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resqml2_0_1::ContinuousProperty Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for resqml2_0_1::ContinuousProperty:
resqml2::AbstractValuesProperty resqml2::AbstractProperty resqml2::AbstractObject resqml2_0_1::ContinuousPropertySeries

Public Member Functions

 ContinuousProperty (resqml2::AbstractRepresentation *rep, const std::string &guid, const std::string &title, const unsigned int &dimension, const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__IndexableElements &attachmentKind, const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__ResqmlUom &uom, const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__ResqmlPropertyKind &energisticsPropertyKind)
 ContinuousProperty (resqml2::AbstractRepresentation *rep, const std::string &guid, const std::string &title, const unsigned int &dimension, const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__IndexableElements &attachmentKind, const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__ResqmlUom &uom, resqml2::PropertyKind *localPropKind)
 ContinuousProperty (resqml2::AbstractRepresentation *rep, const std::string &guid, const std::string &title, const unsigned int &dimension, const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__IndexableElements &attachmentKind, const std::string &nonStandardUom, const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__ResqmlPropertyKind &energisticsPropertyKind)
 ContinuousProperty (resqml2::AbstractRepresentation *rep, const std::string &guid, const std::string &title, const unsigned int &dimension, const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__IndexableElements &attachmentKind, const std::string &nonStandardUom, resqml2::PropertyKind *localPropKind)
 ContinuousProperty (gsoap_resqml2_0_1::_resqml2__ContinuousProperty *fromGsoap)
virtual ~ContinuousProperty ()
virtual std::string getXmlTag () const
const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__ResqmlUom & getUom () const
std::string getUomAsString () const
void pushBackDoubleHdf5Array1dOfValues (double *values, const ULONG64 &valueCount, resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy, const double &minimumValue=std::numeric_limits< double >::quiet_NaN(), const double &maximumValue=std::numeric_limits< double >::quiet_NaN())
void pushBackDoubleHdf5Array2dOfValues (double *values, const ULONG64 &valueCountInFastestDim, const ULONG64 &valueCountInSlowestDim, resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy, const double &minimumValue=std::numeric_limits< double >::quiet_NaN(), const double &maximumValue=std::numeric_limits< double >::quiet_NaN())
void pushBackDoubleHdf5Array3dOfValues (double *values, const ULONG64 &valueCountInFastestDim, const ULONG64 &valueCountInMiddleDim, const ULONG64 &valueCountInSlowestDim, resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy, const double &minimumValue=std::numeric_limits< double >::quiet_NaN(), const double &maximumValue=std::numeric_limits< double >::quiet_NaN())
void pushBackDoubleHdf5ArrayOfValues (double *values, unsigned long long *numValues, const unsigned int &numArrayDimensions, resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy, double *minimumValue=nullptr, double *maximumValue=nullptr)
void pushBackFloatHdf5Array1dOfValues (float *values, const ULONG64 &valueCount, resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy, const double &minimumValue=std::numeric_limits< double >::quiet_NaN(), const double &maximumValue=std::numeric_limits< double >::quiet_NaN())
void pushBackFloatHdf5Array2dOfValues (float *values, const ULONG64 &valueCountInFastestDim, const ULONG64 &valueCountInSlowestDim, resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy, const double &minimumValue=std::numeric_limits< double >::quiet_NaN(), const double &maximumValue=std::numeric_limits< double >::quiet_NaN())
void pushBackFloatHdf5Array3dOfValues (float *values, const ULONG64 &valueCountInFastestDim, const ULONG64 &valueCountInMiddleDim, const ULONG64 &valueCountInSlowestDim, resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy, const double &minimumValue=std::numeric_limits< double >::quiet_NaN(), const double &maximumValue=std::numeric_limits< double >::quiet_NaN())
void pushBackFloatHdf5ArrayOfValues (float *values, unsigned long long *numValues, const unsigned int &numArrayDimensions, resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy, double *minimumValue=nullptr, double *maximumValue=nullptr)
