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resqml2_0_1::IjkGridParametricRepresentation Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for resqml2_0_1::IjkGridParametricRepresentation:
resqml2_0_1::AbstractIjkGridRepresentation resqml2::AbstractColumnLayerGridRepresentation resqml2::AbstractGridRepresentation resqml2::AbstractRepresentation resqml2::AbstractObject


class  PillarInformation

Public Member Functions

 IjkGridParametricRepresentation (soap *soapContext, resqml2::AbstractLocal3dCrs *crs, const std::string &guid, const std::string &title, const unsigned int &iCount, const unsigned int &jCount, const unsigned int &kCount, bool withTruncatedPillars=false)
 IjkGridParametricRepresentation (resqml2::AbstractFeatureInterpretation *interp, resqml2::AbstractLocal3dCrs *crs, const std::string &guid, const std::string &title, const unsigned int &iCount, const unsigned int &jCount, const unsigned int &kCount, bool withTruncatedPillars=false)
 IjkGridParametricRepresentation (gsoap_resqml2_0_1::_resqml2__IjkGridRepresentation *fromGsoap)
 IjkGridParametricRepresentation (gsoap_resqml2_0_1::_resqml2__TruncatedIjkGridRepresentation *fromGsoap)
virtual ~IjkGridParametricRepresentation ()
std::string getHdfProxyUuid () const
ULONG64 getXyzPointCountOfKInterfaceOfPatch (const unsigned int &patchIndex) const
ULONG64 getXyzPointCountOfPatch (const unsigned int &patchIndex) const
void loadPillarInformation (PillarInformation &pillarInfo) const
void getXyzPointsOfKInterfaceOfPatch (const unsigned int &kInterface, const unsigned int &patchIndex, double *xyzPoints, const PillarInformation &pillarInfo) const
void getXyzPointsOfPatch (const unsigned int &patchIndex, double *xyzPoints) const
unsigned int getControlPointMaxCountPerPillar () const
void getControlPoints (double *controlPoints, bool reverseIAxis=false, bool reverseJAxis=false, bool reverseKAxis=false) const
bool hasControlPointParameters () const
void getControlPointParameters (double *controlPointParameters, bool reverseIAxis=false, bool reverseJAxis=false, bool reverseKAxis=false) const
bool isParametricLineKindConstant () const
short getConstantParametricLineKind () const
void getParametricLineKind (short *pillarKind, bool reverseIAxis=false, bool reverseJAxis=false) const
void getParametersOfNodes (double *parameters, bool reverseIAxis=false, bool reverseJAxis=false, bool reverseKAxis=false) const
void setGeometryAsParametricNonSplittedPillarNodes (const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__PillarShape &mostComplexPillarGeometry, const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__KDirection &kDirectionKind, const bool &isRightHanded, double *parameters, double *controlPoints, double *controlPointParameters, const unsigned int &controlPointMaxCountPerPillar, short *pillarKind, resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy)
void setGeometryAsParametricNonSplittedPillarNodesUsingExistingDatasets (const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__PillarShape &mostComplexPillarGeometry, const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__KDirection &kDirectionKind, const bool &isRightHanded, const std::string &parameters, const std::string &controlPoints, const std::string &controlPointParameters, const unsigned int &controlPointMaxCountPerPillar, const std::string &pillarKind, const std::string &definedPillars, resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy)
void setGeometryAsParametricSplittedPillarNodes (const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__PillarShape &mostComplexPillarGeometry, const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__KDirection &kDirectionKind, const bool &isRightHanded, double *parameters, double *controlPoints, double *controlPointParameters, const unsigned int &controlPointMaxCountPerPillar, short *pillarKind, resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy, const unsigned long &splitCoordinateLineCount, unsigned int *pillarOfCoordinateLine, unsigned int *splitCoordinateLineColumnCumulativeCount, unsigned int *splitCoordinateLineColumns)
void setGeometryAsParametricSplittedPillarNodesUsingExistingDatasets (const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__PillarShape &mostComplexPillarGeometry, const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__KDirection &kDirectionKind, const bool &isRightHanded, const std::string &parameters, const std::string &controlPoints, const std::string &controlPointParameters, const unsigned int &controlPointMaxCountPerPillar, const std::string &pillarKind, const std::string &definedPillars, resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy, const unsigned long &splitCoordinateLineCount, const std::string &pillarOfCoordinateLine, const std::string &splitCoordinateLineColumnCumulativeCount, const std::string &splitCoordinateLineColumns)
