This project provides C++ classes which allow an easy access in import and export to the Energistics standards.
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resqml2_0_1 Namespace Reference

The resqml2_0_1 namespace. More...


class  Activity
class  ActivityTemplate
class  BlockedWellboreRepresentation
class  BoundaryFeature
class  BoundaryFeatureInterpretation
class  CategoricalProperty
class  CommentProperty
class  ContinuousProperty
class  DeviationSurveyRepresentation
class  DiscreteProperty
class  DoubleTableLookup
class  EarthModelInterpretation
class  FaultInterpretation
class  FluidBoundaryFeature
class  FrontierFeature
class  GenericFeatureInterpretation
class  GeneticBoundaryFeature
class  GeobodyBoundaryInterpretation
class  GeobodyFeature
class  GeobodyInterpretation
class  GeologicUnitFeature
class  Grid2dRepresentation
class  GridConnectionSetRepresentation
class  Horizon
class  HorizonInterpretation
class  IjkGridExplicitRepresentation
class  IjkGridLatticeRepresentation
 An ijk grid lattice representation. This class cannot be inherited. More...
class  IjkGridNoGeometryRepresentation
 An ijk grid no geometry representation. This class cannot be inherited. More...
class  IjkGridParametricRepresentation
class  LocalDepth3dCrs
class  LocalTime3dCrs
class  MdDatum
class  NonSealedSurfaceFrameworkRepresentation
class  OrganizationFeature
class  PlaneSetRepresentation
class  PointSetRepresentation
class  PointsProperty
 Proxy class for an points property. More...
class  PolylineRepresentation
class  PolylineSetRepresentation
class  PropertyKind
class  PropertyKindMapper
class  PropertySet
 Proxy class for a property set. A property set is a set of properties collected together for a specific purpose. More...
class  RepresentationSetRepresentation
class  RockFluidOrganizationInterpretation
class  RockFluidUnitFeature
class  RockFluidUnitInterpretation
 A rock fluid unit interpretation. This class cannot be inherited. More...
class  SealedSurfaceFrameworkRepresentation
class  SealedVolumeFrameworkRepresentation
class  SeismicLatticeFeature
class  SeismicLineFeature
class  SeismicLineSetFeature
class  StratigraphicColumn
class  StratigraphicColumnRankInterpretation
class  StratigraphicOccurrenceInterpretation
class  StratigraphicUnitFeature
class  StratigraphicUnitInterpretation
class  StreamlinesFeature
 Specification of the vector field upon which the streamlines are based. More...
class  StreamlinesRepresentation
 Specification of the vector field upon which the streamlines are based. More...
class  StringTableLookup
class  StructuralOrganizationInterpretation
 A structural organization interpretation. This class cannot be inherited. More...
class  SubRepresentation
class  TectonicBoundaryFeature
class  TimeSeries
class  TriangulatedSetRepresentation
class  UnstructuredGridRepresentation
 An unstructured grid representation. This class cannot be inherited. More...
class  WellboreFeature
class  WellboreFrameRepresentation
class  WellboreInterpretation
class  WellboreMarker
class  WellboreMarkerFrameRepresentation
class  WellboreTrajectoryRepresentation

Detailed Description

The resqml2_0_1 namespace.