void createFloatHdf5ArrayOfValues (unsigned long long *numValues, const unsigned int &numArrayDimensions, resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy)
void createFloatHdf5Array3dOfValues (const ULONG64 &valueCountInFastestDim, const ULONG64 &valueCountInMiddleDim, const ULONG64 &valueCountInSlowestDim, resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy)
void pushBackFloatHdf5SlabArray3dOfValues (float *values, const ULONG64 &valueCountInFastestDim, const ULONG64 &valueCountInMiddleDim, const ULONG64 &valueCountInSlowestDim, const ULONG64 &offsetInFastestDim, const ULONG64 &offsetInMiddleDim, const ULONG64 &offsetInSlowestDim, resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy)
void pushBackFloatHdf5SlabArrayOfValues (float *values, unsigned long long *numValues, unsigned long long *offsetValues, const unsigned int &numArrayDimensions, resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy)
void getDoubleValuesOfPatch (const unsigned int &patchIndex, double *values)
void getFloatValuesOfPatch (const unsigned int &patchIndex, float *values)
void getFloatValuesOfPatch (const unsigned int &patchIndex, float *values, unsigned long long *numValuesInEachDimension, unsigned long long *offsetInEachDimension, const unsigned int &numArrayDimensions)
void getFloatValuesOf3dPatch (const unsigned int &patchIndex, float *values, const ULONG64 &valueCountInFastestDim, const ULONG64 &valueCountInMiddleDim, const ULONG64 &valueCountInSlowestDim, const ULONG64 &offsetInFastestDim, const ULONG64 &offsetInMiddleDim, const ULONG64 &offsetInSlowestDim)
double getMinimumValue ()
double getMaximumValue ()
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__ResqmlPropertyKind getFirstAllowedPropertyKindParent () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from resqml2::AbstractValuesProperty
 AbstractValuesProperty ()
 AbstractValuesProperty (gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__AbstractValuesProperty *fromGsoap)
virtual ~AbstractValuesProperty ()
unsigned int getPatchCount () const
AbstractValuesProperty::hdfDatatypeEnum getValuesHdfDatatype () const
void pushBackRefToExistingDataset (resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy *hdfProxy, const bool &isAnIntegerDataset, const std::string &dataset="")
long getLongValuesOfPatch (const unsigned int &patchIndex, long *values)
long getNullValueOfPatch (const unsigned int &patchIndex)
unsigned long getULongValuesOfPatch (const unsigned int &patchIndex, unsigned long *values)
int getIntValuesOfPatch (const unsigned int &patchIndex, int *values)
unsigned int getUIntValuesOfPatch (const unsigned int &patchIndex, unsigned int *values)
short getShortValuesOfPatch (const unsigned int &patchIndex, short *values)
unsigned short getUShortValuesOfPatch (const unsigned int &patchIndex, unsigned short *values)
char getCharValuesOfPatch (const unsigned int &patchIndex, char *values)
unsigned char getUCharValuesOfPatch (const unsigned int &patchIndex, unsigned char *values)
unsigned int getValuesCountOfPatch (const unsigned int &patchIndex)
unsigned int getValuesCountOfDimensionOfPatch (const unsigned int &dimIndex, const unsigned int &patchIndex)
unsigned int getDimensionsCountOfPatch (const unsigned int &patchIndex)
void pushBackFacet (const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__Facet &facet, const std::string &facetValue)
unsigned int getFacetCount () const
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__Facet getFacet (const unsigned int &index) const
std::string getFacetValue (const unsigned int &index) const
void createLongHdf5ArrayOfValues (unsigned long long *numValues, const unsigned int &numArrayDimensions, resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy)
void createLongHdf5Array3dOfValues (const unsigned int &valueCountInFastestDim, const unsigned int &valueCountInMiddleDim, const unsigned int &valueCountInSlowestDim, resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy)
void pushBackLongHdf5SlabArray3dOfValues (long *values, const unsigned int &valueCountInFastestDim, const unsigned int &valueCountInMiddleDim, const unsigned int &valueCountInSlowestDim, const unsigned int &offsetInFastestDim, const unsigned int &offsetInMiddleDim, const unsigned int &offsetInSlowestDim, resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy)
void pushBackLongHdf5SlabArrayOfValues (long *values, unsigned long long *numValues, unsigned long long *offsetValues, const unsigned int &numArrayDimensions, resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy)