void setGeometryAsParametricSplittedPillarNodes (const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__KDirection &kDirectionKind, const bool &isRightHanded, double *parameters, double *controlPoints, double *controlPointParameters, const unsigned int &controlPointCountPerPillar, short pillarKind, resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy, const unsigned long &splitCoordinateLineCount, unsigned int *pillarOfCoordinateLine, unsigned int *splitCoordinateLineColumnCumulativeCount, unsigned int *splitCoordinateLineColumns)
void setGeometryAsParametricSplittedPillarNodesUsingExistingDatasets (const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__KDirection &kDirectionKind, const bool &isRightHanded, const std::string &parameters, const std::string &controlPoints, const std::string &controlPointParameters, const unsigned int &controlPointCountPerPillar, short pillarKind, resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy, const unsigned long &splitCoordinateLineCount, const std::string &pillarOfCoordinateLine, const std::string &splitCoordinateLineColumnCumulativeCount, const std::string &splitCoordinateLineColumns)
geometryKind getGeometryKind () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from resqml2_0_1::AbstractIjkGridRepresentation
 AbstractIjkGridRepresentation (soap *soapContext, resqml2::AbstractLocal3dCrs *crs, const std::string &guid, const std::string &title, const unsigned int &iCount, const unsigned int &jCount, const unsigned int &kCount, bool withTruncatedPillars=false)
 AbstractIjkGridRepresentation (resqml2::AbstractFeatureInterpretation *interp, resqml2::AbstractLocal3dCrs *crs, const std::string &guid, const std::string &title, const unsigned int &iCount, const unsigned int &jCount, const unsigned int &kCount, bool withTruncatedPillars=false)
 AbstractIjkGridRepresentation (gsoap_resqml2_0_1::eml__DataObjectReference *partialObject, bool withTruncatedPillars=false)
virtual ~AbstractIjkGridRepresentation ()
unsigned int getICellCount () const
void setICellCount (const unsigned int &iCount)
unsigned int getJCellCount () const
void setJCellCount (const unsigned int &jCount)
ULONG64 getCellCount () const
unsigned int getColumnCount () const
unsigned int getPillarCount () const
unsigned int getFaceCount () const
unsigned int getIPillarFromGlobalIndex (const unsigned int &globalIndex) const
unsigned int getJPillarFromGlobalIndex (const unsigned int &globalIndex) const
unsigned int getGlobalIndexPillarFromIjIndex (const unsigned int &iPillar, const unsigned int &jPillar) const
unsigned int getIColumnFromGlobalIndex (const unsigned int &globalIndex) const
unsigned int getJColumnFromGlobalIndex (const unsigned int &globalIndex) const
unsigned int getGlobalIndexColumnFromIjIndex (const unsigned int &iColumn, const unsigned int &jColumn) const
unsigned int getGlobalIndexCellFromIjkIndex (const unsigned int &iCell, const unsigned int &jCell, const unsigned int &kCell) const
bool isRightHanded () const
void getPillarsOfSplitCoordinateLines (unsigned int *pillarIndices, bool reverseIAxis=false, bool reverseJAxis=false) const
void getColumnsOfSplitCoordinateLines (unsigned int *columnIndices, bool reverseIAxis=false, bool reverseJAxis=false) const
void getColumnCountOfSplitCoordinateLines (unsigned int *columnIndexCountPerSplitCoordinateLine) const
unsigned long getSplitCoordinateLineCount () const
ULONG64 getSplitNodeCount () const
void getPillarGeometryIsDefined (bool *pillarGeometryIsDefined, bool reverseIAxis=false, bool reverseJAxis=false) const
bool hasEnabledCellInformation () const
void getEnabledCells (bool *enabledCells, bool reverseIAxis=false, bool reverseJAxis=false, bool reverseKAxis=false) const
void setEnabledCells (unsigned char *enabledCells)
void loadSplitInformation ()
void unloadSplitInformation ()
bool isColumnEdgeSplitted (const unsigned int &iColumn, const unsigned int &jColumn, const unsigned int &edge) const
ULONG64 getXyzPointIndexFromCellCorner (const unsigned int &iCell, const unsigned int &jCell, const unsigned int &kCell, const unsigned int &corner) const
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__KDirection getKDirection () const
virtual std::string getXmlTag () const
unsigned int getPatchCount () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from resqml2::AbstractColumnLayerGridRepresentation
virtual ~AbstractColumnLayerGridRepresentation ()
unsigned int getKCellCount () const
void setKCellCount (const unsigned int &kCount)
void setIntervalAssociationWithStratigraphicOrganizationInterpretation (ULONG64 *stratiUnitIndices, const ULONG64 &nullValue, resqml2_0_1::AbstractStratigraphicOrganizationInterpretation *stratiOrgInterp)
std::string getStratigraphicOrganizationInterpretationUuid () const
bool hasIntervalStratigraphicUnitIndices () const
ULONG64 getIntervalStratigraphicUnitIndices (ULONG64 *stratiUnitIndices)
- Public Member Functions inherited from resqml2::AbstractGridRepresentation
virtual ~AbstractGridRepresentation ()
std::vector< resqml2::GridConnectionSetRepresentation * > getGridConnectionSetRepresentationSet () const
unsigned int getGridConnectionSetRepresentationCount () const
resqml2::GridConnectionSetRepresentationgetGridConnectionSetRepresentation (const unsigned int &index) const
AbstractGridRepresentationgetParentGrid () const
