My Project
This is the complete list of members for prodml2_0::HdfProxy, including all inherited members.
AbstractHdfProxy(const std::string &packageDirAbsolutePath, const std::string &externalFilePath) | common::AbstractHdfProxy | protected |
AbstractHdfProxy(gsoap_resqml2_0_1::_eml20__EpcExternalPartReference *fromGsoap, const std::string &packageDirAbsolutePath, const std::string &externalFilePath) (defined in common::AbstractHdfProxy) | common::AbstractHdfProxy | inlineprotected |
AbstractHdfProxy(gsoap_eml2_1::_eml21__EpcExternalPartReference *fromGsoap, const std::string &packageDirAbsolutePath, const std::string &externalFilePath) (defined in common::AbstractHdfProxy) | common::AbstractHdfProxy | inlineprotected |
AbstractObject() | common::AbstractObject | protected |
AbstractObject(gsoap_resqml2_0_1::eml20__DataObjectReference *partialObject) | common::AbstractObject | protected |
AbstractObject(gsoap_resqml2_0_1::eml20__AbstractCitedDataObject *proxy) (defined in common::AbstractObject) | common::AbstractObject | protected |
AbstractObject(gsoap_eml2_1::eml21__AbstractObject *proxy) (defined in common::AbstractObject) | common::AbstractObject | protected |
activitySet (defined in common::AbstractObject) | common::AbstractObject | protected |
addActivityToResqmlObject(resqml2::Activity *activity, AbstractObject *resqmlObject) (defined in common::AbstractObject) | common::AbstractObject | protectedstatic |
addAlias(const std::string &authority, const std::string &title) | common::AbstractObject | |
cannotBePartial() const | common::AbstractObject | protected |
changeToPartialObject() | common::AbstractObject | protected |
close() | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
compressionLevel (defined in common::HdfProxy) | common::HdfProxy | protected |
createArrayNd(const std::string &groupName, const std::string &name, const int &datatype, unsigned long long *numValuesInEachDimension, const unsigned int &numDimensions) | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
dasAcquisitionSourceObject | common::EpcExternalPartReference | protected |
EmlVersion enum name (defined in common::AbstractObject) | common::AbstractObject | protected |
epcDocument (defined in common::AbstractObject) | common::AbstractObject | protected |
EpcExternalPartReference(const std::string &packageDirAbsolutePath, const std::string &externalFilePath) | common::EpcExternalPartReference | |
EpcExternalPartReference(gsoap_resqml2_0_1::_eml20__EpcExternalPartReference *fromGsoap, const std::string &packageDirAbsolutePath, const std::string &externalFilePath) | common::EpcExternalPartReference | inline |
EpcExternalPartReference(gsoap_eml2_1::_eml21__EpcExternalPartReference *fromGsoap, const std::string &packageDirAbsolutePath, const std::string &externalFilePath) | common::EpcExternalPartReference | inline |
exist(const std::string &absolutePathInHdfFile) const | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
getActivity(const unsigned int &index) const | common::AbstractObject | |
getActivityCount() const | common::AbstractObject | |
getActivitySet() const | common::AbstractObject | |
getAliasAuthorityAtIndex(const unsigned int &index) const | common::AbstractObject | |
getAliasCount() const | common::AbstractObject | |
getAliasTitleAtIndex(const unsigned int &index) const | common::AbstractObject | |
getAllEpcRelationships() const | common::EpcExternalPartReference | protectedvirtual |
getContentType() const | common::AbstractObject | virtual |
getCreation() const (defined in common::AbstractObject) | common::AbstractObject | |
getDescription() const (defined in common::AbstractObject) | common::AbstractObject | |
getDescriptiveKeywords() const (defined in common::AbstractObject) | common::AbstractObject | |
getDimensionCount(const std::string &datasetName) | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
getEditor() const (defined in common::AbstractObject) | common::AbstractObject | |
getElementCount(const std::string &datasetName) | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
getEpcDocument() const | common::AbstractObject | inline |
getExtraMetadata(const std::string &key) const | common::AbstractObject | |
getExtraMetadataCount() const | common::AbstractObject | |
getExtraMetadataKeyAtIndex(const unsigned int &index) const | common::AbstractObject | |
getExtraMetadataSet() const | common::AbstractObject | |
getExtraMetadataStringValueAtIndex(const unsigned int &index) const | common::AbstractObject | |