void getLongValuesOfPatch (const unsigned int &patchIndex, long *values, unsigned long long *numValuesInEachDimension, unsigned long long *offsetInEachDimension, const unsigned int &numArrayDimensions)
void getLongValuesOf3dPatch (const unsigned int &patchIndex, long *values, const unsigned int &valueCountInFastestDim, const unsigned int &valueCountInMiddleDim, const unsigned int &valueCountInSlowestDim, const unsigned int &offsetInFastestDim, const unsigned int &offsetInMiddleDim, const unsigned int &offsetInSlowestDim)
- Public Member Functions inherited from resqml2::AbstractProperty
 AbstractProperty ()
 AbstractProperty (gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__AbstractProperty *fromGsoap)
virtual ~AbstractProperty ()
void setRepresentation (class AbstractRepresentation *rep)
class AbstractRepresentationgetRepresentation () const
std::string getRepresentationUuid () const
std::string getRepresentationTitle () const
std::string getRepresentationContentType () const
void setTimeSeries (class TimeSeries *ts)
TimeSeriesgetTimeSeries () const
std::string getTimeSeriesUuid () const
std::string getTimeSeriesTitle () const
void setTimeIndex (const unsigned int &timeIndex, class TimeSeries *ts)
void setTimeStep (const unsigned int &timeStep)
time_t getTimestamp () const
unsigned int getTimeIndex () const
void setHdfProxy (AbstractHdfProxy *proxy)
AbstractHdfProxygetHdfProxy () const
std::string getHdfProxyUuid () const
unsigned int getElementCountPerValue () const
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__IndexableElements getAttachmentKind () const
bool isAssociatedToOneStandardEnergisticsPropertyKind () const
std::string getPropertyKindDescription () const
std::string getPropertyKindAsString () const
std::string getPropertyKindParentAsString () const
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__ResqmlPropertyKind getEnergisticsPropertyKind () const
void setLocalPropertyKind (class PropertyKind *propKind)
std::string getLocalPropertyKindUuid () const
std::string getLocalPropertyKindTitle () const
class PropertyKindgetLocalPropertyKind () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from resqml2::AbstractObject
bool isPartial () const
std::string getUuid () const
std::string getTitle () const
std::string getEditor () const
time_t getCreation () const
std::string getOriginator () const
std::string getDescription () const
time_t getLastUpdate () const
std::string getFormat () const
std::string getDescriptiveKeywords () const
void setTitle (const std::string &title)
void setEditor (const std::string &editor)
void setCreation (const time_t &creation)
void setOriginator (const std::string &originator)
void setDescription (const std::string &description)
void setLastUpdate (const time_t &lastUpdate)
void setFormat (const std::string &format)
void setDescriptiveKeywords (const std::string &descriptiveKeywords)
void setMetadata (const std::string &title, const std::string &editor, const time_t &creation, const std::string &originator, const std::string &description, const time_t &lastUpdate, const std::string &format, const std::string &descriptiveKeywords)
void serializeIntoStream (std::ostream *stream)
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::eml__AbstractCitedDataObject * getGsoapProxy () const
soap * getGsoapContext () const
int getGsoapType () const
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::eml__DataObjectReference * newResqmlReference () const
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__ContactElementReference * newResqmlContactElementReference () const
common::EpcDocumentgetEpcDocument () const
virtual std::string getXmlNamespace () const
virtual std::string getResqmlVersion () const
std::string getContentType () const
std::string getPartNameInEpcDocument () const
std::string serializeIntoString ()
void addAlias (const std::string &authority, const std::string &title)
unsigned int getAliasCount () const
std::string getAliasAuthorityAtIndex (const unsigned int &index) const
std::string getAliasTitleAtIndex (const unsigned int &index) const
const std::vector< resqml2::Activity * > & getActivitySet () const
void addOrSetExtraMetadata (const std::string &key, const std::string &value)
std::tr1::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > getExtraMetadataSet () const
std::string getExtraMetadata (const std::string &key)
unsigned int getExtraMetadataCount () const
std::string getExtraMetadataKeyAtIndex (const unsigned int &index) const
std::string getExtraMetadataStringValueAtIndex (const unsigned int &index) const

