This project provides C++ classes which allow an easy access in import and export to the Energistics standards.

FESAPI is a library helping developers who want to import and/or export RESQML™, partly WITSML™ and partly PRODML™ data into a software.

Key functionalities are:

  • Open source (license Apache 2.0)
  • Community friendly (GitHub forge)
  • Multiplatforms (CMake build)
  • Multilanguages (Swig wrappers)
  • XML serialization/deserialization (GSoap)
  • EPC for Energistics Packaging Conventions (minizip)
  • HDF5 (official HDF5 library)

In this documentation, you would find all FESAPI classes and their documentation into the Classes tab button above. Please feel very free to participate to this documentation by providing pull request on Github or comments on the FESAPI forum.

<font size="1"> RESQML, WITSML and PRODML are trademarks or registered trademarks of Energistics Consortium, Inc.</font>