getFormat() const (defined in common::AbstractObject) | common::AbstractObject | |
getGsoapContext() const | common::AbstractObject | |
getGsoapProxy() const | common::AbstractObject | inline |
getGsoapType() const | common::AbstractObject | |
getHdfDatatypeClassInDataset(const std::string &datasetName) const | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
getHdfDatatypeInDataset(const std::string &groupName) const | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
getLastUpdate() const (defined in common::AbstractObject) | common::AbstractObject | |
getOriginator() const (defined in common::AbstractObject) | common::AbstractObject | |
getPartNameInEpcDocument() const | common::AbstractObject | virtual |
getRelativePath() const | common::EpcExternalPartReference | inline |
getResqmlVersion() const | common::AbstractObject | virtual |
getTitle() const (defined in common::AbstractObject) | common::AbstractObject | |
getUuid() const (defined in common::AbstractObject) | common::AbstractObject | |
getXmlNamespace() const | prodml2_0::HdfProxy | virtual |
getXmlTag() const | common::EpcExternalPartReference | virtual |
gsoapProxy2_0_1 (defined in common::AbstractObject) | common::AbstractObject | protected |
gsoapProxy2_1 (defined in common::AbstractObject) | common::AbstractObject | protected |
hdfFile (defined in common::HdfProxy) | common::HdfProxy | protected |
HdfProxy(soap *soapContext, const std::string &guid, const std::string &title, const std::string &packageDirAbsolutePath, const std::string &externalFilePath) | prodml2_0::HdfProxy | |
HdfProxy(soap *soapContext, const std::string &packageDirAbsolutePath, const std::string &externalFilePath) (defined in prodml2_0::HdfProxy) | prodml2_0::HdfProxy | |
HdfProxy(gsoap_eml2_1::_eml21__EpcExternalPartReference *fromGsoap, const std::string &packageDirAbsolutePath, const std::string &externalFilePath) (defined in prodml2_0::HdfProxy) | prodml2_0::HdfProxy | inline |
HdfProxy(gsoap_resqml2_0_1::_eml20__EpcExternalPartReference *fromGsoap, const std::string &packageDirAbsolutePath, const std::string &externalFilePath) (defined in common::HdfProxy) | common::HdfProxy | inlineprotected |
common::HdfProxy::HdfProxy(const std::string &packageDirAbsolutePath, const std::string &externalFilePath) | common::HdfProxy | protected |
importRelationshipSetFromEpc(common::EpcDocument *epcDoc) | common::EpcExternalPartReference | inlineprotectedvirtual |
initGsoapProxy(soap *soapContext, const std::string &guid, const std::string &title, const EmlVersion &emlVersion) | common::AbstractHdfProxy | protected |
initMandatoryMetadata() (defined in common::AbstractObject) | common::AbstractObject | protected |
isOpened() const | common::HdfProxy | inlinevirtual |
isPartial() const | common::AbstractObject | inline |
newEmlReference() const (defined in common::AbstractObject) | common::AbstractObject | |
newResqmlContactElementReference() const (defined in common::AbstractObject) | common::AbstractObject | |
newResqmlReference() const (defined in common::AbstractObject) | common::AbstractObject | |
open() | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
openOrCreateAcquisitionGroup() (defined in prodml2_0::HdfProxy) | prodml2_0::HdfProxy | |
openOrCreateGroupInRootGroup(const std::string &groupName) | common::HdfProxy | protected |
openOrCreateRootGroup() | common::HdfProxy | protectedvirtual |
packageDirectoryAbsolutePath | common::EpcExternalPartReference | protected |
propertySourceObject | common::EpcExternalPartReference | protected |
pushBackExtraMetadata(const std::string &key, const std::string &value) | common::AbstractObject | |
readArrayDimensions(const std::string &datasetName) | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
readArrayNdOfCharValues(const std::string &datasetName, char *values) | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
readArrayNdOfDoubleValues(const std::string &datasetName, double *values) | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
readArrayNdOfDoubleValues(const std::string &datasetName, double *values, unsigned long long *numValuesInEachDimension, unsigned long long *offsetInEachDimension, const unsigned int &numDimensions) | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
readArrayNdOfFloatValues(const std::string &datasetName, float *values) | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