Static Public Attributes

static const char * XML_TAG = "ContinuousProperty"

Protected Member Functions

 ContinuousProperty ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from resqml2::AbstractValuesProperty
std::string getPathInHdfFileOfPatch (const unsigned int &patchIndex, LONG64 &nullValue) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from resqml2::AbstractProperty
void setXmlRepresentation (class AbstractRepresentation *rep)
void setXmlTimeSeries (TimeSeries *ts)
void setXmlLocalPropertyKind (class PropertyKind *propKind)
virtual std::vector< epc::RelationshipgetAllEpcRelationships () const
virtual void importRelationshipSetFromEpc (common::EpcDocument *epcDoc)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from resqml2::AbstractObject
 AbstractObject (common::EpcDocument *epcDoc, gsoap_resqml2_0_1::eml__DataObjectReference *partialObject)
 Indicate whether methods update the XML (gSoap) or only the C++ classes of the API. More...
 AbstractObject (gsoap_resqml2_0_1::eml__AbstractCitedDataObject *proxy=nullptr)
void initMandatoryMetadata ()
void setMetadata (const std::string &guid, const std::string &title, const std::string &editor, const time_t &creation, const std::string &originator, const std::string &description, const time_t &lastUpdate, const std::string &format, const std::string &descriptiveKeywords)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from resqml2::AbstractValuesProperty
enum  hdfDatatypeEnum {
  UNKNOWN = 0, DOUBLE = 1, FLOAT = 2, LONG = 3,
  ULONG = 4, INT = 5, UINT = 6, SHORT = 7,
  USHORT = 8, CHAR = 9, UCHAR = 10
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from resqml2::AbstractObject
static void addActivityToResqmlObject (resqml2::Activity *activity, AbstractObject *resqmlObject)
- Protected Attributes inherited from resqml2::AbstractProperty
class AbstractLocal3dCrslocal3dCrs
- Protected Attributes inherited from resqml2::AbstractObject
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::eml__AbstractCitedDataObject * gsoapProxy2_0_1
std::vector< resqml2::Activity * > activitySet
bool updateXml

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

resqml2_0_1::ContinuousProperty::ContinuousProperty ( )

Default constructor

resqml2_0_1::ContinuousProperty::ContinuousProperty ( resqml2::AbstractRepresentation rep,
const std::string &  guid,
const std::string &  title,
const unsigned int &  dimension,
const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__IndexableElements &  attachmentKind,
const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__ResqmlUom &  uom,
const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__ResqmlPropertyKind &  energisticsPropertyKind 

Creates an instance of this class in a gsoap context based on a standard kind and a standard uom.

repThe representation which supports these property values.
guidThe guid to set to the fault. If empty then a new guid will be generated.
titleA title for the instance to create.
dimensionThe dimension of each value (scalar properties == 1).
attachmentKindThe topological orbit which supports each value. uom The uom of the values
energisticsPropertyKindThe property kind of these property values which must be defined in the standard energistics property type dictionary.
resqml2_0_1::ContinuousProperty::ContinuousProperty ( resqml2::AbstractRepresentation rep,
const std::string &  guid,
const std::string &  title,
const unsigned int &  dimension,
const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__IndexableElements &  attachmentKind,
const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__ResqmlUom &  uom,
resqml2::PropertyKind localPropKind 

