| CommentProperty (resqml2::AbstractRepresentation *rep, const std::string &guid, const std::string &title, const unsigned int &dimension, const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__IndexableElements &attachmentKind, const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__ResqmlPropertyKind &energisticsPropertyKind) |
| CommentProperty (resqml2::AbstractRepresentation *rep, const std::string &guid, const std::string &title, const unsigned int &dimension, const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__IndexableElements &attachmentKind, resqml2::PropertyKind *localPropKind) |
| CommentProperty (gsoap_resqml2_0_1::_resqml2__CommentProperty *fromGsoap) |
| ~CommentProperty () |
virtual std::string | getXmlTag () const |
void | pushBackStringHdf5ArrayOfValues (const std::vector< std::string > &values, resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy) |
std::vector< std::string > | getStringValuesOfPatch (const unsigned int &patchIndex) |
| AbstractValuesProperty () |
| AbstractValuesProperty (gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__AbstractValuesProperty *fromGsoap) |
virtual | ~AbstractValuesProperty () |
unsigned int | getPatchCount () const |
AbstractValuesProperty::hdfDatatypeEnum | getValuesHdfDatatype () const |
void | pushBackRefToExistingDataset (resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy *hdfProxy, const bool &isAnIntegerDataset, const std::string &dataset="") |
long | getLongValuesOfPatch (const unsigned int &patchIndex, long *values) |
long | getNullValueOfPatch (const unsigned int &patchIndex) |
unsigned long | getULongValuesOfPatch (const unsigned int &patchIndex, unsigned long *values) |
int | getIntValuesOfPatch (const unsigned int &patchIndex, int *values) |
unsigned int | getUIntValuesOfPatch (const unsigned int &patchIndex, unsigned int *values) |
short | getShortValuesOfPatch (const unsigned int &patchIndex, short *values) |
unsigned short | getUShortValuesOfPatch (const unsigned int &patchIndex, unsigned short *values) |
char | getCharValuesOfPatch (const unsigned int &patchIndex, char *values) |
unsigned char | getUCharValuesOfPatch (const unsigned int &patchIndex, unsigned char *values) |
unsigned int | getValuesCountOfPatch (const unsigned int &patchIndex) |
unsigned int | getValuesCountOfDimensionOfPatch (const unsigned int &dimIndex, const unsigned int &patchIndex) |
unsigned int | getDimensionsCountOfPatch (const unsigned int &patchIndex) |
void | pushBackFacet (const gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__Facet &facet, const std::string &facetValue) |
unsigned int | getFacetCount () const |
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__Facet | getFacet (const unsigned int &index) const |
std::string | getFacetValue (const unsigned int &index) const |
void | createLongHdf5ArrayOfValues (unsigned long long *numValues, const unsigned int &numArrayDimensions, resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy) |
void | createLongHdf5Array3dOfValues (const unsigned int &valueCountInFastestDim, const unsigned int &valueCountInMiddleDim, const unsigned int &valueCountInSlowestDim, resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy) |
void | pushBackLongHdf5SlabArray3dOfValues (long *values, const unsigned int &valueCountInFastestDim, const unsigned int &valueCountInMiddleDim, const unsigned int &valueCountInSlowestDim, const unsigned int &offsetInFastestDim, const unsigned int &offsetInMiddleDim, const unsigned int &offsetInSlowestDim, resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy) |
void | pushBackLongHdf5SlabArrayOfValues (long *values, unsigned long long *numValues, unsigned long long *offsetValues, const unsigned int &numArrayDimensions, resqml2::AbstractHdfProxy *proxy) |
void | getLongValuesOfPatch (const unsigned int &patchIndex, long *values, unsigned long long *numValuesInEachDimension, unsigned long long *offsetInEachDimension, const unsigned int &numArrayDimensions) |
void | getLongValuesOf3dPatch (const unsigned int &patchIndex, long *values, const unsigned int &valueCountInFastestDim, const unsigned int &valueCountInMiddleDim, const unsigned int &valueCountInSlowestDim, const unsigned int &offsetInFastestDim, const unsigned int &offsetInMiddleDim, const unsigned int &offsetInSlowestDim) |
| AbstractProperty () |
| AbstractProperty (gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__AbstractProperty *fromGsoap) |
virtual | ~AbstractProperty () |
void | setRepresentation (class AbstractRepresentation *rep) |
class AbstractRepresentation * | getRepresentation () const |
std::string | getRepresentationUuid () const |
std::string | getRepresentationTitle () const |
std::string | getRepresentationContentType () const |
void | setTimeSeries (class TimeSeries *ts) |
TimeSeries * | getTimeSeries () const |
std::string | getTimeSeriesUuid () const |
std::string | getTimeSeriesTitle () const |
void | setTimeIndex (const unsigned int &timeIndex, class TimeSeries *ts) |
void | setTimeStep (const unsigned int &timeStep) |