readArrayNdOfFloatValues(const std::string &datasetName, float *values, unsigned long long *numValuesInEachDimension, unsigned long long *offsetInEachDimension, const unsigned int &numDimensions) | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
readArrayNdOfGSoapLong64Values(const std::string &datasetName, LONG64 *values) | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
readArrayNdOfGSoapULong64Values(const std::string &datasetName, ULONG64 *values) | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
readArrayNdOfIntValues(const std::string &datasetName, int *values) | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
readArrayNdOfIntValues(const std::string &datasetName, int *values, unsigned long long *numValuesInEachDimension, unsigned long long *offsetInEachDimension, const unsigned int &numDimensions) | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
readArrayNdOfLongValues(const std::string &datasetName, long *values) | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
readArrayNdOfLongValues(const std::string &datasetName, long *values, unsigned long long *numValuesInEachDimension, unsigned long long *offsetInEachDimension, const unsigned int &numDimensions) | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
readArrayNdOfShortValues(const std::string &datasetName, short *values) | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
readArrayNdOfUCharValues(const std::string &datasetName, unsigned char *values) | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
readArrayNdOfUIntValues(const std::string &datasetName, unsigned int *values) | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
readArrayNdOfULongValues(const std::string &datasetName, unsigned long *values) | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
readArrayNdOfUShortValues(const std::string &datasetName, unsigned short *values) | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
readArrayNdOfValues(const std::string &datasetName, void *values, const int &datatype) | common::HdfProxy | protected |
readArrayNdOfValues(const std::string &datasetName, void *values, unsigned long long *numValuesInEachDimension, unsigned long long *offsetInEachDimension, const unsigned int &numDimensions, const int &datatype) | common::HdfProxy | protected |
readDoubleAttribute(const std::string &obj_name, const std::string &attr_name) const | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
readLongAttribute(const std::string &obj_name, const std::string &attr_name) const | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
readStringArrayAttribute(const std::string &obj_name, const std::string &attr_name) const (defined in common::HdfProxy) | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
readStringAttribute(const std::string &obj_name, const std::string &attr_name) const | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
relativeFilePath | common::EpcExternalPartReference | protected |
representationSourceObject (defined in common::EpcExternalPartReference) | common::EpcExternalPartReference | protected |
serializeIntoStream(std::ostream *stream) | common::AbstractObject | |
serializeIntoString() | common::AbstractObject | |
setCompressionLevel(const unsigned int &newCompressionLevel) | common::HdfProxy | inlinevirtual |
setCreation(const time_t &creation) (defined in common::AbstractObject) | common::AbstractObject | |
setDescription(const std::string &description) (defined in common::AbstractObject) | common::AbstractObject | |
setDescriptiveKeywords(const std::string &descriptiveKeywords) (defined in common::AbstractObject) | common::AbstractObject | |
setEditor(const std::string &editor) (defined in common::AbstractObject) | common::AbstractObject | |
setFormat(const std::string &format) (defined in common::AbstractObject) | common::AbstractObject | |
setLastUpdate(const time_t &lastUpdate) (defined in common::AbstractObject) | common::AbstractObject | |
setMetadata(const std::string &guid, const std::string &title, const std::string &editor, const time_t &creation, const std::string &originator, const std::string &description, const time_t &lastUpdate, const std::string &format, const std::string &descriptiveKeywords) | common::AbstractObject | protected |
setMetadata(const std::string &title, const std::string &editor, const time_t &creation, const std::string &originator, const std::string &description, const time_t &lastUpdate, const std::string &format, const std::string &descriptiveKeywords) | common::AbstractObject | |