Creates an instance of this class in a gsoap context based on a local kind and a standard uom.

repThe representation which supports these property values.
guidThe guid to set to the fault. If empty then a new guid will be generated.
titleA title for the instance to create.
dimensionThe dimension of each value (scalar properties == 1).
attachmentKindThe topological orbit which supports each value. uom The uom of the values
localPropTypeThe property kind of these property values which must be defined in the EPC document as a local property kind.
resqml2_0_1::ContinuousProperty::ContinuousProperty ( resqml2::AbstractRepresentation rep,
const std::string &  guid,
const std::string &  title,
const unsigned int &  dimension,
const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__IndexableElements &  attachmentKind,
const std::string &  nonStandardUom,
const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__ResqmlPropertyKind &  energisticsPropertyKind 

Creates an instance of this class in a gsoap context based on a standard kind and a local uom.

repThe representation which supports these property values.
guidThe guid to set to the fault. If empty then a new guid will be generated.
titleA title for the instance to create.
dimensionThe dimension of each value (scalar properties == 1).
attachmentKindThe topological orbit which supports each value. nonStandardUom The non standard uom of the values
energisticsPropertyKindThe property kind of these property values which must be defined in the standard energistics property type dictionary.
resqml2_0_1::ContinuousProperty::ContinuousProperty ( resqml2::AbstractRepresentation rep,
const std::string &  guid,
const std::string &  title,
const unsigned int &  dimension,
const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__IndexableElements &  attachmentKind,
const std::string &  nonStandardUom,
resqml2::PropertyKind localPropKind 

Creates an instance of this class in a gsoap context based on a local kind and a local uom.

repThe representation which supports these property values.
guidThe guid to set to the fault. If empty then a new guid will be generated.
titleA title for the instance to create.
dimensionThe dimension of each value (scalar properties == 1).
attachmentKindThe topological orbit which supports each value. nonStandardUom The non standard uom of the values
localPropTypeThe property kind of these property values which must be defined in the EPC document as a local property kind.
resqml2_0_1::ContinuousProperty::ContinuousProperty ( gsoap_resqml2_0_1::_resqml2__ContinuousProperty *  fromGsoap)

Creates an instance of this class by wrapping a gsoap instance.

virtual resqml2_0_1::ContinuousProperty::~ContinuousProperty ( )

Destructor does nothing since the memory is managed by the gsoap context.

Member Function Documentation

void ContinuousProperty::createFloatHdf5Array3dOfValues ( const ULONG64 &  valueCountInFastestDim,
const ULONG64 &  valueCountInMiddleDim,
const ULONG64 &  valueCountInSlowestDim,
resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy proxy 

Create a 3d array of explicit float values to the property values.

valueCountInFastestDimThe number of values to write in the fastest dimension (mainly I dimension).
valueCountInMiddleDimThe number of values to write in the middle dimension (mainly J dimension).
valueCountInSlowestDimThe number of values to write in the slowest dimension (mainly K dimension).
proxyThe HDF proxy where to write the property values. It must be already opened for writing and won't be closed in this method.
void ContinuousProperty::createFloatHdf5ArrayOfValues ( unsigned long long *  numValues,
const unsigned int &  numArrayDimensions,
resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy proxy 

Create an array (potentially multi dimensions) of explicit float values to the property values. No values are written to this array yet.

numValuesThe number of property values ordered by dimension of the array to write.
numArrayDimensionsThe number of dimensions of the array to write.
proxyThe HDF proxy where to write the property values. It must be already opened for writing and won't be closed in this method.
void ContinuousProperty::getDoubleValuesOfPatch ( const unsigned int &  patchIndex,
double *  values 

Get all the values of the instance which are supposed to be double ones.

valuesThe array (pointer) of values must be preallocated.
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__ResqmlPropertyKind ContinuousProperty::getFirstAllowedPropertyKindParent ( ) const

Check if the associated prop kind is allowed for this property.