time_t | getTimestamp () const |
unsigned int | getTimeIndex () const |
void | setHdfProxy (AbstractHdfProxy *proxy) |
AbstractHdfProxy * | getHdfProxy () const |
std::string | getHdfProxyUuid () const |
unsigned int | getElementCountPerValue () const |
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__IndexableElements | getAttachmentKind () const |
bool | isAssociatedToOneStandardEnergisticsPropertyKind () const |
std::string | getPropertyKindDescription () const |
std::string | getPropertyKindAsString () const |
std::string | getPropertyKindParentAsString () const |
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__ResqmlPropertyKind | getEnergisticsPropertyKind () const |
void | setLocalPropertyKind (class PropertyKind *propKind) |
std::string | getLocalPropertyKindUuid () const |
std::string | getLocalPropertyKindTitle () const |
class PropertyKind * | getLocalPropertyKind () const |
virtual gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__ResqmlPropertyKind | getFirstAllowedPropertyKindParent () const |
bool | isPartial () const |
std::string | getUuid () const |
std::string | getTitle () const |
std::string | getEditor () const |
time_t | getCreation () const |
std::string | getOriginator () const |
std::string | getDescription () const |
time_t | getLastUpdate () const |
std::string | getFormat () const |
std::string | getDescriptiveKeywords () const |
void | setTitle (const std::string &title) |
void | setEditor (const std::string &editor) |
void | setCreation (const time_t &creation) |
void | setOriginator (const std::string &originator) |
void | setDescription (const std::string &description) |
void | setLastUpdate (const time_t &lastUpdate) |
void | setFormat (const std::string &format) |
void | setDescriptiveKeywords (const std::string &descriptiveKeywords) |
void | setMetadata (const std::string &title, const std::string &editor, const time_t &creation, const std::string &originator, const std::string &description, const time_t &lastUpdate, const std::string &format, const std::string &descriptiveKeywords) |
void | serializeIntoStream (std::ostream *stream) |
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::eml__AbstractCitedDataObject * | getGsoapProxy () const |
soap * | getGsoapContext () const |
int | getGsoapType () const |
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::eml__DataObjectReference * | newResqmlReference () const |
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::resqml2__ContactElementReference * | newResqmlContactElementReference () const |
common::EpcDocument * | getEpcDocument () const |
virtual std::string | getXmlNamespace () const |
virtual std::string | getResqmlVersion () const |
std::string | getContentType () const |
std::string | getPartNameInEpcDocument () const |
std::string | serializeIntoString () |
void | addAlias (const std::string &authority, const std::string &title) |
unsigned int | getAliasCount () const |
std::string | getAliasAuthorityAtIndex (const unsigned int &index) const |
std::string | getAliasTitleAtIndex (const unsigned int &index) const |
const std::vector< resqml2::Activity * > & | getActivitySet () const |
void | addOrSetExtraMetadata (const std::string &key, const std::string &value) |
std::tr1::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > | getExtraMetadataSet () const |
std::string | getExtraMetadata (const std::string &key) |
unsigned int | getExtraMetadataCount () const |
std::string | getExtraMetadataKeyAtIndex (const unsigned int &index) const |
std::string | getExtraMetadataStringValueAtIndex (const unsigned int &index) const |
enum | hdfDatatypeEnum {
FLOAT = 2,
LONG = 3,
ULONG = 4,
INT = 5,
UINT = 6,
SHORT = 7,
CHAR = 9,
UCHAR = 10
} |
std::string | getPathInHdfFileOfPatch (const unsigned int &patchIndex, LONG64 &nullValue) const |
void | setXmlRepresentation (class AbstractRepresentation *rep) |
void | setXmlTimeSeries (TimeSeries *ts) |
void | setXmlLocalPropertyKind (class PropertyKind *propKind) |
virtual std::vector< epc::Relationship > | getAllEpcRelationships () const |
virtual void | importRelationshipSetFromEpc (common::EpcDocument *epcDoc) |
| AbstractObject (common::EpcDocument *epcDoc, gsoap_resqml2_0_1::eml__DataObjectReference *partialObject) |
| Indicate whether methods update the XML (gSoap) or only the C++ classes of the API. More...
| AbstractObject (gsoap_resqml2_0_1::eml__AbstractCitedDataObject *proxy=nullptr) |
void | initMandatoryMetadata () |
void | setMetadata (const std::string &guid, const std::string &title, const std::string &editor, const time_t &creation, const std::string &originator, const std::string &description, const time_t &lastUpdate, const std::string &format, const std::string &descriptiveKeywords) |
static void | addActivityToResqmlObject (resqml2::Activity *activity, AbstractObject *resqmlObject) |
class AbstractLocal3dCrs * | local3dCrs |
gsoap_resqml2_0_1::eml__AbstractCitedDataObject * | gsoapProxy2_0_1 |
common::EpcDocument * | epcDocument |
std::vector< resqml2::Activity * > | activitySet |
bool | updateXml |