std::string getParentGridUuid () const
unsigned int getChildGridCount () const
AbstractGridRepresentationgetChildGrid (const unsigned int &index) const
void setParentWindow (ULONG64 *cellIndices, const ULONG64 &cellIndexCount, resqml2_0_1::UnstructuredGridRepresentation *parentGrid)
void setParentWindow (unsigned int *columnIndices, const unsigned int &columnIndexCount, const unsigned int &kLayerIndexRegridStart, unsigned int *childCellCountPerInterval, unsigned int *parentCellCountPerInterval, const unsigned int &intervalCount, class AbstractColumnLayerGridRepresentation *parentGrid, double *childCellWeights=nullptr)
void setParentWindow (const unsigned int &iCellIndexRegridStart, unsigned int *childCellCountPerIInterval, unsigned int *parentCellCountPerIInterval, const unsigned int &iIntervalCount, const unsigned int &jCellIndexRegridStart, unsigned int *childCellCountPerJInterval, unsigned int *parentCellCountPerJInterval, const unsigned int &jIntervalCount, const unsigned int &kCellIndexRegridStart, unsigned int *childCellCountPerKInterval, unsigned int *parentCellCountPerKInterval, const unsigned int &kIntervalCount, resqml2_0_1::AbstractIjkGridRepresentation *parentGrid, double *iChildCellWeights=nullptr, double *jChildCellWeights=nullptr, double *kChildCellWeights=nullptr)
void setParentWindow (const unsigned int &iCellIndexRegridStart, unsigned int constantChildCellCountPerIInterval, unsigned int constantParentCellCountPerIInterval, const unsigned int &iIntervalCount, const unsigned int &jCellIndexRegridStart, unsigned int constantChildCellCountPerJInterval, unsigned int constantParentCellCountPerJInterval, const unsigned int &jIntervalCount, const unsigned int &kCellIndexRegridStart, unsigned int constantChildCellCountPerKInterval, unsigned int constantParentCellCountPerKInterval, const unsigned int &kIntervalCount, resqml2_0_1::AbstractIjkGridRepresentation *parentGrid, double *iChildCellWeights=nullptr, double *jChildCellWeights=nullptr, double *kChildCellWeights=nullptr)
void setParentWindow (const unsigned int &iCellIndexRegridStart, unsigned int iChildCellCount, unsigned int iParentCellCount, const unsigned int &jCellIndexRegridStart, unsigned int jChildCellCount, unsigned int jParentCellCount, const unsigned int &kCellIndexRegridStart, unsigned int kChildCellCount, unsigned int kParentCellCount, resqml2_0_1::AbstractIjkGridRepresentation *parentGrid, double *iChildCellWeights=nullptr, double *jChildCellWeights=nullptr, double *kChildCellWeights=nullptr)
void setForcedNonRegridedParentCell (ULONG64 *cellIndices, const ULONG64 &cellIndexCount)
void setCellOverlap (const ULONG64 &parentChildCellPairCount, ULONG64 *parentChildCellPair, const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::eml__VolumeUom &volumeUom=gsoap_resqml2_0_1::eml__VolumeUom__m3, double *overlapVolumes=nullptr)
LONG64 getParentCellIndexCount () const
void getParentCellIndices (ULONG64 *parentCellIndices) const
LONG64 getParentColumnIndexCount () const
void getParentColumnIndices (ULONG64 *parentColumnIndices) const
ULONG64 getRegridStartIndexOnParentGrid (const char &dimension) const
ULONG64 getRegridIntervalCount (const char &dimension) const
bool isRegridCellCountPerIntervalConstant (const char &dimension, const bool &childVsParentCellCount) const
ULONG64 getRegridConstantCellCountPerInterval (const char &dimension, const bool &childVsParentCellCount) const
void getRegridCellCountPerInterval (const char &dimension, ULONG64 *childCellCountPerInterval, const bool &childVsParentCellCount) const
bool hasRegridChildCellWeights (const char &dimension) const
void getRegridChildCellWeights (const char &dimension, ULONG64 *childCellWeights) const
bool hasForcedNonRegridedParentCell () const
void setCellAssociationWithStratigraphicOrganizationInterpretation (ULONG64 *stratiUnitIndices, const ULONG64 &nullValue, resqml2_0_1::AbstractStratigraphicOrganizationInterpretation *stratiOrgInterp)
resqml2_0_1::AbstractStratigraphicOrganizationInterpretationgetStratigraphicOrganizationInterpretation () const
bool hasCellStratigraphicUnitIndices () const
ULONG64 getCellStratigraphicUnitIndices (ULONG64 *stratiUnitIndices)
bool isTruncated () const
ULONG64 getTruncatedFaceCount () const
void getNodeIndicesOfTruncatedFaces (ULONG64 *nodeIndices) const
void getCumulativeNodeCountPerTruncatedFace (ULONG64 *nodeCountPerFace) const
void getNodeCountPerTruncatedFace (ULONG64 *nodeCountPerFace) const
ULONG64 getTruncatedCellCount () const
void getTruncatedCellIndices (ULONG64 *cellIndices) const
void getTruncatedFaceIndicesOfTruncatedCells (ULONG64 *faceIndices) const
void getCumulativeTruncatedFaceCountPerTruncatedCell (ULONG64 *cumulativeFaceCountPerCell) const
void getTruncatedFaceCountPerTruncatedCell (ULONG64 *faceCountPerCell) const
void getNonTruncatedFaceIndicesOfTruncatedCells (ULONG64 *faceIndices) const
void getCumulativeNonTruncatedFaceCountPerTruncatedCell (ULONG64 *cumulativeFaceCountPerCell) const
void getNonTruncatedFaceCountPerTruncatedCell (ULONG64 *faceCountPerCell) const