Reimplemented from resqml2::AbstractProperty.

void ContinuousProperty::getFloatValuesOf3dPatch ( const unsigned int &  patchIndex,
float *  values,
const ULONG64 &  valueCountInFastestDim,
const ULONG64 &  valueCountInMiddleDim,
const ULONG64 &  valueCountInSlowestDim,
const ULONG64 &  offsetInFastestDim,
const ULONG64 &  offsetInMiddleDim,
const ULONG64 &  offsetInSlowestDim 

Get all the values of the instance which are supposed to be float ones.

patchIndexPatch index.
valuesThe array (pointer) of values. It must be preallocated.
valueCountInFastestDimThe number of values to read in the fastest dimension (mainly I dimension).
valueCountInMiddleDimThe number of values to read in the middle dimension (mainly J dimension).
valueCountInSlowestDimThe number of values to read in the slowest dimension (mainly K dimension).
offsetInFastestDimThe offset value to read in the fastest dimension (mainly I dimension).
offsetInMiddleDimThe offset value to read in the middle dimension (mainly J dimension).
offsetInSlowestDimThe offset value to read in the slowest dimension (mainly K dimension).
void ContinuousProperty::getFloatValuesOfPatch ( const unsigned int &  patchIndex,
float *  values 

Get all the values of the instance which are supposed to be float ones.

valuesThe array (pointer) of values must be preallocated.
void ContinuousProperty::getFloatValuesOfPatch ( const unsigned int &  patchIndex,
float *  values,
unsigned long long *  numValuesInEachDimension,
unsigned long long *  offsetInEachDimension,
const unsigned int &  numArrayDimensions 

Get all the values of the instance which are supposed to be float ones.

patchIndexPatch index.
valuesThe array (pointer) of values. It must be preallocated.
numValuesInEachDimensionThe number of property values ordered by dimension of the array to write.
offsetInEachDimensionThe offset values ordered by dimension of the array to write.
numArrayDimensionsThe number of dimensions of the HDF5 array to read.
const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__ResqmlUom & ContinuousProperty::getUom ( ) const

Get the unit of measure of the values of this property.

std::string ContinuousProperty::getUomAsString ( ) const

Get the unit of measure of the values of this property as a string.

virtual std::string resqml2_0_1::ContinuousProperty::getXmlTag ( ) const

Get the XML tag for the XML serialization of this instance

Implements resqml2::AbstractObject.

Reimplemented in resqml2_0_1::ContinuousPropertySeries.

void ContinuousProperty::pushBackDoubleHdf5Array1dOfValues ( double *  values,
const ULONG64 &  valueCount,
resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy proxy,
const double &  minimumValue = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(),
const double &  maximumValue = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN() 

Add a 1d array of explicit double values to the property values.

valuesAll the property values to set ordered according the topology of the representation it is based on.
valueCountThe number of values to write.
proxyThe HDF proxy where to write the property values. It must be already opened for writing and won't be closed in this method.
minimumValueThe minimum value of the values to add. If NAN is provided then the minimum value will be computed from the values.
maximumValueThe maximum value of the values to add. If NAN is provided then the maximum value will be computed from the values.
void ContinuousProperty::pushBackDoubleHdf5Array2dOfValues ( double *  values,
const ULONG64 &  valueCountInFastestDim,
const ULONG64 &  valueCountInSlowestDim,
resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy proxy,
const double &  minimumValue = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(),
const double &  maximumValue = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN() 

Add a 2d array of explicit double values to the property values.

