribute to read is on the file otherwise the full path of the group or dataset.
attr_nameName of the attribute.
The attribute value.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ readLongAttribute()

virtual int64_t eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::readLongAttribute ( const std::string &  obj_name,
const std::string &  attr_name 
) const
pure virtual

Reads a long which is stored as an HDF5 attribute in a file, group or dataset

std::invalid_argumentIf the HDF5 file is not opened or if the attribute cannot be read.
obj_nameuse '.' if the attribute to read is on the file otherwise the full path of the group or dataset.
attr_nameName of the attribute.
The attribute value.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ readStringArrayAttribute()

virtual std::vector<std::string> eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::readStringArrayAttribute ( const std::string &  obj_name,
const std::string &  attr_name 
) const
pure virtual

Reads string values which are stored as an HDF5 attribute in a file, group or dataset

std::invalid_argumentIf the HDF5 file is not opened or if the attribute cannot be read.
obj_nameUse "." if the attribute to read is on the HDF5 file otherwise the full path of the group or dataset.
attr_nameName of the attribute.
The vector of attribute values.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ readStringAttribute()

virtual std::string eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::readStringAttribute ( const std::string &  obj_name,
const std::string &  attr_name 
) const
pure virtual

Reads a string which is stored as an HDF5 attribute in a file, group or dataset

std::invalid_argumentIf the HDF5 file is not opened or if the attribute cannot be read.
obj_nameUse "." if the attribute to read is on the HDF5 file otherwise the full path of the group or dataset.
attr_nameName of the attribute.
The attribute value.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ selectArrayNdOfValues()

virtual void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::selectArrayNdOfValues ( const std::string &  datasetName,
unsigned long long const *  blockCountPerDimension,
unsigned long long const *  offsetInEachDimension,
unsigned long long const *  strideInEachDimension,
unsigned long long const *  blockSizeInEachDimension,
unsigned int  numDimensions,
bool  newSelection,
hdf5_hid_t &  dataset,
hdf5_hid_t &  filespace 
pure virtual

Considering a given nd array dataset, this method selects an hyperslab region to add to an existing selected region or to add to a new selected region. The dataset is not closed within this method.

invalid_argumentThrown when an invalid argument error condition occurs.
datasetNameThe name of the nd array dataset.
blockCountPerDimensionNumber of blocks to select from the dataspace, in each dimension. They are ordered from fastest index to slowest index.
offsetInEachDimensionOffset values in each dimension of the array to read. They are ordered from fastest index to slowest index.
strideInEachDimensionNumber of elements to move from one block to another in each dimension. They are ordered from fastest index to slowest index.
blockSizeInEachDimensionSize of selected blocks in each dimension. They are ordered from fastest index to slowest index.
numDimensionsThe number of the dimensions (n) of the nd array to read.
newSelectiontrue if creating a new selected region else false.
[in,out]datasetInput dataset ID if adding a new hyperslab region to an existing selected region, output dataset ID if creating a new selected region.
[in,out]filespaceInput selected region ID if adding a new hyperslab region to an existing selected region, output selected region ID if creating a new selected region.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ setCompressionLevel()

virtual void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::setCompressionLevel ( unsigned int  newCompressionLevel)
pure virtual

Sets the new compression level which will be used for all data to be written

newCompressionLevelThe new compression level in range [0..9]. Lower compression levels are faster but result in less compression.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ setOpeningMode()

void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::setOpeningMode ( common::DataObjectRepository::openingMode  openingMode_)

Sets the rights when opening the HDF5 file

openingMode_The opening mode of the HDF5 file.

◆ setRelativePath()

void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::setRelativePath ( const std::string &  relPath)

Sets the relative path of the HDF5 file regarding the path of the directory containing the EPC file associated to this HDF5 file

relPathRelative path of the HDF5 file.

◆ setRootPath()

void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::setRootPath ( const std::string &  rootPath)

Sets the path of the directory containing the EPC file associated to this HDF5 file

rootPathPath of the directory containing the EPC file.

◆ writeArrayNd()

virtual void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::writeArrayNd ( const std::string &  groupName,
const std::string &  name,
hdf5_hid_t  datatype,
const void *  values,
const unsigned long long *  numValuesInEachDimension,
unsigned int  numDimensions 
pure virtual

Writes an nd array of a specific datatype into the HDF5 file by means of a single dataset

groupNameThe name of the group where to create the nd array of specific datatype values. This name must not contain '/' character and must be directly contained in RESQML group.
nameThe name of the nd array HDF5 dataset. It must not already exist.
datatypeThe specific datatype of the values to write.
values1d array of specific datatype values ordered firstly by fastest direction.
numValuesInEachDimensionNumber of values in each dimension of the nd array to write. They are ordered from fastest index to slowest index.
numDimensionsThe number of the dimensions (n) of the nd array to write.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ writeArrayNdOfCharValues()

virtual void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::writeArrayNdOfCharValues ( const std::string &  groupName,
const std::string &  name,
const char *  intValues,
const unsigned long long *  numValuesInEachDimension,
unsigned int  numDimensions 
pure virtual