void getTruncatedFaceIsRightHanded (unsigned char *cellFaceIsRightHanded) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from resqml2::AbstractRepresentation
virtual ~AbstractRepresentation ()
class AbstractLocal3dCrsgetLocalCrs () const
virtual std::string getLocalCrsUuid () const
class AbstractHdfProxygetHdfProxy () const
const std::vector< class AbstractProperty * > & getPropertySet () const
std::vector< class AbstractValuesProperty * > getValuesPropertySet () const
unsigned int getValuesPropertyCount () const
class AbstractValuesPropertygetValuesProperty (const unsigned int &index) const
void setInterpretation (class AbstractFeatureInterpretation *interp)
class AbstractFeatureInterpretationgetInterpretation () const
std::string getInterpretationUuid () const
std::string getInterpretationContentType () const
void addSubRepresentation (SubRepresentation *subRep)
std::vector< SubRepresentation * > getSubRepresentationSet () const
unsigned int getSubRepresentationCount () const
SubRepresentationgetSubRepresentation (const unsigned int &index) const
std::vector< SubRepresentation * > getFaultSubRepresentationSet () const
unsigned int getFaultSubRepresentationCount () const
SubRepresentationgetFaultSubRepresentation (const unsigned int &index) const
ULONG64 getXyzPointCountOfAllPatches () const
void getXyzPointsOfPatchInGlobalCrs (const unsigned int &patchIndex, double *xyzPoints) const
void getXyzPointsOfAllPatches (double *xyzPoints) const
void getXyzPointsOfAllPatchesInGlobalCrs (double *xyzPoints) const
AbstractRepresentationgetSeismicSupportOfPatch (const unsigned int &patchIndex)
void pushBackIntoRepresentationSet (class RepresentationSetRepresentation *repSet, bool xml=true)
void setHdfProxy (resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy)
void addSeismic3dCoordinatesToPatch (const unsigned int patchIndex, double *inlines, double *crosslines, const unsigned int &pointCount, resqml2::AbstractRepresentation *seismicSupport, resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy)
void addSeismic3dCoordinatesToPatch (const unsigned int patchIndex, const double &startInline, const double &incrInline, const unsigned int &countInline, const double &startCrossline, const double &incrCrossline, const unsigned int &countCrossline, resqml2::AbstractRepresentation *seismicSupport)
void addSeismic2dCoordinatesToPatch (const unsigned int patchIndex, double *lineAbscissa, const unsigned int &pointCount, resqml2::AbstractRepresentation *seismicSupport, resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy)
void getSeismicLineAbscissaOfPointsOfPatch (const unsigned int &patchIndex, double *values)
- Public Member Functions inherited from resqml2::AbstractObject
bool isPartial () const
std::string getUuid () const
std::string getTitle () const
std::string getEditor () const
time_t getCreation () const
std::string getOriginator () const
std::string getDescription () const
time_t getLastUpdate () const
std::string getFormat () const
std::string getDescriptiveKeywords () const
void setTitle (const std::string &title)
void setEditor (const std::string &editor)
void setCreation (const time_t &creation)
void setOriginator (const std::string &originator)
void setDescription (const std::string &description)
void setLastUpdate (const time_t &lastUpdate)
void setFormat (const std::string &format)
void setDescriptiveKeywords (const std::string &descriptiveKeywords)
void setMetadata (const std::string &title, const std::string &editor, const time_t &creation, const std::string &originator, const std::string &description, const time_t &lastUpdate, const std::string &format, const std::string &descriptiveKeywords)
void serializeIntoStream (std::ostream *stream)
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::eml__AbstractCitedDataObject * getGsoapProxy () const
soap * getGsoapContext () const
int getGsoapType () const
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::eml__DataObjectReference * newResqmlReference () const
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__ContactElementReference * newResqmlContactElementReference () const
common::EpcDocumentgetEpcDocument () const
virtual std::string getXmlNamespace () const
virtual std::string getResqmlVersion () const
std::string getContentType () const
std::string getPartNameInEpcDocument () const
std::string serializeIntoString ()
void addAlias (const std::string &authority, const std::string &title)
unsigned int getAliasCount () const
std::string getAliasAuthorityAtIndex (const unsigned int &index) const
std::string getAliasTitleAtIndex (const unsigned int &index) const
const std::vector< resqml2::Activity * > & getActivitySet () const
void addOrSetExtraMetadata (const std::string &key, const std::string &value)
std::tr1::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > getExtraMetadataSet () const
std::string getExtraMetadata (const std::string &key)
unsigned int getExtraMetadataCount () const
std::string getExtraMetadataKeyAtIndex (const unsigned int &index) const
std::string getExtraMetadataStringValueAtIndex (const unsigned int &index) const