valuesAll the property values to set ordered according the topology of the representation it is based on.
valueCountInFastestDimThe number of values to write in the fastest dimension (mainly I dimension).
valueCountInSlowestDimThe number of values to write in the slowest dimension (mainly J dimension).
proxyThe HDF proxy where to write the property values. It must be already opened for writing and won't be closed in this method.
minimumValueThe minimum value of the values to add. If NAN is provided then the minimum value will be computed from the values.
maximumValueThe maximum value of the values to add. If NAN is provided then the maximum value will be computed from the values.
void ContinuousProperty::pushBackDoubleHdf5Array3dOfValues ( double *  values,
const ULONG64 &  valueCountInFastestDim,
const ULONG64 &  valueCountInMiddleDim,
const ULONG64 &  valueCountInSlowestDim,
resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy proxy,
const double &  minimumValue = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(),
const double &  maximumValue = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN() 

Add a 3d array of explicit double values to the property values.

valuesAll the property values to set ordered according the topology of the representation it is based on.
valueCountInFastestDimThe number of values to write in the fastest dimension (mainly I dimension).
valueCountInMiddleDimThe number of values to write in the middle dimension (mainly J dimension).
valueCountInSlowestDimThe number of values to write in the slowest dimension (mainly K dimension).
proxyThe HDF proxy where to write the property values. It must be already opened for writing and won't be closed in this method.
minimumValueThe minimum value of the values to add. If NAN is provided then the minimum value will be computed from the values.
maximumValueThe maximum value of the values to add. If NAN is provided then the maximum value will be computed from the values.
void ContinuousProperty::pushBackDoubleHdf5ArrayOfValues ( double *  values,
unsigned long long *  numValues,
const unsigned int &  numArrayDimensions,
resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy proxy,
double *  minimumValue = nullptr,
double *  maximumValue = nullptr 

Add an array (potentially multi dimensions) of explicit double values to the property values.

valuesAll the property values to set ordered according the topology of the representation it is based on.
numValuesThe number of property values ordered by dimension of the array to write.
numArrayDimensionsThe number of dimensions of the array to write.
proxyThe HDF proxy where to write the property values. It must be already opened for writing and won't be closed in this method.
minimumValueThe minimum value (or value vector) of the values to add. If nullptr is provided and the dimension of value is 1 then the minimum value will be computed from the values.
maximumValueThe maximum value (or value vector) of the values to add. If nullptr is provided and the dimension of value is 1 then the maximum value will be computed from the values.
void ContinuousProperty::pushBackFloatHdf5Array1dOfValues ( float *  values,
const ULONG64 &  valueCount,
resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy proxy,
const double &  minimumValue = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(),
const double &  maximumValue = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN() 

Add a 1d array of explicit float values to the property values.

valuesAll the property values to set ordered according the topology of the representation it is based on.
valueCountThe number of values to write.
proxyThe HDF proxy where to write the property values. It must be already opened for writing and won't be closed in this method.
minimumValueThe minimum value of the values to add. If NAN is provided then the minimum value will be computed from the values.
maximumValueThe maximum value of the values to add. If NAN is provided then the maximum value will be computed from the values.
void ContinuousProperty::pushBackFloatHdf5Array2dOfValues ( float *  values,
const ULONG64 &  valueCountInFastestDim,
const ULONG64 &  valueCountInSlowestDim,
resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy proxy,
const double &  minimumValue = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(),
const double &  maximumValue = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN() 

Add a 2d array of explicit float values to the property values.

valuesAll the property values to set ordered according the topology of the representation it is based on.
valueCountInFastestDimThe number of values to write in the slowest dimension (mainly I dimension).
valueCountInSlowestDimThe number of values to write in the slowest dimension (mainly J dimension).
proxyThe HDF proxy where to write the property values. It must be already opened for writing and won't be closed in this method.
minimumValueThe minimum value of the values to add. If NAN is provided then the minimum value will be computed from the values.
maximumValueThe maximum value of the values to add. If NAN is provided then the maximum value will be computed from the values.
void ContinuousProperty::pushBackFloatHdf5Array3dOfValues ( float *  values,
const ULONG64 &  valueCountInFastestDim,
const ULONG64 &  valueCountInMiddleDim,
const ULONG64 &  valueCountInSlowestDim,
resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy proxy,
const double &  minimumValue = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(),
const double &  maximumValue = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN() 