Writes an nd array of char values into the HDF5 file by means of a single dataset

groupNameThe name of the group where to create the nd array of int values. This name must not contain '/' character and must be directly contained in RESQML group.
nameThe name of the nd array HDF5 dataset. It must not already exist.
intValues1d array of char values ordered firstly by fastest direction.
numValuesInEachDimensionNumber of values in each dimension of the nd array to write. They are ordered from fastest index to slowest index.
numDimensionsThe number of the dimensions (n) of the nd array to write.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ writeArrayNdOfDoubleValues()

virtual void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::writeArrayNdOfDoubleValues ( const std::string &  groupName,
const std::string &  name,
const double *  dblValues,
const unsigned long long *  numValuesInEachDimension,
unsigned int  numDimensions 
pure virtual

Writes an nd array of double values into the HDF5 file by means of a single dataset

groupNameThe name of the group where to create the nd array of double values. This name must not contain '/' character and must be directly contained in RESQML group.
nameThe name of the nd array HDF5 dataset. It must not already exist.
dblValues1d array of double values ordered firstly by fastest direction.
numValuesInEachDimensionNumber of values in each dimension of the nd array to write. They are ordered from fastest index to slowest index.
numDimensionsThe number of dimensions (n) of the nd array to write.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ writeArrayNdOfFloatValues()

virtual void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::writeArrayNdOfFloatValues ( const std::string &  groupName,
const std::string &  name,
const float *  floatValues,
const unsigned long long *  numValuesInEachDimension,
unsigned int  numDimensions 
pure virtual

Writes an nd array of float values into the HDF5 file by means of a single dataset

groupNameThe name of the group where to create the nd array of float values. This name must not contain '/' character and must be directly contained in RESQML group.
nameThe name of the nd array HDF5 dataset. It must not already exist.
floatValues1d array of float values ordered firstly by fastest direction.
numValuesInEachDimensionNumber of values in each dimension of the nd array to write. They are ordered from fastest index to slowest index.
numDimensionsThe number of dimensions (n) of the nd array to write.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ writeArrayNdOfInt64Values()

virtual void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::writeArrayNdOfInt64Values ( const std::string &  groupName,
const std::string &  name,
const int64_t *  values,
const unsigned long long *  numValuesInEachDimension,
unsigned int  numDimensions 
pure virtual

Writes an nd array of integer 64 values into the HDF5 file by means of a single dataset

groupNameThe name of the group where to create the nd array of gSOAP unsigned long 64 values. This name must not contain '/' character and must be directly contained in RESQML group.
nameThe name of the nd array HDF5 dataset. It must not already exist.
values1d array of integer 64 values ordered firstly by fastest direction.
numValuesInEachDimensionNumber of values in each dimension of the nd array to write. They are ordered from fastest index to slowest index.
numDimensionsThe number of the dimensions (n) of the nd array to write.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ writeArrayNdOfIntValues()

virtual void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::writeArrayNdOfIntValues ( const std::string &  groupName,
const std::string &  name,
const int *  intValues,
const unsigned long long *  numValuesInEachDimension,
unsigned int  numDimensions 
pure virtual

Writes an nd array of int values into the HDF5 file by means of a single dataset

groupNameThe name of the group where to create the nd array of int values. This name must not contain '/' character and must be directly contained in RESQML group.
nameThe name of the nd array HDF5 dataset. It must not already exist.
intValues1d array of int values ordered firstly by fastest direction.
numValuesInEachDimensionNumber of values in each dimension of the nd array to write. They are ordered from fastest index to slowest index.
numDimensionsThe number of the dimensions (n) of the nd array to write.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ writeArrayNdOfUInt64Values()

virtual void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::writeArrayNdOfUInt64Values ( const std::string &  groupName,
const std::string &  name,
const uint64_t *  values,
const unsigned long long *  numValuesInEachDimension,
unsigned int  numDimensions 
pure virtual

Writes an nd array of unsigned integer 64 values into the HDF5 file by means of a single dataset

groupNameThe name of the group where to create the nd array of gSOAP unsigned long 64 values. This name must not contain '/' character and must be directly contained in RESQML group.
nameThe name of the nd array HDF5 dataset. It must not already exist.
values1d array of unsigned integer 64 values ordered firstly by fastest direction.
numValuesInEachDimensionNumber of values in each dimension of the nd array to write. They are ordered from fastest index to slowest index.
numDimensionsThe number of the dimensions (n) of the nd array to write.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ writeArrayNdSlab()

virtual void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::writeArrayNdSlab ( const std::string &  groupName,
const std::string &  name,
hdf5_hid_t  datatype,
const void *  values,
const unsigned long long *  numValuesInEachDimension,
const unsigned long long *  offsetValuesInEachDimension,
unsigned int  numDimensions 
pure virtual