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from resqml2_0_1::AbstractIjkGridRepresentation
enum  geometryKind {
- Public Types inherited from resqml2::AbstractRepresentation
enum  indexableElement {
  NODE = 0, EDGE = 1, FACE = 2, VOLUME = 3,
  PILLAR = 4
- Static Public Attributes inherited from resqml2_0_1::AbstractIjkGridRepresentation
static const char * XML_TAG = "IjkGridRepresentation"
static const char * XML_TAG_TRUNCATED = "TruncatedIjkGridRepresentation"
- Static Public Attributes inherited from resqml2::AbstractGridRepresentation
static const char * XML_TAG = "AbstractGridRepresentation"
- Static Public Attributes inherited from resqml2::AbstractRepresentation
static const char * XML_TAG = "AbstractRepresentation"
- Protected Member Functions inherited from resqml2_0_1::AbstractIjkGridRepresentation
 AbstractIjkGridRepresentation (gsoap_resqml2_0_1::_resqml2__IjkGridRepresentation *fromGsoap)
 AbstractIjkGridRepresentation (gsoap_resqml2_0_1::_resqml2__TruncatedIjkGridRepresentation *fromGsoap)
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::_resqml2__IjkGridRepresentation * getSpecializedGsoapProxy () const
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::_resqml2__TruncatedIjkGridRepresentation * getSpecializedTruncatedGsoapProxy () const
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__PointGeometry * getPointGeometry2_0_1 (const unsigned int &patchIndex) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from resqml2::AbstractColumnLayerGridRepresentation
 AbstractColumnLayerGridRepresentation (common::EpcDocument *epcDoc, gsoap_resqml2_0_1::eml__DataObjectReference *partialObject, bool withTruncatedPillars)
 AbstractColumnLayerGridRepresentation (resqml2::AbstractFeatureInterpretation *interp, resqml2::AbstractLocal3dCrs *crs, bool withTruncatedPillars)
 AbstractColumnLayerGridRepresentation (gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__AbstractColumnLayerGridRepresentation *fromGsoap, bool withTruncatedPillars)
 AbstractColumnLayerGridRepresentation (gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__AbstractTruncatedColumnLayerGridRepresentation *fromGsoap, bool withTruncatedPillars)
virtual std::vector< epc::RelationshipgetAllEpcRelationships () const
void importRelationshipSetFromEpc (common::EpcDocument *epcDoc)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from resqml2::AbstractGridRepresentation
 AbstractGridRepresentation (common::EpcDocument *epcDoc, gsoap_resqml2_0_1::eml__DataObjectReference *partialObject, bool withTruncatedPillars)
 AbstractGridRepresentation (resqml2::AbstractFeatureInterpretation *interp, resqml2::AbstractLocal3dCrs *crs, bool withTruncatedPillars)
 AbstractGridRepresentation (gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__AbstractGridRepresentation *fromGsoap, bool withTruncatedPillars)
void importRelationshipSetFromEpc (common::EpcDocument *epcDoc)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from resqml2::AbstractRepresentation
 AbstractRepresentation (common::EpcDocument *epcDoc, gsoap_resqml2_0_1::eml__DataObjectReference *partialObject)
 AbstractRepresentation (class AbstractFeatureInterpretation *interp, class AbstractLocal3dCrs *crs)
 AbstractRepresentation (gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__AbstractRepresentation *fromGsoap)
void pushBackSeismicSupport (AbstractRepresentation *seismicSupport)
void setXmlInterpretation (class AbstractFeatureInterpretation *interp)
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__PointGeometry * createPointGeometryPatch2_0_1 (const unsigned int &patchIndex, double *points, unsigned long long *numPoints, const unsigned int &numDimensionsInArray, resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy)
std::string getHdfProxyUuidFromPointGeometryPatch (gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__PointGeometry *patch) const
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__Seismic2dCoordinates * getSeismic2dCoordinates (const unsigned int &patchIndex) const
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__Seismic3dCoordinates * getSeismic3dCoordinates (const unsigned int &patchIndex) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from resqml2::AbstractObject
 AbstractObject (common::EpcDocument *epcDoc, gsoap_resqml2_0_1::eml__DataObjectReference *partialObject)
 Indicate whether methods update the XML (gSoap) or only the C++ classes of the API. More...
 AbstractObject (gsoap_resqml2_0_1::eml__AbstractCitedDataObject *proxy=nullptr)
void initMandatoryMetadata ()
void setMetadata (const std::string &guid, const std::string &title, const std::string &editor, const time_t &creation, const std::string &originator, const std::string &description, const time_t &lastUpdate, const std::string &format, const std::string &descriptiveKeywords)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from resqml2::AbstractObject
static void addActivityToResqmlObject (resqml2::Activity *activity, AbstractObject *resqmlObject)
- Protected Attributes inherited from resqml2_0_1::AbstractIjkGridRepresentation
std::vector< std::pair< unsigned int, std::vector< unsigned int > > > * splitInformation
- Protected Attributes inherited from resqml2::AbstractGridRepresentation
bool withTruncatedPillars
std::vector< AbstractGridRepresentation * > childGridSet
std::vector< resqml2::GridConnectionSetRepresentation * > gridConnectionSetRepresentationSet
std::vector< resqml2_0_1::BlockedWellboreRepresentation * > blockedWellboreRepresentationSet
- Protected Attributes inherited from resqml2::AbstractRepresentation
class AbstractFeatureInterpretationinterpretation
class AbstractLocal3dCrslocalCrs
std::vector< AbstractRepresentation * > seismicSupportSet
std::vector< SubRepresentation * > subRepresentationSet
std::vector< AbstractProperty * > propertySet
std::vector< AbstractRepresentation * > seismicSupportedRepSet
std::vector< class RepresentationSetRepresentation * > representationSetRepresentationSet
- Protected Attributes inherited from resqml2::AbstractObject
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::eml__AbstractCitedDataObject * gsoapProxy2_0_1
std::vector< resqml2::Activity * > activitySet
bool updateXml

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

resqml2_0_1::IjkGridParametricRepresentation::IjkGridParametricRepresentation ( gsoap_resqml2_0_1::_resqml2__IjkGridRepresentation *  fromGsoap)

Creates an instance of this class by wrapping a gsoap instance.

virtual resqml2_0_1::IjkGridParametricRepresentation::~IjkGridParametricRepresentation ( )

Destructor does nothing since the memory is managed by the gsoap context.

Member Function Documentation

unsigned int IjkGridParametricRepresentation::getControlPointMaxCountPerPillar ( ) const

Get the max control point count on a pillar of the grid.

void IjkGridParametricRepresentation::getControlPointParameters ( double *  controlPointParameters,
bool  reverseIAxis = false,
bool  reverseJAxis = false,
bool  reverseKAxis = false 
) const

Get all the control point parameters of each pillar of the IJK parametric grid. They are ordered first (quickest) by pillar and then (slowest) by control point : cp0 of pillar0, cp0 of pillar1, cp0 of pillar3, ..., cp0 of pillarCount-1, cp1 of pillar0, cp1 of pillar1, etc... Pad with nan values if necessary. For information, pillars are ordered first (quicket) by I and then (slowest) by J. Only relevant in case it contains at least one non vertical or non Z linear parametric line.

void IjkGridParametricRepresentation::getControlPoints ( double *  controlPoints,
bool  reverseIAxis = false,
bool  reverseJAxis = false,
bool  reverseKAxis = false 
) const

Get all the control points of each pillar of the IJK parametric grid. They are ordered first (quickest) by pillar and then (slowest) by control point : cp0 of pillar0, cp0 of pillar1, cp0 of pillar3, ..., cp0 of pillarCount-1, cp1 of pillar0, cp1 of pillar1, etc... Pad with nan values if necessary. For information, pillars are ordered first (quicket) by I and then (slowest) by J.

void IjkGridParametricRepresentation::getParametersOfNodes ( double *  parameters,
bool  reverseIAxis = false,
bool  reverseJAxis = false,
bool  reverseKAxis = false 
) const

Get all the parameters of each node of the IJK parametric grid. They are ordered first (quickest) by coordinate line and then (slowest) by K level. Only relevant in case the IJK grid is a parametric one.

void IjkGridParametricRepresentation::getParametricLineKind ( short *  pillarKind,
bool  reverseIAxis = false,
bool  reverseJAxis = false 
) const

Get the kind of each parametric line representing a pillar : 0 = vertical, 1 = linear spline, 2 = natural cubic spline, 3 = cubic spline, 4 = Z linear cubic spline, 5 = minimum-curvature spline, (-1) = null: no line Only relevant in case the IJK grid is a parametric one.

ULONG64 IjkGridParametricRepresentation::getXyzPointCountOfKInterfaceOfPatch ( const unsigned int &  patchIndex) const

Get the xyz point count in each K Layer interface in a given patch.

ULONG64 IjkGridParametricRepresentation::getXyzPointCountOfPatch ( const unsigned int &  patchIndex) const

Get the xyz point count in a given patch.

Reimplemented from resqml2_0_1::AbstractIjkGridRepresentation.

void IjkGridParametricRepresentation::getXyzPointsOfKInterfaceOfPatch ( const unsigned int &  kInterface,
const unsigned int &  patchIndex,
double *  xyzPoints,
const PillarInformation pillarInfo 
) const

Get all the XYZ points of a particular K interface of a particular patch of this representation. This method is optimized in order not to recompute the pillar information but to get it as input. XYZ points are given in the local CRS.

kInterfaceThe K interface index starting from zero to kCellCount.
patchIndexThe index of the patch. It is generally zero.
xyzPointsA linearized 2d array where the first (quickest) dimension is coordinate dimension (XYZ) and second dimension is vertex dimension. It must be pre allocated with a size of 3*getXyzPointCountOfKInterfaceOfPatch.
pillarInfoThe pillar information which we can get calling loadPillarInformation.
void IjkGridParametricRepresentation::getXyzPointsOfPatch ( const unsigned int &  patchIndex,
double *  xyzPoints 
) const

Get all the XYZ points of a particular patch of this representation. XYZ points are given in the local CRS.

xyzPointsA linearized 2d array where the first (quickest) dimension is coordinate dimension (XYZ) and second dimension is vertex dimension. It must be pre allocated with a size of 3*getXyzPointCountOfPatch.