setOriginator(const std::string &originator) (defined in common::AbstractObject) | common::AbstractObject | |
setTitle(const std::string &title) (defined in common::AbstractObject) | common::AbstractObject | |
TWO_DOT_ONE enum value (defined in common::AbstractObject) | common::AbstractObject | protected |
TWO_DOT_ZERO enum value (defined in common::AbstractObject) | common::AbstractObject | protected |
updateXml (defined in common::AbstractObject) | common::AbstractObject | protected |
writeArrayNd(const std::string &groupName, const std::string &name, const int &datatype, void *values, unsigned long long *numValuesInEachDimension, const unsigned int &numDimensions) | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
writeArrayNdOfCharValues(const std::string &groupName, const std::string &name, char *intValues, unsigned long long *numValuesInEachDimension, const unsigned int &numDimensions) | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
writeArrayNdOfDoubleValues(const std::string &groupName, const std::string &name, double *dblValues, unsigned long long *numValuesInEachDimension, const unsigned int &numDimensions) | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
writeArrayNdOfFloatValues(const std::string &groupName, const std::string &name, float *floatValues, unsigned long long *numValuesInEachDimension, const unsigned int &numDimensions) (defined in common::HdfProxy) | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
writeArrayNdOfGSoapULong64Values(const std::string &groupName, const std::string &name, ULONG64 *ulong64Values, unsigned long long *numValuesInEachDimension, const unsigned int &numDimensions) | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
writeArrayNdOfIntValues(const std::string &groupName, const std::string &name, int *intValues, unsigned long long *numValuesInEachDimension, const unsigned int &numDimensions) | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
writeArrayNdSlab(const std::string &groupName, const std::string &name, const int &datatype, void *values, unsigned long long *numValuesInEachDimension, unsigned long long *offsetValuesInEachDimension, const unsigned int &numDimensions) | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
writeDatasetAttribute(const std::string &datasetName, const std::string &attributeName, const std::vector< std::string > &values) | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
writeDatasetAttributes(const std::string &datasetName, const std::vector< std::string > &attributeNames, const std::vector< std::string > &values) | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
writeDatasetAttributes(const std::string &datasetName, const std::vector< std::string > &attributeNames, const std::vector< double > &values) | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
writeDatasetAttributes(const std::string &datasetName, const std::vector< std::string > &attributeNames, const std::vector< int > &values) | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
writeGroupAttribute(const std::string &groupName, const std::string &attributeName, const std::vector< std::string > &values) | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
writeGroupAttributes(const std::string &groupName, const std::vector< std::string > &attributeNames, const std::vector< std::string > &values) | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
writeGroupAttributes(const std::string &groupName, const std::vector< std::string > &attributeNames, const std::vector< double > &values) | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
writeGroupAttributes(const std::string &groupName, const std::vector< std::string > &attributeNames, const std::vector< int > &values) | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
writeItemizedListOfList(const std::string &groupName, const std::string &name, const int &cumulativeLengthDatatype, void *cumulativeLength, const unsigned long long &cumulativeLengthSize, const int &elementsDatatype, void *elements, const unsigned long long &elementsSize) | common::HdfProxy | virtual |
XML_TAG (defined in common::EpcExternalPartReference) | common::EpcExternalPartReference | static |
~AbstractHdfProxy() (defined in common::AbstractHdfProxy) | common::AbstractHdfProxy | inlinevirtual |
~AbstractObject() (defined in common::AbstractObject) | common::AbstractObject | inlinevirtual |
~EpcExternalPartReference() | common::EpcExternalPartReference | inline |
~HdfProxy() (defined in prodml2_0::HdfProxy) | prodml2_0::HdfProxy | inline |