Finds the nd array associated with groupName and name and writes into it

groupNameThe name of the group associated with the nd array.
nameThe name of the nd array dataset.
datatypeThe datatype of the nd array values.
values1d array of datatype values ordered firstly by fastest direction.
numValuesInEachDimensionNumber of values in each dimension of the nd array to write. They are ordered from fastest index to slowest index.
offsetValuesInEachDimensionOffset values in each dimension of the nd array to write. They are ordered from fastest index to slowest index.
numDimensionsThe number of the dimensions (n) of the nd array to write.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ writeDatasetAttribute()

virtual void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::writeDatasetAttribute ( const std::string &  datasetName,
const std::string &  attributeName,
const std::vector< std::string > &  values 
pure virtual

Writes a single attribute into a dataset which contain an array of strings values

datasetNameName of the dataset.
attributeNameName of the attribute.
valuesVector of string values.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ writeDatasetAttributes() [1/3]

virtual void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::writeDatasetAttributes ( const std::string &  datasetName,
const std::vector< std::string > &  attributeNames,
const std::vector< double > &  values 
pure virtual

Writes some double attributes into a dataset

std::invalid_argumentAttributes names and double values vector do not have the same size.
datasetNameName of the dataset.
attributeNamesVector of attributes names.
valuesVector of double values.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ writeDatasetAttributes() [2/3]

virtual void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::writeDatasetAttributes ( const std::string &  datasetName,
const std::vector< std::string > &  attributeNames,
const std::vector< int > &  values 
pure virtual

Writes some int attributes into a dataset

std::invalid_argumentAttributes names and int values vector do not have the same size.
datasetNameName of the dataset.
attributeNamesVector of attributes names.
valuesVector of int values.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ writeDatasetAttributes() [3/3]

virtual void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::writeDatasetAttributes ( const std::string &  datasetName,
const std::vector< std::string > &  attributeNames,
const std::vector< std::string > &  values 
pure virtual

Writes some string attributes into a dataset

std::invalid_argumentAttributes names and string values vector do not have the same size.
datasetNameName of the dataset.
attributeNamesVector of attributes names.
valuesVector of string values.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ writeGroupAttribute()

virtual void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::writeGroupAttribute ( const std::string &  groupName,
const std::string &  attributeName,
const std::vector< std::string > &  values 
pure virtual

Writes a single attribute into a group which contains an array of string values

groupNameName of the group.
attributeNameName of the attribute.
valuesVector of string values.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ writeGroupAttributes() [1/3]

virtual void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::writeGroupAttributes ( const std::string &  groupName,
const std::vector< std::string > &  attributeNames,
const std::vector< double > &  values 
pure virtual

Writes some double attributes into a group

std::invalid_argumentAttributes names and double values vector do not have the same size.
groupNameName of the group.
attributeNamesVector of attributes names.
valuesVector of double values.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ writeGroupAttributes() [2/3]

virtual void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::writeGroupAttributes ( const std::string &  groupName,
const std::vector< std::string > &  attributeNames,
const std::vector< int > &  values 
pure virtual

Writes some int attributes into a group

std::invalid_argumentAttributes names and int values vector do not have the same size.
groupNameName of the group.
attributeNamesVector of attributes names.
valuesVector of int values.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ writeGroupAttributes() [3/3]

virtual void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::writeGroupAttributes ( const std::string &  groupName,
const std::vector< std::string > &  attributeNames,
const std::vector< std::string > &  values 
pure virtual

Writes some string attributes into a group

std::invalid_argumentAttributes names and string values vector do not have the same size.
groupNameName of the group.
attributeNamesVector of attributes names.
valuesVector of string values.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

◆ writeItemizedListOfList()

virtual void eml2::AbstractHdfProxy::writeItemizedListOfList ( const std::string &  groupName,
const std::string &  name,
hdf5_hid_t  cumulativeLengthDatatype,
const void *  cumulativeLength,
unsigned long long  cumulativeLengthSize,
hdf5_hid_t  elementsDatatype,
const void *  elements,
unsigned long long  elementsSize 
pure virtual

Writes an itemized list of lists into the HDF5 file by means of a single group containing two datasets: one for the elements and one for the cumulative lengths of the lists of elements.

groupNameThe name of the group where to create the itemized list of lists. This name must not contain '/' character and must be directly contained in the RESQML group.
nameThe name of the itemized list of lists HDF5 group.
cumulativeLengthDatatypeThe datatype of the cumulative lengths dataset to write.
cumulativeLength1d array of positive integers containing for each list the sum of all the previous lists lengths including the current one.
cumulativeLengthSizeSize of the cumulative lengths array.
elementsDatatypeThe datatype of the elements to write.
elements1d array of elements containing the aggregation of individual lists contents.
elementsSizeSize of the elements array.

Implemented in eml2::HdfProxy, and ETP_NS::EtpHdfProxy.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: