| EarthModelInterpretation (class OrganizationFeature *orgFeat, const std::string &guid, const std::string &title) |
| EarthModelInterpretation (gsoap_resqml2_0_1::_resqml2__EarthModelInterpretation *fromGsoap) |
| ~EarthModelInterpretation () |
void | setStructuralOrganizationInterpretation (class StructuralOrganizationInterpretation *structOrganization) |
void | setStratiColumn (class StratigraphicColumn *stratiColumn) |
void | pushBackStratiOccurence (class StratigraphicOccurrenceInterpretation *stratiOccurence) |
virtual std::string | getXmlTag () const |
virtual | ~AbstractFeatureInterpretation () |
std::string | getInterpretedFeatureUuid () const |
void | setInterpretedFeature (AbstractFeature *feature) |
AbstractFeature * | getInterpretedFeature () const |
const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__Domain & | initDomain (const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__Domain &defaultDomain) const |
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__Domain | getDomain () const |
std::vector< AbstractRepresentation * > | getRepresentationSet () const |
unsigned int | getRepresentationCount () const |
AbstractRepresentation * | getRepresentation (const unsigned int &index) const |
std::vector< GridConnectionSetRepresentation * > | getGridConnectionSetRepresentationSet () |
void | setBottomFrontierOf (resqml2_0_1::StructuralOrganizationInterpretation *structOrg) |
void | setTopFrontierOf (resqml2_0_1::StructuralOrganizationInterpretation *structOrg) |
void | setSideFrontierOf (resqml2_0_1::StructuralOrganizationInterpretation *structOrg) |
bool | isPartial () const |
std::string | getUuid () const |
std::string | getTitle () const |
std::string | getEditor () const |
time_t | getCreation () const |
std::string | getOriginator () const |
std::string | getDescription () const |
time_t | getLastUpdate () const |
std::string | getFormat () const |
std::string | getDescriptiveKeywords () const |
void | setTitle (const std::string &title) |
void | setEditor (const std::string &editor) |
void | setCreation (const time_t &creation) |
void | setOriginator (const std::string &originator) |
void | setDescription (const std::string &description) |
void | setLastUpdate (const time_t &lastUpdate) |
void | setFormat (const std::string &format) |
void | setDescriptiveKeywords (const std::string &descriptiveKeywords) |
void | setMetadata (const std::string &title, const std::string &editor, const time_t &creation, const std::string &originator, const std::string &description, const time_t &lastUpdate, const std::string &format, const std::string &descriptiveKeywords) |
void | serializeIntoStream (std::ostream *stream) |
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::eml__AbstractCitedDataObject * | getGsoapProxy () const |
soap * | getGsoapContext () const |
int | getGsoapType () const |
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::eml__DataObjectReference * | newResqmlReference () const |
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__ContactElementReference * | newResqmlContactElementReference () const |
common::EpcDocument * | getEpcDocument () const |
virtual std::string | getXmlNamespace () const |
virtual std::string | getResqmlVersion () const |
std::string | getContentType () const |
std::string | getPartNameInEpcDocument () const |
std::string | serializeIntoString () |
void | addAlias (const std::string &authority, const std::string &title) |
unsigned int | getAliasCount () const |
std::string | getAliasAuthorityAtIndex (const unsigned int &index) const |
std::string | getAliasTitleAtIndex (const unsigned int &index) const |
const std::vector< resqml2::Activity * > & | getActivitySet () const |
void | addOrSetExtraMetadata (const std::string &key, const std::string &value) |
std::tr1::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > | getExtraMetadataSet () const |
std::string | getExtraMetadata (const std::string &key) |
unsigned int | getExtraMetadataCount () const |
std::string | getExtraMetadataKeyAtIndex (const unsigned int &index) const |
std::string | getExtraMetadataStringValueAtIndex (const unsigned int &index) const |
| AbstractFeatureInterpretation (common::EpcDocument *epcDoc, gsoap_resqml2_0_1::eml__DataObjectReference *partialObject) |
| AbstractFeatureInterpretation () |
| AbstractFeatureInterpretation (gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__AbstractFeatureInterpretation *fromGsoap) |
void | setInterpretedFeatureInXml (resqml2::AbstractFeature *feature) |
| AbstractObject (common::EpcDocument *epcDoc, gsoap_resqml2_0_1::eml__DataObjectReference *partialObject) |
| Indicate whether methods update the XML (gSoap) or only the C++ classes of the API. More...
| AbstractObject (gsoap_resqml2_0_1::eml__AbstractCitedDataObject *proxy=nullptr) |
void | initMandatoryMetadata () |
void | setMetadata (const std::string &guid, const std::string &title, const std::string &editor, const time_t &creation, const std::string &originator, const std::string &description, const time_t &lastUpdate, const std::string &format, const std::string &descriptiveKeywords) |
static void | addActivityToResqmlObject (resqml2::Activity *activity, AbstractObject *resqmlObject) |
std::vector< AbstractRepresentation * > | representationSet |
std::vector< GridConnectionSetRepresentation * > | gridConnectionSetRepresentationSet |
std::vector< resqml2_0_1::StructuralOrganizationInterpretation * > | isBottomFrontierSet |
std::vector< resqml2_0_1::StructuralOrganizationInterpretation * > | isTopFrontierSet |
std::vector< resqml2_0_1::StructuralOrganizationInterpretation * > | isSideFrontierSet |
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::eml__AbstractCitedDataObject * | gsoapProxy2_0_1 |
common::EpcDocument * | epcDocument |
std::vector< resqml2::Activity * > | activitySet |
bool | updateXml |
This class is a container for other organizations that are consistent to each others.