Reimplemented from resqml2_0_1::AbstractIjkGridRepresentation.

bool IjkGridParametricRepresentation::hasControlPointParameters ( ) const

Check if the IJK grid contains some paraemeters on some control points. It happens when the grid contains at least one non vertical or a non Z linear parametric line.

bool IjkGridParametricRepresentation::isParametricLineKindConstant ( ) const

Check if the parametric line kind is constant in the grid.

void IjkGridParametricRepresentation::loadPillarInformation ( IjkGridParametricRepresentation::PillarInformation pillarInfo) const

Load in memory all pillar information. It allows to accelerate getter of xyz points when reading them by K interface

void IjkGridParametricRepresentation::setGeometryAsParametricNonSplittedPillarNodes ( const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__PillarShape &  mostComplexPillarGeometry,
const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__KDirection &  kDirectionKind,
const bool &  isRightHanded,
double *  parameters,
double *  controlPoints,
double *  controlPointParameters,
const unsigned int &  controlPointMaxCountPerPillar,
short *  pillarKind,
resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy proxy 

Set the geometry of the IJK grid as parametric pillar nodes where no pillar is splitted. Defined pillars are deduced from pillarKind == -1;

mostComplexPillarGeometryThe most complex pillar shape which we can find on this ijk grid.
kDirectionKindIndicates if the K direction always go up, dow or is not monotonic.
isRightHandedIndicates that the IJK grid is right handed, as determined by the triple product of tangent vectors in the I, J, and K directions.
parametersThe parameter values (regarding the pillars) of each node of the grid.
controlPointsThe control points of the pillars of the grid. They are ordered first (quickest) by pillar and then (slowest) by control point : cp0 of pillar0, cp0 of pillar1, cp0 of pillar3, ..., cp0 of pillarCount-1, cp1 of pillar0, cp1 of pillar1, etc... Pad with nan values if necessary.
controlPointParametersThe value of the parameter at each control points. It must be nullptr for vertical and Z linear cubic parametric lines grid.
controlPointMaxCountPerPillarThe maximum count of control points which defines a pillar of this grid.
pillarKindThe kind of each pillar : 0 = vertical, 1 = linear spline, 2 = natural cubic spline, 3 = cubic spline, 4 = Z linear cubic spline, 5 = minimum-curvature spline, (-1) = null: no line
proxyThe Hdf proxy where all numerical values will be stored.
splitCoordinateLineCountThe count of split coordinate line in this grid. A pillar being splitted by a maximum of 3 split coordinate lines (one coordinate line is always non splitted)
void IjkGridParametricRepresentation::setGeometryAsParametricNonSplittedPillarNodesUsingExistingDatasets ( const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__PillarShape &  mostComplexPillarGeometry,
const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__KDirection &  kDirectionKind,
const bool &  isRightHanded,
const std::string &  parameters,
const std::string &  controlPoints,
const std::string &  controlPointParameters,
const unsigned int &  controlPointMaxCountPerPillar,
const std::string &  pillarKind,
const std::string &  definedPillars,
resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy proxy 

Same as setGeometryAsParametricNonSplittedPillarNodes where the hdf datasets are already written in the the file.

definedPillarsThe string to an hdf dataset where the defined pillars are identified : 0 value for not defined (i.e control points are NaN points, i.e pillarKind == -1) else the pillar is defined. This information overrides any pillar geometry information.
void IjkGridParametricRepresentation::setGeometryAsParametricSplittedPillarNodes ( const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__PillarShape &  mostComplexPillarGeometry,
const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__KDirection &  kDirectionKind,
const bool &  isRightHanded,
double *  parameters,
double *  controlPoints,
double *  controlPointParameters,
const unsigned int &  controlPointMaxCountPerPillar,
short *  pillarKind,
resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy proxy,
const unsigned long &  splitCoordinateLineCount,
unsigned int *  pillarOfCoordinateLine,
unsigned int *  splitCoordinateLineColumnCumulativeCount,
unsigned int *  splitCoordinateLineColumns 

Set the geometry of the IJK grid as parametric pillar nodes where at least one pillar is supposed to be splitted Defined pillars are deduced from pillarKind == -1;