Add a 3d array of explicit float values to the property values.

valuesAll the property values to set ordered according the topology of the representation it is based on.
valueCountInFastestDimThe number of values to write in the slowest dimension (mainly I dimension).
valueCountInMiddleDimThe number of values to write in the slowest dimension (mainly J dimension).
valueCountInSlowestDimThe number of values to write in the slowest dimension (mainly K dimension).
proxyThe HDF proxy where to write the property values. It must be already opened for writing and won't be closed in this method.
minimumValueThe minimum value of the values to add. If NAN is provided then the minimum value will be computed from the values.
maximumValueThe maximum value of the values to add. If NAN is provided then the maximum value will be computed from the values.
void ContinuousProperty::pushBackFloatHdf5ArrayOfValues ( float *  values,
unsigned long long *  numValues,
const unsigned int &  numArrayDimensions,
resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy proxy,
double *  minimumValue = nullptr,
double *  maximumValue = nullptr 

Add an array (potentially multi dimensions) of explicit float values to the property values.

valuesAll the property values to set ordered according the topology of the representation it is based on.
numValuesThe number of property values ordered by dimension of the array to write.
numArrayDimensionsThe number of dimensions of the array to write.
proxyThe HDF proxy where to write the property values. It must be already opened for writing and won't be closed in this method.
minimumValueThe minimum value (or value vector) of the values to add. If nullptr is provided and the dimension of value is 1 then the minimum value will be computed from the values.
maximumValueThe maximum value (or value vector) of the values to add. If nullptr is provided and the dimension of value is 1 then the maximum value will be computed from the values.
void ContinuousProperty::pushBackFloatHdf5SlabArray3dOfValues ( float *  values,
const ULONG64 &  valueCountInFastestDim,
const ULONG64 &  valueCountInMiddleDim,
const ULONG64 &  valueCountInSlowestDim,
const ULONG64 &  offsetInFastestDim,
const ULONG64 &  offsetInMiddleDim,
const ULONG64 &  offsetInSlowestDim,
resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy proxy 

Add a 3d array of explicit float values to the property values.

valuesAll the property values to set ordered according the topology of the representation it is based on.
valueCountInFastestDimThe number of values to write in the fastest dimension (mainly I dimension).
valueCountInMiddleDimThe number of values to write in the middle dimension (mainly J dimension).
valueCountInSlowestDimThe number of values to write in the slowest dimension (mainly K dimension).
offsetInFastestDimThe offset to write in the fastest dimension (mainly I dimension).
offsetInMiddleDimThe offset value to write in the middle dimension (mainly J dimension).
offsetInSlowestDimThe offset value to write in the slowest dimension (mainly K dimension).
proxyThe HDF proxy where to write the property values. It must be already opened for writing and won't be closed in this method.
void ContinuousProperty::pushBackFloatHdf5SlabArrayOfValues ( float *  values,
unsigned long long *  numValues,
unsigned long long *  offsetValues,
const unsigned int &  numArrayDimensions,
resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy proxy 

Add an array (potentially multi dimensions) of explicit float values to the property values. This method is to be used along with createFloatHdf5ArrayOfValues.

valuesAll the property values to set ordered according the topology of the representation it is based on.
numValuesThe number of property values ordered by dimension of the array to write.
offsetValuesThe offset values ordered by dimension of the array to write.
numArrayDimensionsThe number of dimensions of the array to write.
proxyThe HDF proxy where to write the property values. It must be already opened for writing and won't be closed in this method.

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