mostComplexPillarGeometryThe most complex pillar shape which we can find on this ijk grid.
kDirectionKindIndicates if the K direction always go up, dow or is not monotonic.
isRightHandedIndicates that the IJK grid is right handed, as determined by the triple product of tangent vectors in the I, J, and K directions.
parametersThe parameter values (regarding the pillars) of each node of the grid.
controlPointsThe control points of the pillars of the grid. They are ordered first (quickest) by pillar and then (slowest) by control point : cp0 of pillar0, cp0 of pillar1, cp0 of pillar3, ..., cp0 of pillarCount-1, cp1 of pillar0, cp1 of pillar1, etc... Pad with nan values if necessary.
controlPointParametersThe value of the parameter at each control points. It must be nullptr for vertical and Z linear cubic parametric lines grid.
controlPointMaxCountPerPillarThe maximum count of control points which defines a pillar of this grid.
pillarKindThe kind of each pillar : 0 = vertical, 1 = linear spline, 2 = natural cubic spline, 3 = cubic spline, 4 = Z linear cubic spline, 5 = minimum-curvature spline, (-1) = null: no line
proxyThe Hdf proxy where all numerical values will be stored.
splitCoordinateLineCountThe count of split coordinate line in this grid. A pillar being splitted by a maximum of 3 split coordinate lines (one coordinate line is always non splitted)
pillarOfCoordinateLineFor each split coordinate line, indicates the pillar it belongs to.
splitCoordinateLineColumnCumulativeCountFor each split coordinate line, indicates the count of grid column which are splitted by this coordinate line.
splitCoordinateLineColumnsFor each split coordinate line, indicates the grid columns which are splitted by this coordinate line.
void IjkGridParametricRepresentation::setGeometryAsParametricSplittedPillarNodes ( const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__KDirection &  kDirectionKind,
const bool &  isRightHanded,
double *  parameters,
double *  controlPoints,
double *  controlPointParameters,
const unsigned int &  controlPointCountPerPillar,
short  pillarKind,
resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy proxy,
const unsigned long &  splitCoordinateLineCount,
unsigned int *  pillarOfCoordinateLine,
unsigned int *  splitCoordinateLineColumnCumulativeCount,
unsigned int *  splitCoordinateLineColumns 

Set the geometry of the IJK grid as parametric pillar nodes where at least one pillar is supposed to be splitted and where all pillars are of the same kind. All pillars are assumed to be defined using this method.

kDirectionKindIndicates if the K direction always go up, dow or is not monotonic.
isRightHandedIndicates that the IJK grid is right handed, as determined by the triple product of tangent vectors in the I, J, and K directions.
parametersThe parameter values (regarding the pillars) of each node of the grid.
controlPointsThe control points of the pillars of the grid. They are ordered first (quickest) by pillar and then (slowest) by control point : cp0 of pillar0, cp0 of pillar1, cp0 of pillar3, ..., cp0 of pillarCount-1, cp1 of pillar0, cp1 of pillar1, etc... Pad with nan values if necessary.
controlPointParametersThe value of the parameter at each control points. It must be nullptr for vertical and Z linear cubic parametric lines grid.
controlPointCountPerPillarThe count of control points which defines each of the pillar of this grid.
pillarKindThe constant kind of each pillar : 0 = vertical, 1 = linear spline, 2 = natural cubic spline, 3 = cubic spline, 4 = Z linear cubic spline, 5 = minimum-curvature spline, (-1) = null: no line
proxyThe Hdf proxy where all numerical values will be stored.
splitCoordinateLineCountThe count of split coordinate line in this grid. A pillar being splitted by a maximum of 3 split coordinate lines (one coordinate line is always non splitted)
pillarOfCoordinateLineFor each split coordinate line, indicates the pillar it belongs to.
splitCoordinateLineColumnCumulativeCountFor each split coordinate line, indicates the count of grid column which are splitted by this coordinate line.
splitCoordinateLineColumnsFor each split coordinate line, indicates the grid columns which are splitted by this coordinate line.
void IjkGridParametricRepresentation::setGeometryAsParametricSplittedPillarNodesUsingExistingDatasets ( const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__PillarShape &  mostComplexPillarGeometry,
const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__KDirection &  kDirectionKind,
const bool &  isRightHanded,
const std::string &  parameters,
const std::string &  controlPoints,
const std::string &  controlPointParameters,
const unsigned int &  controlPointMaxCountPerPillar,
const std::string &  pillarKind,
const std::string &  definedPillars,
resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy proxy,
const unsigned long &  splitCoordinateLineCount,
const std::string &  pillarOfCoordinateLine,
const std::string &  splitCoordinateLineColumnCumulativeCount,
const std::string &  splitCoordinateLineColumns 

Same as setGeometryAsParametricSplittedPillarNodes where the hdf datasets are already written in the the file.

definedPillarsThe string to an hdf dataset where the defined pillars are identified : 0 value for not defined (i.e control points are NaN points, i.e pillarKind == -1) else the pillar is defined. This information overrides any pillar geometry information.
void IjkGridParametricRepresentation::setGeometryAsParametricSplittedPillarNodesUsingExistingDatasets ( const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__KDirection &  kDirectionKind,
const bool &  isRightHanded,
const std::string &  parameters,
const std::string &  controlPoints,
const std::string &  controlPointParameters,
const unsigned int &  controlPointCountPerPillar,
short  pillarKind,
resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy proxy,
const unsigned long &  splitCoordinateLineCount,
const std::string &  pillarOfCoordinateLine,
const std::string &  splitCoordinateLineColumnCumulativeCount,
const std::string &  splitCoordinateLineColumns 

Same as setGeometryAsParametricSplittedPillarNodes where the hdf datasets are already written in the the file.

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